Who nicked my dust caps?

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Who nicked my dust caps?
(15-07-2015, 10:41 AM)darrenjlobb Wrote: I personally fail to see the point in making this thread in the first place...what was it really going to gain...whoever did it isn't going to own up if they are on here or not... Its just another excuse to have a rant / try and wind people up etc...Just end up upsetting people and causing trouble, and what is the point, we are all here to have a laugh, so there's no point having arguments etc really is there... It dosnt help anyone / just looks bad on our public forum to new members and existing members (of which there are HUNDREDS that would otherwise never have known / needed to know about such activities / sillyness)

Believe it or not, a few years ago at FCS someone actually ran into my car (playing frisbee in a camp site next to everyone's cars!) and caved in / creased the rear quarter panel of my car...Was I upset / annoyed about it? Yes of course I was...The worst place / most expensive place tor epair on the entier car....I was gutted...Did I make a scene about it? No, in fact hardly anyone even knew it had happened, and did I make a post about it afterwards? No...**** happens in life sadly and sometimes just got to bite your lip / carry on / be the better person.

Obviously who ever did nick them is a total tool, but lets be honest, what has he gained, a few dust caps and a bad reputation? As far as I'm concerned the only person looking a fool is whoever did it in the first place. With regard to loosening wheel bolts / letting tyres down, if it happened or not, that's totally out of order, but again, never going to find out who did it sadly, so best thing that we can do is learn from it / not react / make a scene and attract whoever it was to carry on and I guess everyone just needs to be more aware, and personally check over there car if they have been away from it, just to cover themselves. But unless people react / have a specific "issue" with somebody, I think its pretty unlikely anyone would be directly targeted for such stupendous activities (which can easily result in deaths)

4 page thread over some dust caps essentially from original post...see my point?

We are all friends, lets keep it that way Smile

I appreciate all that bud.

But the damage to your car was accidental, no? - theres a difference.

AND if you have a look, I realised it was going a bad way and ASKED for it to be locked/closed. 

Which it was... then YOU said it was being reopened!!??
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I closed the thread, I closed it yesterday, not because you asked (didn't know you did / didn't ask me) but because that was my decision / I couldn't see the point in letting it run.

However it was decided amongst everyone else that it was the wrong decision, so there fore re opened. Not my decision. Doesn't worry me but I closed it at the time as personally could see it doing more harm than good.

And yes, it was an accident, but then, you could say is it really an accident being a member of a car club playing frisbee next to everyone's pride and joy?? Either way I don't care, like I said **** happens in life sometimes. I just don't think making a fuss about it on here will benefit anyone, including yourself.
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I dont recall any fighting at the show.
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(15-07-2015, 11:53 AM)darrenjlobb Wrote: I closed the thread, I closed it yesterday, not because you asked (didn't know you did / didn't ask me) but because that was my decision / I couldn't see the point in letting it run.

However it was decided amongst everyone else that it was the wrong decision, so there fore re opened. Not my decision. Doesn't worry me but I closed it at the time as personally could see it doing more harm than good.

And yes, it was an accident, but then, you could say is it really an accident being a member of a car club playing frisbee next to everyone's pride and joy?? Either way I don't care, like I said **** happens in life sometimes. I just don't think making a fuss about it on here will benefit anyone, including yourself.

ahh fair nuf

I asked it to be, then Paul13 messaged me, so I assumed he had. He had removed  a bad comment too.

I never have arguments as my intention with any thread.

happy for this to be locked/closed/removed tbh Smile
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I'll give it ya!

There wasnt any fighting, just the usual handbags by drunken people. All Drama no fighting.
Team - Inappropriate Footwear. Member 1 of 3.

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(15-07-2015, 12:37 PM)Fooby Wrote: I'll give it ya!

There wasnt any fighting, just the usual handbags by drunken people. All Drama no fighting.

The volvo Vs megane debate lol
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Team Cyril
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You started a thread asking which of the club's members had stolen from you fella, what did you expect?
Phase 1 D-Turdo, K14@24 psi, De-cat, meaty backbox, Bosch pump, grinded LDA pin, duel air fed K&N =133.7bhp & 188ft/lbs
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(15-07-2015, 12:23 PM)ADV_93 Wrote: I dont recall any fighting at the show.

'Hey your that guy i always argue with on facebook.. YOU LEGEND!' lol
[Image: 17b33c2a-8471-4313-992e-0a4b324cf926_zps2e63812a.jpg]
Team Cyril
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(15-07-2015, 12:40 PM)Mattcheese31 Wrote: You started a thread asking which of the club's members had stolen from you fella, what did you expect?

who knows.. its the 306oc! Never expect anything lol

someone may have known something about it. 

Theres A LOT more threads started every week that have no real reason for starting. But its an open forum, open for discussion, isnt it!?

Now, are all the staff done picking at me and my thread!?
Wishes for more power...
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The thread is open. We want to hear what all members have to say and what their thoughts are so we can improve in the future. We arent sticking our heads in the sand about this. Lets not be angry that everyone is trying to resolve this.

I didnt go to the event however...

Someone broke a tree apaprently unmaliciously - oh well.
Someone wrote all over foobys car - standard.
Someone stole a single dustcap and kids were witnessed stealing them from other cars - unfortunate but oh well. Lets not keep going on about it.
Someone got drunk - Know your limits and we all need to look after each other.
We think another clubs member loosened someones wheel bolts - completely unacceptable and in a completely different level of NO! However it isnt our club, nobody can prove who it was or even if it was somebody doing it with intent. Nobody witnessed anything, so nothing can be done apart from everyone being vigilant and looking out for each other in the future.

I think thats pretty much it. Things to look out for, but nothing to actually do.
Thanks given by: Matt-Rallye , procta
To be brutally honest, Piggy, you need to wise up a bit mate, genuinely meant in the nicest possible way. Matt's got it on the head, a thread like this was only ever going to go one way. Maybe just have a quick think before posting similar things in future, decide whether or not it's likely to achieve anything.

Assuming you're also genuine, that is, otherwise quit it with the bs and we'll stop pulling holes in it. Wink
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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(15-07-2015, 12:45 PM)Matt-Rallye Wrote:
(15-07-2015, 12:23 PM)ADV_93 Wrote: I dont recall any fighting at the show.

'Hey your that guy i always argue with on facebook.. YOU LEGEND!' [emoji38]
Was nice to finally meet you mate! Didnt talk to a lot of people there but everyone seemed to be ok.
3 x Peugeot owner.

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as said before, I didnt reveal it straight away, but it was one cap AND a tyre being deflated which is potentially life threatening.
I was hoping for some honesty IF it was someone here or someone knew who it was. It could have been thought of as a prank without considering the consequences.

A thread only goes a certain way IF people take it that way.

As I said before I requested it be closed as soon as I could see it wasn't being productive

I find it a little odd that I am still getting picked on for starting a thread that I asked to be closed as soon as I could see it wasnt going well, it was closed and then opened by the staff that think the thread was a bad idea!?!?! MAAAAAAD!
Wishes for more power...
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(15-07-2015, 12:37 PM)Fooby Wrote: I'll give it ya!

There wasnt any fighting, just the usual handbags by drunken people. All Drama no fighting.

Square f*cking go like!!!!!!!

I turned your car around (I was careful because I do respect it as a nice machine and I couldn't live with my conscience if I had damaged it in any way - btw the gearbox is a little lumpy and third gear was a pain going up the hill) and I will say it was f*cking stupid however to leave your keys in the car, and then disappear for breakfast! As that could have ended far far worse.

I stuck the sticker on your car.. As you already know..

I and others in the club might mess around.. A la the above, and foobies car, but I can say that I don't think anyone in this club would do anything malicious and/or that could potentially endanger the life of a member or damage the car
Given the choice between Niall and the sheep. I would choose the sheep!
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(15-07-2015, 12:52 PM)ADV_93 Wrote:
(15-07-2015, 12:45 PM)Matt-Rallye Wrote:
(15-07-2015, 12:23 PM)ADV_93 Wrote: I dont recall any fighting at the show.

'Hey your that guy i always argue with on facebook.. YOU LEGEND!' [emoji38]
Was nice to finally meet you mate! Didnt talk to a lot of people there but everyone seemed to be ok.

Likewise buddy Big Grin  i remember you turning up later with a banana onesie on and i started yelling 'peanut butter jelly time' lol
[Image: 17b33c2a-8471-4313-992e-0a4b324cf926_zps2e63812a.jpg]
Team Cyril
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why did I start a thread like this..... I forget now...

but this above is hilarious to read!
Wishes for more power...
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(15-07-2015, 12:46 PM)Piggy Wrote:
(15-07-2015, 12:40 PM)Mattcheese31 Wrote: You started a thread asking which of the club's members had stolen from you fella, what did you expect?

who knows.. its the 306oc! Never expect anything lol

someone may have known something about it. 

Theres A LOT more threads started every week that have no real reason for starting. But its an open forum, open for discussion, isnt it!?

Now, are all the staff done picking at me and my thread!?

I'm not picking at you, just asking a question, like a few questions I've asked that you've dodged answering, it's all very well starting a thread and then asking for it to be closed when you don't like the response, personally I think you should suck it up and think about maybe justifying yourself, rather than shirking questions and asking for it to be closed, I don't like these threads where we've having a go at each other but, the fact of the matter is you've created as much trouble and bad feeling ad anybody and you really ought to pay that some mind, I had a great time this weekend regardless of the fact that the worst thing probably happened to me, I'm not crying over it though or calling people below yourself because they like a drink or whatever, I can be forthright in the way I address people but I consider myself very tolerant of all types of people, the way you speak of your clubmates is Imo judgemental and not fair, I'm done baiting you now ad I know you and your missus have less than no sense of humour, I can live with that though and I wish you'd camp and spend time getting to know people for what they really are, book by its cover seems to be your approach though, shame as the world's a big place and friends are a commodity.......peace out x
Phase 1 D-Turdo, K14@24 psi, De-cat, meaty backbox, Bosch pump, grinded LDA pin, duel air fed K&N =133.7bhp & 188ft/lbs
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It does seem like some people are picking on things that are not there.....

I fee like it was ok for piggy to start this, I doubt he ever thought some one would own up, it was just for him to say he knows about it and if the person who done it was reading he knows he told them what he thinks of them...

I feel it's good to start stuff like this people might be more aware and keep an eye out...

Funny enough at fcs I was out on track and felt a vibration around a lap in so come in to find 4 wheel bolts loose on one wheel... bit funny considering I done all 4 and remember doing all 4 the day before we left...

I know they may not have been seated correct etc... But like I said hopefully people will keep their eye out for shit like this from now on.

On another note I would be annoyed if some one did put stickers on the paintwork of my car, so if it was on piggys paint work I could see why he'd be annoyed... But this doesn't mean I wouldn't have a laugh at all just would rather not try to sort out little scratches and swirl marks of I could help it.
Thanks given by: Piggy
(15-07-2015, 01:04 PM)Mattcheese31 Wrote:
(15-07-2015, 12:46 PM)Piggy Wrote:
(15-07-2015, 12:40 PM)Mattcheese31 Wrote: You started a thread asking which of the club's members had stolen from you fella, what did you expect?

who knows.. its the 306oc! Never expect anything lol

someone may have known something about it. 

Theres A LOT more threads started every week that have no real reason for starting. But its an open forum, open for discussion, isnt it!?

Now, are all the staff done picking at me and my thread!?

I'm not picking at you, just asking a question, like a few questions I've asked that you've dodged answering, it's all very well starting a thread and then asking for it to be closed when you don't like the response, personally I think you should suck it up and think about maybe justifying yourself, rather than shirking questions and asking for it to be closed, I don't like these threads where we've having a go at each other but, the fact of the matter is you've created as much trouble and bad feeling ad anybody and you really ought to pay that some mind, I had a great time this weekend regardless of the fact that the worst thing probably happened to me, I'm not crying over it though or calling people below yourself because they like a drink or whatever, I can be forthright in the way I address people but I consider myself very tolerant of all types of people, the way you speak of your clubmates is Imo judgemental and not fair, I'm done baiting you now ad I know you and your missus have less than no sense of humour, I can live with that though and I wish you'd camp and spend time getting to know people for what they really are, book by its cover seems to be your approach though, shame as the world's a big place and friends are a commodity.......peace out x

How do you know thats why I asked it to be closed?! Its NOT me that doesnt like the response! I felt that in the benefit of the forum it was going to properly offend someone, which I have already said a few times, THAT was the reason. But I have already said that. If you want to make anything else up about how I feel or think, carry on. Doesnt mean its right.

says the guy who thinks he knows two people he has met once, briefly!? 

We have a cracking sense of humor. But we were offended by something. We didnt fly off the handle initially but said what we felt. Nearly EVERYONE else then hailed abuse at us for having an opinion... then someone decided to do it again KNOWING how we felt. That was not the core of this thread, but again OTHER people have made it so.

and to justify myself for asking for information about something being nicked and tyre being deflated!? Not sure I need to justify that tbh.

As I have ALREADY said I dont judge anyone for having a drink. I wasnt even there. But I have heard about the results, each meet we go to we here the stories when we arrive. Puts us right off tbh. 

And if Mrs Piggy doesnt like something, I wont be forced to make her do something she doesnt like. I will defend how she feels despite lots of people thinking she and I should have the same opinion as others.

(15-07-2015, 01:20 PM)Lwilliams Wrote: It does seem like some people are picking on things that are not there.....

This. 110%!

This thread is not productive. It is making war not peace.

It has become something I didn't think it would and I feel I am once again an easy target.

Request please to have it closed.
Wishes for more power...
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I think everyone has now made the opinion clear. Thanks everyone for your time and effort to really discuss the issues at hand.

Now that everything that needs to be in the open is, i'm happy to close this thread.

If anyone wants to discuss this further, this is absolutely fine, feel free to make a new thread and appropriate subject title and we as the mod team will aim to keep it on track.

Healthy discussion is always welcomed.
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Thanks given by: Piggy

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