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Valentines Day - Printable Version

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Valentines Day - C.A.R. - 08-02-2013

It's that time of year again folks.

Just when you thought you were bankrupted by Christmas, this ol' chestnut comes along slap-bang in the middle of February (next Thursday, in fact...)

So what's the most romantic gesture you have ever made and do you have any plans for this Valentines Day?

I'm still thinking of shoestring ideas for my Mrs. I would love to get engaged but I can't afford a sodding ring just yet. I had an idea of getting a jewellery box and just leaving an IOU note inside, but part of me thinks that might just be cruel!

RE: Valentines Day - Niall - 08-02-2013

Nothing this year. We are going on holiday in a few weeks so that's enough of a valentines present for her!

RE: Valentines Day - Kimmie - 08-02-2013

I don't buy into the whole 'have to spend shit loads of money on you to prove how much I love you' stuff, but we make sure we get each other a card because then you have a memory. We'll go for a meal (not on the actual day though, too expensive!) and spend time together Smile

Also, you could still propose with something like a toy ring. It's the proposal that counts, not the ring!

RE: Valentines Day - Niall - 08-02-2013

Kim is right. Dum dum did it with a ring he made out of twin and earth lol. That way, you can both go shopping for a ring she will like and fits!

RE: Valentines Day - Dum-Dum - 08-02-2013

Yeah what niall said, you can propose with a shit ring and say that you'll take her shopping so she can get one she really likes.

RE: Valentines Day - Pompey306mark - 08-02-2013

Pawn shop, second hand ring lol. 50% end in divorce so bound to be a few around that have been pawned.

RE: Valentines Day - CJ_Derv - 08-02-2013

Well ive just got with my new lady, and valentines is always busy everywhere and overpriced, and i start my new job on that day so im cooking a nice romantic meal Smile then were out at the weekend Smile

RE: Valentines Day - Strikeforce - 08-02-2013

I got our lass her provisional licence with some driving lessons

RE: Valentines Day - Pete - 08-02-2013

No plans this year, working away on the 14th anyway lol Took her for a meal at a bloody expensive (abiet very nice) resteraunt that cost me £££.££, Wasnt even drinking either.

RE: Valentines Day - lolsteve - 08-02-2013

Hotel for the night (didnt even pay for it was christmas present from mum)

RE: Valentines Day - Grant - 08-02-2013

I think valentines day is a crock of...

Dont need one day of the year to sit elbow to elbow at restaurants, paying double the prices to show someone how you feel. You should be showing that every day of the year.

Only way shes getting a sniff of anything is if she is willing to partake in steak and blowjob day (should be mandatory on Sundays anyway TBH)

RE: Valentines Day - Hamster - 08-02-2013

Why have Valentine's day if you can have Ballantines day ? Wink

RE: Valentines Day - Scott - 08-02-2013

(08-02-2013, 06:13 PM)Grant Wrote: Dont need one day of the year to sit elbow to elbow at restaurants, paying double the prices to show someone how you feel. You should be showing that every day of the year.
My thoughts exactly!

RE: Valentines Day - Mattcheese31 - 08-02-2013

we'll go for a meal or summit, she's due to give birth to our second son in the next 3 weeks so no drinking for her . . .save me a fortune! . . . .Winning . . .Cool

RE: Valentines Day - Dum-Dum - 08-02-2013

(08-02-2013, 06:13 PM)Grant Wrote: Only way shes getting a sniff of anything is if she is willing to partake in steak and blowjob day


RE: Valentines Day - TY-HDI - 09-02-2013

(08-02-2013, 06:13 PM)Grant Wrote: I think valentines day is a crock of...

Dont need one day of the year to sit elbow to elbow at restaurants, paying double the prices to show someone how you feel. You should be showing that every day of the year.

Only way shes getting a sniff of anything is if she is willing to partake in steak and blowjob day (should be mandatory on Sundays anyway TBH)

Couldn't agree more with both statements.

RE: Valentines Day - ozonehostile - 09-02-2013

last year we both booked the day off work and just spent the whole day having sexy time in a wide variety of places. both parties involved are satisfied and the day didn't cost me anything Smile

RE: Valentines Day - Kimmie - 09-02-2013

(08-02-2013, 06:20 PM)Scott Wrote:
(08-02-2013, 06:13 PM)Grant Wrote: Dont need one day of the year to sit elbow to elbow at restaurants, paying double the prices to show someone how you feel. You should be showing that every day of the year.
My thoughts exactly!

You did something similar our first Valentine's Day together though Tongue I just think it's a good excuse to forget everyone else and spend some quality time together.

Warning Grant- you can piss off that day, he's mine Big Grin

RE: Valentines Day - Just Sean - 09-02-2013

Oc meet at Scott n Kim's next Thursday?

Valentines Day - kentiiboii - 09-02-2013

Well we've just paid holiday and got wedding next year and moving out all to save up for. So we decided I'm kicking me mother out (which will no doubt cost me!). Then me cooking something then watch a DVD with plenty of sexy time! Smile

Mrs don't really drink anyway so that's always a winner. She drives home I drink Smile

RE: Valentines Day - Eeyore - 09-02-2013

She only gets valentines day if i get steak and blowjob day. only fair!