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electric windows not working. - Printable Version

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electric windows not working. - no2lurch - 27-04-2013

Just driving home after buying my newly acquired ph2 lx dt and the electric windows don't work. Neither work off drivers switch and passenger window doesn't work off passenger switch.

Any suggestions as to what it night be please?

RE: electric windows not working. - karl1989 - 27-04-2013

door loom will have a break in the wire. mine had 3 broke so changed the loom and its fine. do the switches light up?

RE: electric windows not working. - no2lurch - 27-04-2013

Will the drivers door loom affect the passenger switch and vice versa? I'll go check if they light up

RE: electric windows not working. - cully - 27-04-2013

yes depending on which wire is broken
on my ph3 the pasanger window and both door mirrors stopped working

RE: electric windows not working. - no2lurch - 27-04-2013

No levy mirrors here!

RE: electric windows not working. - cully - 27-04-2013

less wires to repair then Wink


RE: electric windows not working. - no2lurch - 27-04-2013

Are the broken wires usually easy to see? Could I put a bridging wire in to rejoin them?

RE: electric windows not working. - cully - 27-04-2013

all depends what plug you have some plugs are sealed and if the wire is broken close to the sealed plug it could be difficult to get a connection for your bridging wire

but yes bridging is how most do the repairs

RE: electric windows not working. - no2lurch - 27-04-2013

And they are easy to spot?

Just checked to see if the switches light up... the passenger one does when ignition is turned on

RE: electric windows not working. - cully - 27-04-2013

easy to spot!

yes if they are fully broken once the grommet is peeled back

RE: electric windows not working. - no2lurch - 27-04-2013

Do not a door off job necessarily?

RE: electric windows not working. - cully - 27-04-2013

makes acsses a lot easyer and door off is only a 5 min job as the door loom is plugged