08-09-2017, 09:54 PM
Hello to Everybody, I would like to share some pics of my 306. It is Ph 1, year 1996 RFT version, some 156k km (I trust around 94k miles) on the clock now. I have to admit this was kind of "substitute" to a 309GTi I was originally looking for since years (I used to have 2 of them when I was like 20-22 years old), anyway, I learnt hunting for 309 GTi was quite hopeless, and then found this one from Italy, 1 single owner from new, absolutely original, and obviously the original owner loved the car. Only pait was bit dull with some scratches on it (.....Italy...) but condition was very good overall, all keys, manuals etc. When saw it, I fell in love immediately. I just contiunue to make sure car gets whatewer it needs, mostly in Peugeot garage, using orinal parts (in case I am able to get them..). Unfortunately, it seems it will be more and more difficult to get some specific parts in future as I found out lot of them are not available anymore (marked NFP in Service Box), and possibilities are very limited in Czech Republic..