Baffled oil catch tanks.

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Baffled oil catch tanks.
Im gonna be getting an oil catch tank soon but dont know if its worth spending 3 times the money to get a baffled one as most dont have them. The other issue is that all the baffled ones are f*cking huge.

For those that dont know there is a baffle plate between the inlet and the outlet that stops the hot oily air floating in the inlet and straight back out the outlet.
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Why don't you make a tank out of a old can and run it for a few weeks. If you still have a problem, get a baffled one.
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Make your own....

[Image: IMG_8701copy.jpg]

[Image: IMG_9918.jpg]
[Image: 306oc_zpsf2d249a4.jpg]
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Fozzy, thats a freaking GENIUS idea. Do you have any more pics of it?
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Was gonna do that on my old HDi John, Liking the long bit of copper pipe though cos that acts like a baffle. Might buy a cheap one and custom alter it.
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I can't take credit for this idea, stole from another forum. Im currently making one myself. will upload pics when finished
[Image: 306oc_zpsf2d249a4.jpg]
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Dum-Dum Wrote:Was gonna do that on my old HDi John, Liking the long bit of copper pipe though cos that acts like a baffle. Might buy a cheap one and custom alter it.

Quote:[Image: IMG_8845.jpg]
the inner workings of the tank. The copper tube is stuffed with fine stainless steel mesh (not wool) in the hope of condensing some of the moisture before the air reaches the filter.
[Image: 306oc_zpsf2d249a4.jpg]
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got a link to the other forum?
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#9 haha nah probably his mx5 forum
[Image: IMG_20130925_181339_zps95df48fa.jpg]
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Just buy and un baffled one and stuff it, or use a coke bottle, same job gets done Wink

But deffo baffle with something, there a total waste of time without!
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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darrenjlobb Wrote:Just buy and un baffled one and stuff it, or use a coke bottle, same job gets done Wink

But deffo baffle with something, there a total waste of time without!

Ill buy one and baffle it with a pipe then. Think ive got a bit of 19mm ally pipe kicking about here somewhere and ill braze it in.
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