Life after death? Weird..

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Life after death? Weird..
my gran is in hospital again, she was in last year and the year before. all around this time too. we are thinking her memory is going sadly as she cannot take care of her self properly anymore. every time i see her see looks worse, she went in due to a fall and they are checking everything over. my mum is stressed to f*ck as shes getting f*ck all support from other family members! part from me and my dad. iam trying to keep the peace as best as i can. driving me mum about and backing her up where needs be. i have also pushed me mum into looking at other places for me gran to live as my gran hates where she lives.
i know what your going thru as i was in the same boat with me grandad. waiting for that call to come down. keep a strong buddy for you and your family at this time.
i recon people are watching over us in a way too, as i had a very near miss with a stanley knife. so i think my grandad saved me with that one, also hes keeping an eye out on my cousin out in afgan too.
i dont beleve in god etc but in luck.
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Toms306 Wrote:That said, I don't believe in anything after death, I've been waiting to die for years now and I hope there's nothing after! For me anyway! Maybe people that believe in afterlife get it, and those that don't, don't get it....the thing is there's no proof for either, obviously no ones lived through it, so well never know until you're in that position.

Tom, how dare you be so negative about yourself! Don't be waiting to die, you've got so much ahead of you! You are too young to be depressed, you can't even grow a moustache yet Tongue

Ignore the people on here that just refer to you as a spammer. You shouldn't have to care what people think, be yourself and do your own thing, friends are for losers :mrgreen: You've got to be more selfish, look after number one, no one else will.

Regarding your opinion on the 'afterlife' for a lot of people it would depend what it was and whether or not it's something you would necessarily want to believe in. No point believing in it if it would be something like eternal damnation :nope:

Jacko Wrote:My views are:

- Everything happens for a reason
- If you live a happy and guilt free life you're reincarnated into something nice, If not you become reincarnated as something horrible- If this life you're good to others, then the next life will be good to you.

Haha, that's my afterlife sorted then! At the age of 22 I can quite confidently say that I have done some bad things and have guilt for them as well as other things that have gone on in my head but my view is if you don't feel guilt for bad things you have done then that is wrong.

n0v0s Wrote:Sorry to hear about your Nan mate.

I believe that once you pass, that is it. I don't believe in there being a body and seperate soul/spirit. The 'spirit' is you. The very thing that characterises you from any other person. It is the unique structure and physiology of your brain, and the way in which it has become wired throughout having lived a life with experiences unique to you and the way in which it interacts within itself and with the world around you.

Once you die, my belief is that the 'spirit' dies with you. Your loved ones hold memories of you, and remember you. That i believe IS the spirit people talk of. Memories of someone who once lived, living on. When we dissect cadavers, the body is very much detatched from 'human' so i can see where the idea of the body being a vessle belief comes from.

Well that is quite a negative view on things isn't it! I to think that is the case however, once you die thats the end, just like before you were born!

On the human dissection thing, I do find it incredibly sinister the way the government can just whisk off your cadaver, strip it, rip all of the organs out, dissect them, keep them, do whatever they want with them basically and ship your empty carcuss out to be disposed off with the innards missing! As if dying isn't bad enough, is it too much to ask for a dignified burial, with your body intact!?

On the thread in general, this is the kind of thing that I ponder daily. There was a time a couple of years ago where every night I would contemplate death and how my life was slipping away because I was so lonely, but now I've got used to it and accept that I will just do my own thing and if I meet people that's good, if I stay a lone wolf without a wolf pack then so be it. A lot of people need prompting to think about death, but for me the acceptance of mortality and awareness of life being temporary reminds me that I've got to do what I want to and not try to compare my life to that of others or the common image purported by the media that a teenager/adults life is all fun and games.
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Don't really think about death. There's only two certainties in life. Death and a 306 breaking down.
I reckon when you die, you start life again. The moment you die and your soul leaves your body, it ends up in a soon to be born child. That's just a wacky theory though!
Im not really worried about dying. If I died tomorrow, it wouldn't bother me. There is still lots I want to do and see, but the way I look at it is, I've enjoyed my life so far and I've lived with no major regrets.
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Consciousness is just a series of electrical signals sent to the brain!!

Live life to the full and most of all enjoy it, you only get one
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Flynn Wrote:
n0v0s Wrote:Sorry to hear about your Nan mate.

I believe that once you pass, that is it. I don't believe in there being a body and seperate soul/spirit. The 'spirit' is you. The very thing that characterises you from any other person. It is the unique structure and physiology of your brain, and the way in which it has become wired throughout having lived a life with experiences unique to you and the way in which it interacts within itself and with the world around you.

Once you die, my belief is that the 'spirit' dies with you. Your loved ones hold memories of you, and remember you. That i believe IS the spirit people talk of. Memories of someone who once lived, living on. When we dissect cadavers, the body is very much detatched from 'human' so i can see where the idea of the body being a vessle belief comes from.

Well that is quite a negative view on things isn't it! I to think that is the case however, once you die thats the end, just like before you were born!

On the human dissection thing, I do find it incredibly sinister the way the government can just whisk off your cadaver, strip it, rip all of the organs out, dissect them, keep them, do whatever they want with them basically and ship your empty carcuss out to be disposed off with the innards missing! As if dying isn't bad enough, is it too much to ask for a dignified burial, with your body intact!?

From a physiological perspective, there is truth in it. It may appear negative to some, maybe because contemplating the very thought of ceasing to exist makes people feel instinctly down and lost.. and thus people tend to become optimists and there imo stems the creation of core ideologies of life after death and so on. Being a medical student, dealing with death is part of the job and so there is an element of detatchment i suppose.

With regards to the cadavers, people have to actually give permission for their bodies to be used after they die - for educational purposes, fully aware of what they will be used for. The bodies are not just snatched! We treat the cadavers with utmost respect and dignity in a controlled environment. Any organ/internal tissue removed is specially stored and returned back to the cadaver at the end of the academic year to be burried/cremated in accordance to the families wishes. I'm feel privileged to be able to dissect, as only very few universities offer dissection as part of the medical programme now. Most offer prosections of ready prepared sections, presented by qualified demonstrators.
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Sorry to hear about your nan bud, mine has been in and out of hospital for the last 12 months or so but shes doing well, 95 in may!!!

AS for life after death of some sort, that is a tough on. I think like sweeney I'm a bit on the fence really, the logical scientific approach I take to most aspect of my life tell me that once the brain is no longer receiving oxygen it dies just like any other organ and that if every living thing died and went to heaven (or hell) does that include mosquito's cos I really hate them little f*ckers and the thought of heaven full of them makes me cringe!!!

However the other side of me believes that something so powerful as life cant all just end in a heartbeat, there has to be something...
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Right, I've just cleaned up the shit from this thread after one person in particular decided to start making inappropriate comments. This is a serious thread, started by someone who wants to have a serious discussion. Any posts asking who or what was deleted, will in turn be deleted, so don't bother.

Please use some common sense as to what is acceptable to post in a thread such as this, along with anywhere else on the forum. If you cannot control what you post, especially when joining in with a serious discussion where you then post inappropriate content, I will ban you without hesitation.
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Well done scotty
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No great man, sorry to hear about it.

To be fair tho I think whats the point of thinking about life after death, enjoy it while you can and you'll cross that bridge when you come to it.

Also if someone passes I think you should 'mouren' them per say, you should just think about all the great experiences and times you've had with them cause thats what life is all about the experience!

On a lighter note -

Scott Wrote:I know we don't have any rules on here per-se, however it should be common sense that anyone mocking or abusing another person's religious views or race will have their post deleted and may receive a warning/ban.

That must be really difficult mate, I'm sorry to hear it Sad

Does this include orange people and/or scientologists?
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kingy Wrote:im a great beleiver on this subject and have read many books.

the human body is just transport for the soul and every soul is eternal and can never die.

my beleif is that we come down to learn lessons and the next carnation to learn more.

the more you learn the more your spirit (soul) grows.

when your gran passes over its my beleif that she will once again be with her loved ones who she herself shared this world.

this world is not our home but school. we return home to the spirit world when its the right time.

some people find this hard to beleive.



but thats just my veiw.

Very good way of putting that actually...
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^^ quoted from a book i read.

carnt remember which one but think it was Sonia Choquette, Ask your guides.

a must read for anyone thinking about knowing more about the so called after life.
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Scott Wrote:Right, I've just cleaned up the shit from this thread after one person in particular decided to start making inappropriate comments. This is a serious thread, started by someone who wants to have a serious discussion. Any posts asking who or what was deleted, will in turn be deleted, so don't bother.

Please use some common sense as to what is acceptable to post in a thread such as this, along with anywhere else on the forum. If you cannot control what you post, especially when joining in with a serious discussion where you then post inappropriate content, I will ban you without hesitation.

Cheers dude :clap: Well done for the ban hammer use also.

Shes still hanging on atm, just. Well see if it happens on the 31st, will be weird if it does..
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Seb, I hope your nan is still hanging on mate. Smile

Unfortunately my grandad died at around 9pm tonight. Not unexpected but still a bit of a shock. I've just got home from nans house now the ambulance and police have gone.....gotta be up at 6.30 for college too!

RIP grandad John.
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Toms306 Wrote:Seb, I hope your nan is still hanging on mate. Smile

Unfortunately my grandad died at around 9pm tonight. Not unexpected but still a bit of a shock. I've just got home from nans house now the ambulance and police have gone.....gotta be up at 6.30 for college too!

RIP grandad John.

Sorry for your loss dude.
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Toms306 Wrote:Seb, I hope your nan is still hanging on mate. Smile

Unfortunately my grandad died at around 9pm tonight. Not unexpected but still a bit of a shock. I've just got home from nans house now the ambulance and police have gone.....gotta be up at 6.30 for college too!

RIP grandad John.

Sorry Tom, best wishes to you & the family mate. You know where we all are if you need anything.
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I'm more than happy for it to be whatever it is...

I'm more than happy to leave it that I just live every day and carry on, for me life is too short to ponder over what happens when you die... I've got all the time when I'm dead to realise what it is and think what life is for, if you can't think, then oh well, least I didn't spend my time trying to work out what it was when I was alive... Because dead is the rest of time...

That's my way of looking at it... But I'll admit, I have time for people who have belief - in a way I do wish I could "believe" in something.. Never been religious myself, never gotten it, but it's a nice thought to have that someone is watching over you... I've just not "seen" it if you catch my drift....
(16-05-2016, 10:45 AM)Toms306 Wrote: Oh I don't care about the stripped threads lol, that's easily solved by hammering the bolt in. Wink
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Thanks Liam and Jordan. Smile

It doesn't seem to have affected me much after the initial shock of it last night (is that bad?) and I still went to college as usual (after less than an hours sleep last night though) and just got home. But obviously my Nan is in a bit of a mess atm. The coroner confirmed it was a heart attack today and said he wouldn't have even felt it so I guess thats good, and he'd just finished a boddingtons and was then going to the loo....the loo was like his second home so atleast he went doing something he liked! Smile

As I said earlier though, we have all been expecting it since he had a heart bypass in May last year...he's been constantly in and out of hospital since that and I think we all knew it was just a matter of time. Moral is don't trust hospitals.
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my thought s are with you tom. god bless.
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sorry to hear that tom
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