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Shock locating tab - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Shock locating tab (/showthread.php?tid=12427)

Shock locating tab - Niall - 31-03-2013

On pretty much every 306 shock i have seen, there has been a T shaped locating tab on the rear to locate the shock in the hub. On the standard shock and my B4s and the cheap chinese coil overs, they seat in the hub with probably 3-5mm of space left in the bottom of the hub however my B8s have about 10-15mm gap at the bottom yet the locating tabs are sitting home where they should be. I was considering cutting the sides off the T so its just like a I so i can drop it further into the hub which should be more secure and also drop the car a little bit more. Anyone see any reason why i cant do this?

RE: Shock locating tab - Connor - 31-03-2013

Ive always had a nobbly bit on every shock Ive changed, when it stopped moving, it was home properly Tongue

RE: Shock locating tab - Niall - 31-03-2013

See the 'nobbly' bit is home fully sitting right on top of the hub so wont down any more but the base of the shock is still about 10mm higher than the bottom of the collar that clamps round the shock.

RE: Shock locating tab - cwspellowe - 31-03-2013


RE: Shock locating tab - Piggy - 01-04-2013

double check they have sent you the right ones?!

RE: Shock locating tab - Niall - 01-04-2013

They are the right ones

RE: Shock locating tab - Ben - 01-04-2013

Can't see any problem with doing that. If you cut them and it does turn out to destroy your car it wouldn't be hard to weld a tab back on