Gearboxes - cable selectors ?

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Gearboxes - cable selectors ?
This might be better of in a gearbox section but I couldn't find one, so...

I've noticed that the 406 seems to have a cable gear selection instead of a rod selector on the HDi box at least.
Is it the same affair for the 405 does anyone know ?

I've read here about fitting a HDi box to a XUD for the 306, but I gather that is fixed rod to select gears like the later 306 HDi box - correct me if wrong but it looks like that from the write ups.

If I need to use a cable gear selector in my transplant, what are my options from the PS world ? 406 HDi box ? Which will fit a XUD9 engine ok ?

Which means I'm looking for two cars to take parts from: Something XUD9 & 406 HDi.
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405 is linkages, as is 406 with a be box, and 306 hdi.

You don't do cable conversion when fitting a be hdi box.
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So I saw this on ebay which is why I raised the question, because for my transplant I need to use cable selector:

[Image: %24_12.JPG]

So that auction says that's a 406 HDi cable linkage.
But I read your reply that you don't need to do a cable conversion.

What if I want to do it Smile

Which boxes fit a XUD and come with a cable linkage, or can I convert the 306 standard box with a solid linkage to cable linkage ?

Half the battle is knowing the codes.
The forum search wont let you do below 4 chars.
Thanks for point out it's a BE box, specifcally a BE3 ?

So I do find there are options:

With a certain WelshPug saying:

Quote:Correct Ant, every D8 I've done a clutch on has been a 1.9 DT with a BE3/4 box and gear rods.

The 2.1 TD and the 2.0 Turbo used ML boxes and cables in a D8, all the same cables as the V6, other than the rare D8 DW10.

looks like the D9 also uses rods on the BE3/4 box other than on the EW engines (which would be XU5/7 and 10), DW's use ML which are all cable.

That thread has been updated more recently with a link to an aftermarket solution but that the BE4's are cable and that the mounts should be the same.

Incidentally, I found another motorsports place selling a rod and cable linkage which looked like it came with the same brackets.

So do you think a BE4 cable solution will do it (not that I know what a BE4 comes in yet, but google is my friend Smile ) ?
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if i remember correctly, some mercedes, and some Ssangyong's are cable..

might be worth looking?
Given the choice between Niall and the sheep. I would choose the sheep!
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Quote:Only the facelift 406's - (2000 onwards) with a BE4 box had cable operation, the older ones seem to have had rods like the 205\306 etc.
You'll probably need the complete gearstick\cable box and fit that to the 205 as well. It just about fits if you make a small adaptor bracket to enable it to be bolted to the 205 shell. I did this when I did my BE4 conversion last year, but took it all off again after finding the cables were that bit too long. With some shorter cables it's really a bolt on job within reason!

Or the ML5 box it would seem (which I read is stronger ?!?)

welshpug Wrote:the cable shift stuff just bolts on, you will need to swap the top arm that is secured by a pair of roll pins, but I have read from others doing a BE4 conversion that the mechanism fouls the steering arms or bulkhead IIRC

Bingo then Smile

Of course next is how to figure out to do a hydraulic clutch....
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Grant has already done a hydraulic clutch.
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^^ reminder for me more than anything.

Bloody complicated all this different gearbox stuff. No worse than it is for Hondas just something new to get my head around.
it makes sense to stick with a known quantity and with many bits. HDi box makes sense for lower ratios.
Just a case of finding the right search terms.
If you're reading, just remember, it's not going in a 306 chassis, so for ease, I need hydro.

Is there an HDI box that fits the XUD with hydro already ?
Preference over more work converting it.
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yup, phase 2 xsara also some parts from the dw8 vsns can be used
need a part number? and will sort you out.
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hopefully (touches his wood) over xmas I'll get the time to crack on with all this and it'll all make more sense.
I've ordered a portable garage (yay black friday) so at least I'll be working in the dry Smile
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So if the bell housing looks like this:

[Image: IMG_0824.jpg]

Robbed from another forum, reported to be a BE3 on a 205 GTI.

Then it looks like it's got teh holes to teh left for teh hydraulic fork and the threaded hole for teh ball for teh fork to pivot on ??
Or is that all just bollox ?

Is the XUDT box looking like this, if I have the corresponding vents/holes to the left - save me taking the box off to find it wont work.

Cable selector wise, looks like the cable stuff is ball jointed too.
So meh, I'm on for some ghetto hybrid cable selector since the honda isn't at all like that lol

Oh and more thread notes for me:
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I've never noticed those holes on any 306 'box! Confused
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looks like a be3 pull clutch there, casing is not compatible with hydraulic conversion.
need a part number? and will sort you out.
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Grant's is the way forward then. Tho I've just been reading what CSC's are.
I assumed they were a nice after market solution not something MFR's were actively fitting to newer cars.

If weather good will be going hunting scrapyards for bits then.
Got a fair list for 306 bits now anyway.

More reading...
So the RPM signal is two pulses per rev:

So I need to cut off one of teh tabs since teh Honda expects only one:
XUD fly has two tabs.

So since the box is therefore coming off anyway....
I can have a better look at stuff <sigh>
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The Expert vans/806's have cable selectors
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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