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How do people live with solid engine mount - Printable Version

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RE: How do people live with solid engine mount - Ruan - 13-04-2014

Yeah seriously, I'm usually one for saying "Man up you big girl" - but frankly I had a set of BBM mounts on my DT and it was frankly pretty horific, anything below about 1200rpm used to resonate the crap out the car... I've been in a GTI6 with them in and I thought it was pretty terrible...

If it were me - GENUINE, NEW Peugeot mounts are far, far better than any "performance" mount I've tried... It's usually because you're comparing them to absolutely f*cked 13 year old 120k mile mounts, then you put on motorfactor parts which wear out in 10 minutes so the stock items get branded crap.

I don't know why, but near every HDi I've driven has frankly f*cking appalling throttle response, but they do, I mean literally, there's a so much damping going on in the mapping when you're not moving... I do know what CAR is on about to be fair, I don't agree that it would make it worse, but it definitely makes it shake like a lady garden for no real reason.

RE: How do people live with solid engine mount - Grant - 13-04-2014

MTFU. I had billet aluminium for a while. That was too much!

BBM ones, bitch please, stop being a pussy :p

RE: How do people live with solid engine mount - Rippthrough - 13-04-2014

(12-04-2014, 08:16 PM)Toms306 Wrote: Though your's aren't the kind of buckets I meant anyway, I meant the solid ones with harnesses...

Depends entirely on the buckets, the Corbeau's we used to run in the Fouquet were lovely, you could spend 2 days rallying and running back to service on the road in them and never have an ache or pain.
Those cheap 'venom' and all that ebay shit though - may as well kiss your spine goodbye.