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Project pharoah - Printable Version

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Project pharoah - Jukie88 - 04-07-2012


Kenny up on stands wheels off for a quick DIY refurb in gunmetal ( when the paint arrives)

Project pharoah - Jukie88 - 06-07-2012

    just for shots and giggles :-)

Project pharoah - Jukie88 - 06-07-2012

Two wheels done two to go :-)

RE: Project pharoah - gareth7 - 07-07-2012

Get that rear bumper sorted lol!

Project pharoah - Jukie88 - 07-07-2012

Yeah I know it's an eye sore :-( just getting all the little bits sorted :-P still waiting on Peugeot for that paint :-( they still cant get hold of it :-( as I'd order a shed load and do the bumper myself for the time being :-( they are useless !!!!

Project pharoah - Jukie88 - 07-07-2012

    to keeping whilst I'm waiting for the laquer to dry !!

Project pharoah - Jukie88 - 07-07-2012

            opinions please people :-) spent all week sanding down and spraying these from red to gunmetal which ones do we all prefer ??

RE: Project pharoah - puglove - 07-07-2012

start a Project thread bud! wheels look boss Gunmetal FTW

RE: Project pharoah - gareth7 - 09-07-2012

I think you've been fobbed off by your local dealer's about the paint mate.....I ordered 3 cans on Thursday and I've just had a phone call to say they've arrived. No backlog with the Worcester branch lol

Project pharoah - Jukie88 - 09-07-2012

Absolute tossers this lot I'll try the Plymouth branch rather than launceton see what they say !!! :-(

RE: Project pharoah - zx_volcane - 09-07-2012

Still reading this as project phwoar...

Wheels are looking 100000% better!

Project pharoah - Jukie88 - 09-07-2012

I love the new shoes !!!! Now just to get the coilovers on and get the bumper and little plastic light trims sprayed !!! XD

(11-06-2012, 06:15 AM)THE_Liam Wrote: Fecking badgers, one of those little shits smashed the radiator on my AX...

Quite like Pharaohs Gold myself actually, always though it'd go well with some graphite or gunmetal wheels Wink

    yes pal !!!!