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Electrical problem - Printable Version

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Electrical problem - ben87 - 17-03-2012

Right this keeps happening every time i get in the car..any ideas?

[Image: th_03014c6d.jpg]

im doing bout 60-70mph in that video...it drops (speedo drops but speed stays same) i lose some ponies as you can feel it straight away lack of power then towards the end of the clip it just goes back up as normal


Electrical problem - Matt - 17-03-2012

It the speedo sensor. On the back of the gearbox Smile

Re: Electrical problem - ben87 - 17-03-2012

is that the white plug you can access from beneath the battery tray?

Electrical problem - Matt - 17-03-2012

I believe so. Tbh I didnt replace mine. I made the garage do it while it was in for the mot lol

Re: Electrical problem - ben87 - 17-03-2012

ill take it off and give it a good cleaning firstly then if it keeps happening ill grab one,think they are cheap as chips anyways cheers matt,thought it would be there but wasnt sure if it was something else again will go sort it now i think and see what items i got to service the car same time lol

Re: Electrical problem - mark_airey - 17-03-2012

Speedo sender unit is on the dif part of the gearbox just above where the drivers side drive shaft goes into the box Wink white sensor held in with 1 allen bolt IIRC mate

Electrical problem - ben87 - 17-03-2012

Balls it means I got to jack the car up haha will do it now then

Re: Electrical problem - Niall - 17-03-2012

Don't have to jack the car up. Take your air filter hospusing out if you have one and you should be able to get to it no problems.

Re: Electrical problem - ben87 - 17-03-2012

yea had a look niall and got to it,cant undo it as i need a small 6mm allen key which i dont have at the mo. unplugged it and soasked in wd40 and see how that works first of all..whilst i was there i found my pipe next to the cam (which goes into the air routing) was off so put that back on also,that probvs aint helped things and makes sense why my arm is black

Re: Electrical problem - Niall - 17-03-2012

ben87 Wrote:yea had a look niall and got to it,cant undo it as i need a small 6mm allen key which i dont have at the mo. unplugged it and soasked in wd40 and see how that works first of all..whilst i was there i found my pipe next to the cam (which goes into the air routing) was off so put that back on also,that probvs aint helped things and makes sense why my arm is black

Tbh I don't think they clean up. I think it's a internal fault but it's worth a try! There easy to get hold of if you need a new one and I think there even quite cheap from pug. Let me know if you want me to have a look if you don't have service box.

Re: Electrical problem - haggis@home - 17-03-2012

were you driving and recording at the same time ?

Electrical problem - ben87 - 18-03-2012

Yes I was driving at same time, yea it happened again after I cleaned it,they are bout £20 on eBay.

Naill if you could please mate I won't have a chance to access SB till Tuesday

Re: Electrical problem - Connor - 18-03-2012

Mine does this too lol and you can definitely feel the difference in power lol

Re: Electrical problem - cully - 18-03-2012

epic 0-60 time

im guessing fuel magnets and an electric turbo ???

Re: Electrical problem - Poodle - 18-03-2012

Lol@ Cully. But yeah, speedo sensor, would recommend genuine or decent oem manu replacement rather than ebay fella.

Re: Electrical problem - Niall - 18-03-2012

Apeed sensor - P/N 6160 70 - £52.25.

Bit more than I though :/

Re: Electrical problem - Grant - 18-03-2012

Mine does it quite frequently. Need to replace the speedo sensor but haven't been bothered yet lol

Electrical problem - ben87 - 18-03-2012

At that price cheers fella....going to have to be eBay this time

Cully - sheep fuel mate

Re: Electrical problem - Eeyore - 18-03-2012

Mine does this. it doesn't fluctuate at the bottom. It just sits there! Cant really feel the loss of power however normally im driving down liverpool streets past speed cameras petrified of being caught speeding!

Electrical problem - ben87 - 18-03-2012

Had high speeds 60mph etc you feel the power straight away. Lost it once pulling out and that was scary

Re: Electrical problem - ben87 - 18-03-2012

Just bought this

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GEARBOX-SPEED ... 977wt_1037

If you buy via....

earn yourself a few pence each and every time you make purchases online Smile

Re: Electrical problem - ben87 - 10-04-2012

changed the speedo sensor and now its not working at all!!! changed it back to the "faulty" sensor and now thasts not working either FFS!!!!

Re: Electrical problem - Niall - 10-04-2012

Sounds to me like a faulty wire down by the back of the engine. Time to get the multimeter out!

Re: Electrical problem - devils_fuel - 10-04-2012

or it could be the plastic ribbon on the back of the dials with the copper tracks in, i have the same with my rev counter and speedo...sometimes you have dials, other times you don't.

I just need to get a set of broken dials so i can peel the plastic ribbon off with copper tracks in it...all my sensors and woring seem ok!

Re: Electrical problem - Niall - 10-04-2012

devils_fuel Wrote:or it could be the plastic ribbon on the back of the dials with the copper tracks in, i have the same with my rev counter and speedo...sometimes you have dials, other times you don't.

I just need to get a set of broken dials so i can peel the plastic ribbon off with copper tracks in it...all my sensors and woring seem ok!

That's a good point. Very easy to check if you have a multimeter!

Electrical problem - ben87 - 10-04-2012

Dodgy wiring at back of dials wouldn't cause me to lose 10+bhp Sad

Re: Electrical problem - Niall - 10-04-2012

Hmm didn't read that. That is weird and weird normally means earth fault!
Check your bay earths. There's one on the box right near the speedo sensor. Also below the accelerator pedal. Give them all a good clean and check for broken wiring.

Re: Electrical problem - Connor - 10-04-2012

The fault isn't causing the loss in power, the lack of speedo is causing the lack of power. Im assuming that the map needs to know the speed as one of the variables to determine how much fuel to inject. So when it doesn't know the actual speed, it goes to a "default" map, kinda when the maf sensor dies, it reverts back to a default map. That's what i assume is happening

Re: Electrical problem - ben87 - 10-04-2012

yea connor sounds about right..it feel more than 90bhp but it certainly aint 130ish lol

so maybe my clocks/dials are to blame then???

Re: Electrical problem - Niall - 10-04-2012

No they won't be. Speed sensor goes to the ecu and dials get there Info from the ecu.