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Accelerator pedal stiff - Printable Version

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Accelerator pedal stiff - Bananalad - 03-12-2012

In my dturbo when i push down on the acc pedal its real stiff, if i get someone to move the throttle cable when doing im pushing the pedal its as it should be, when left alone it goes back the way it was.. Any ideas? Thanks

RE: Accelerator pedal stiff - Bananalad - 03-12-2012

Just want to get this sorted as quickly as possible as have a long journey coming up!

RE: Accelerator pedal stiff - londondan86 - 03-12-2012

Does the throttle arm on the pump feel stiff as well or just from the pedal? You may just need some wd40 on the cable

RE: Accelerator pedal stiff - Bananalad - 03-12-2012

No its good on the throttle arm! I can fix the stiffness at the pedal if someone plays with the throttle cable itself

RE: Accelerator pedal stiff - Tom - 03-12-2012

Get a new cable or scrappy and blag one lol... Or be cheap like me and try to oil the one on there haha

RE: Accelerator pedal stiff - Bananalad - 03-12-2012

Whats the best way to get wd-40 on the cable? I presume its just put it under the rubber nearest the throttle arm and spray.. I wont be looking at it till tomorrow morning so just curious

RE: Accelerator pedal stiff - Dicky - 03-12-2012

Mine was the same, I rathered a stiff peddle than a floppy peddle lmao

RE: Accelerator pedal stiff - londondan86 - 03-12-2012

(03-12-2012, 07:07 PM)Bananalad Wrote: Whats the best way to get wd-40 on the cable? I presume its just put it under the rubber nearest the throttle arm and spray.. I wont be looking at it till tomorrow morning so just curious

Yea, thats the way I did it, just keep pumping the pedal/moving the throttle arm while you spray, it may take a while for the oil to get all the way in so be patient!

RE: Accelerator pedal stiff - Tom - 03-12-2012

Disconnect it and stand on the slam panel holding the cable up. Gravity will help you lube down Wink