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"Creaking" on hard lock? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: "Creaking" on hard lock? (/showthread.php?tid=6491)

"Creaking" on hard lock? - Curt - 25-09-2012

My car's down around 70mm (?) on coilovers. Ever since I fitted them I've had a creaking sort of noise on when on lock, I don't really know how to describe it... Matt has heard it. Carpark manoeuvring, that sort of thing.

The top mounts were brand new when the coilovers went on, and I've just fitted new wishbones. The noise is still there however.


RE: "Creaking" on hard lock? - squarepants - 25-09-2012

steering rack? drop links?

RE: "Creaking" on hard lock? - samass - 25-09-2012

Tyres rubbing?

RE: "Creaking" on hard lock? - Jonny81191 - 25-09-2012

springs coilbinding?

RE: "Creaking" on hard lock? - Dan! - 25-09-2012

Sounds like the springs twisting in the spring seat. Being so low they are probably near to loose in the coilover, not dangerous but enough for them to twist when you are turning.

RE: "Creaking" on hard lock? - Matt - 25-09-2012

The coilies are pretty firm. Had it in the air at the weekend and all looked solid.

IMO it doesn't sound steering rack related. What it sounds like to me is the rubber on the top mounts rubbing as they turn, like there not bolted in, but they are.

Sucks the wishbones didn't solve it. Try new drop links?

RE: "Creaking" on hard lock? - Curt - 25-09-2012

Tyres are't rubbing... any more. Rolled them as they were eating my arches...

Hmm thinking Dan may have a good point there... could be that. Thinking about it I can imagine that making the noise.

I was thinking it sounds top mounts Matt, but it sounds like the noise is lower and as you know they're new. Hopefully it's the spring thing, bit annoying that there's nothing can be done but at least it's nothing bad.

As you know one drop link is new haha, but I can't see them making this noise anyway...

RE: "Creaking" on hard lock? - Jonny81191 - 25-09-2012

if it is the spring, a bit of copper grease may do the trick..

RE: "Creaking" on hard lock? - Curt - 25-09-2012

Yeah true, I'll give it a coating when it's next in the air Smile

RE: "Creaking" on hard lock? - CJ_Derv - 26-09-2012

Could be bearings in top cups if running standard top mounts

RE: "Creaking" on hard lock? - Curt - 26-09-2012

As said it's not coming from the top... I think Dan! is spot on

RE: "Creaking" on hard lock? - Niall - 26-09-2012

more than likely springs moving. My springs are doing it which is worrying a bit considering there not coil overs....

RE: "Creaking" on hard lock? - Pipps - 27-02-2013

I am having exactly the same problem, immediately after fitting new coilovers.

I also have my coilies dropped to the max at 75mm. Terrible creaking from the offside-front when the steering is on full lock.

Curt, did you manage to sort it all out in the end?

RE: "Creaking" on hard lock? - Curt - 27-02-2013

Nah, not sorted, still doing it. I'm pretty sure it is the springs moving round on lock, so shouldn't be anything to worry about... just doesn't sound good. Mine does seem to have got a little worse, but it's getting used less nowadays.

RE: "Creaking" on hard lock? - Pipps - 27-02-2013

Did you replace the top mounts and/or the top mount bearings?

RE: "Creaking" on hard lock? - cwspellowe - 27-02-2013

Just FYI.. loads of coilovers do it. The metallic noises are the springs seizing and twanging back into shape. Many manufacturers are now using plastic/nylon bushes between the perches and the springs to try and dampen the noise. Mine have been doing it for a while and you can see where the springs have ground the paint away on the perches.

Apparently it's nothing to worry about, just a quirk of coilovers. Still annoying as f*ck when it sounds broken in public places though..

RE: "Creaking" on hard lock? - Curt - 27-02-2013

Whole top mounts.

I don't get so much of a metallic noise, it's just a horrible one, which is very hard to describe. But like you say, that look on peoples faces when you're in a carpark or with a passenger that doesn't know...

RE: "Creaking" on hard lock? - cwspellowe - 27-02-2013

I'm prepared to stick a fiver on the fact it's just clangy creaky groany bangy coilover noise. If i were you i'd smear grease over the perches top and bottom of the spring and it'll probably go away for a bit, then come back again.

RE: "Creaking" on hard lock? - Curt - 27-02-2013

Yeah that's been my intention for a while, just can't be bothered when it sits on the drive. All I keep doing is turning it over to stop the battery going flat lol

RE: "Creaking" on hard lock? - cwspellowe - 27-02-2013


Mine's been tracking quite badly to the right for months and the wheels still aren't balanced, the exhaust still isn't connected so i'm driving round with just a downpipe off the blower, the coilovers were creaking and have seized so I need to loosen up the adjusters (i did manage to stop the wobbly steering, turned out the camber bolts on one side had worked half a turn loose), the ride height is higher on the left than the right... I only drive it about once a week though so f*ck it lol

RE: "Creaking" on hard lock? - Pipps - 27-02-2013

Wow, I just Googled 'creaking coilovers' and discovered that we're not alone! It seems to afflict all makes and models.

Thanks for suggesting the grease approach, cw. I'll see if this helps.

Good grief, the creaking is so embarrassing!

RE: "Creaking" on hard lock? - puglove - 28-02-2013

My race lands use to do this. Copper slick is you friend lol ThumbsUp

RE: "Creaking" on hard lock? - Pipps - 15-10-2013

Funnily enough, my coilovers have stopped creaking since I began using 20mm spacers instead of 10mm ones. Maybe there was some degree of rubbing inside before that was causing it.