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Gti6 droplinks - Printable Version

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Gti6 droplinks - procta - 09-11-2014

are these the same or they metal rather than plastic?
As my rose jointed ones, are crap! the adjuster nut keeps coming slack, so I am ditching them.

RE: Gti6 droplinks - Niall - 09-11-2014

Drop links are the same on all 306s. Originally plastic but a lot of places sell the Partner ones (metal) as 306 ones as well.

RE: Gti6 droplinks - Paul_13 - 09-11-2014

Worth going for the partner ones?

RE: Gti6 droplinks - Niall - 09-11-2014

Swings and roundabouts really. The plastic ones flex if there is any stress put on them but can snap if they stress too much. The metal ones will bend (and then not be the correct length) but should be stronger than the plastic ones. Ive used both in the past and never had any issues with any of them. Now use adjustable Ripp ones.

RE: Gti6 droplinks - procta - 09-11-2014

Are the Partner ones the same size as the 306 units?

RE: Gti6 droplinks - Niall - 09-11-2014

Yes hence why people sell them as 306 ones. Just type in 306 drop link on eGay and you will see loads of metal and plastic ones.

RE: Gti6 droplinks - Toms306 - 09-11-2014

Try a bit of threadlock on your adjusters?

I've tried metal and plastic, the cheap ones are all crap and don't last long. Decent plastic ones are fine.

RE: Gti6 droplinks - procta - 09-11-2014

i would tom, but they are starting to knock on one side.

RE: Gti6 droplinks - Eeyore - 09-11-2014

Use decent plastic ones. The metal ones will bend and will not return to their original shape. The plastic ones are probably cheaper to buy and will return to their original shape.

Gti6 droplinks - Razorback_Rob - 14-11-2014

Plastic shows noticeable snapping. Metal bends and might not be noticeable immediately. I'm currently using delphi plastic links. Cheap but good Smile

RE: Gti6 droplinks - Eeyore - 14-11-2014

Ive got fully adjustable ones and they are great. £80 but theyre pretty awesome and the car feels great!

RE: Gti6 droplinks - welshpug - 14-11-2014

originals were made by TRW, and last a long time.

RE: Gti6 droplinks - Jiffy - 15-11-2014

I got plastic Lemforder ones and am very happy with them.