ego was selling the green ph1 106 diesel?

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ego was selling the green ph1 106 diesel?
I know it was months ago, but my brother thinks he's seen it and wants it as it's identical to his. Is it still for sale / alive / whereabouts known? I know it's unlikely but no harm asking. Cheers
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There's that one tom was selling

I think this may be the one your after which was sold
[Image: attachment.php?aid=9919]
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ego? You mean "who"? Huh
[Image: P1060836_zpsz3xgxt7q.jpg]
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If it's my old one then I belive it's still alive in Manchester being used as a cheap veg run around. I can get in touch with the guy if needed but I don't no if he'd sell it or not.

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Mine wasn't a phase 1....but that sold and went to be fixed I think.
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