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Going Big Blower (GT2259s) - Printable Version

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Going Big Blower (GT2259s) - pugmanxud - 10-06-2014

Evenin all. After gaining some enthusiasm to get my GT2259s blower on before PugFest I think I should probs do the conrods for HDI ones whilst I do the head gasket (much needed).

Where can I get an MLS gasket from
Will I be OK on standard head bolts for now? If not I have some Volvo T5 brand new ones same thread and length but dont know about tensile strength and torque stretch etc. Cant afford ARPs ATM

Will be making up flanges and pipework etc on saturday to go over box as well as battery reloc. Pictures to go up in my theodore sleeper build thread

What HDI rods wold you reccomend DW10 or 12? and 16v?

Cheers! will

RE: Going Big Blower (GT2259s) - Piggy - 10-06-2014

Are you building a XUD9 or 7?

RE: Going Big Blower (GT2259s) - Frosty - 10-06-2014

Victor reinz is a popular brand to go for. I have fitted it as well as many others on here. I got the head gasket, set and bolts for about £75

RE: Going Big Blower (GT2259s) - pugmanxud - 10-06-2014

xud 7 undortunately. darren said that HDI rods will still work but obviously head gasket will be different. What thickness should I go for as standard or do I want to reduce the compression ratio a bit

RE: Going Big Blower (GT2259s) - Piggy - 10-06-2014

I would suggest a skim, so a gasket dependant on how much skim is done. Shame you cant drop a XUD9 lump in there.

Isnt Sam selling a fully rebuilt XUD9 lump, ready to go and running? Maybe a cheaper alternative?

RE: Going Big Blower (GT2259s) - Chris_90 - 10-06-2014

I really wanna see my old turbo on the xud7 can just imagine the bang as the boost kicks in Wink will be nice to see what it can do tho but I carnt see the engine lasting long Big Grin

RE: Going Big Blower (GT2259s) - toseland - 10-06-2014

i went for the 3+1+1 repair gasket, there is still a LOT of room left in the head after it was machined, but i figured more boost should mean lower compression slightly, i think its 1.59 thickness.

there is a kit on ebay with bolts, for £50 odd posted, ordered thursday afternoon and paid for, had it on the doorstep on friday morning,

not sure what the rules are for linking ebay etc but if you search XUD9 head gasket, its the guys from the gasket shop

RE: Going Big Blower (GT2259s) - pugmanxud - 11-06-2014

I thought the xud 9 one won't fit?

RE: Going Big Blower (GT2259s) - Ruan - 11-06-2014

Yeah you may find its just easier to drop in an XUD9, especially when you consider the manifold issues with the vac/pas pump on them, otherwise it's a change the cam and try and get out the oil feed bolt for the xud9 vac pump, purely so you can run the fmic inlet...

RE: Going Big Blower (GT2259s) - pugmanxud - 11-06-2014

I have a spare inlet manifold the same as my current so will tig in a piece of tube to the front.