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Spraying interior trim - Printable Version

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Spraying interior trim - Bananalad - 20-12-2011

Spraying my 'a' and 'b' pillars matt black and wondering what would be the besst method?

Plastic primer then matt black?

Ordinary primer then matt black?

Or can i get away with just spraying matt black?

Also has anyone had a go at spraying the grab handles on the headlining black?

Thanks Smile

Re: Spraying interior trim - Matt - 20-12-2011

Normal paint will chip and crack iirc, you. Need a special paint that's flexible

Re: Spraying interior trim - Curt - 20-12-2011

Normal primer has a tendency to flake. A good key, plastic primer and matt black would be fine.

Re: Spraying interior trim - Bananalad - 20-12-2011

Thanks.. Don't know whether to spray the handles or not...

Re: Spraying interior trim - Matt - 20-12-2011

I've seen handles done before, just don't know about a and b trims as someone I know sprayed the dash etc and it all cracked and looked shit

Re: Spraying interior trim - Bananalad - 20-12-2011

I thought the handles would be most likely to crack as they would be getting handled most? Ill have a go anyway it will be a learning experience...

Re: Spraying interior trim - Niall - 20-12-2011

Good coat of plastic primer and some Matt black paint. Let it dry properly somewhere warm and jobs a goodun. I've done all of my roof plastics in Matt black and they look fine!

Re: Spraying interior trim - Eeyore - 20-12-2011

I've done my interior lights and grab handles in sea grey. Don't think I primered it but make sure you put lots of lacquer on.

Re: Spraying interior trim - Niall - 20-12-2011

Don't need to lacquer it really. Just make sure the plastic is nice and clean and you get a really good coat or two of primer on.

Re: Spraying interior trim - Bananalad - 21-12-2011

I have the plastic primer here so ill throw a good coat on anyway thanks niall and sam

Re: Spraying interior trim - Fozzy - 21-12-2011

I primed and sprayed my old cars pillars, never had any problems with paint flaking, as once they are on they dont get handled

Re: Spraying interior trim - Bananalad - 24-12-2011

Sprayed everything and it turned out perfect