Job dilemma

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Job dilemma
Well I've been told this morning that there may be a chance of a promotion for me seeing as one of the guys above me has handed his notice in. The job was available at the beginning of the year and they offered it to me but I turned it down due to wanting to get on the course I'm on. Well I'm on it now so they won't take me off it so the new job sounds ideal right? Really not sure!
In the next few years I want to get away from London and me and the misses were going to move down to Hampshire. Used to enjoy working in town but I the it now. If I take this job, there is less of a chance of me being able to move down south. In fact, this new job will mean I'm solely in London. Pros for it are its a lot more experience under my belt, a tidy pay rise, part of a smaller team and less stress but I still can't get over the idea of not getting out of town as quickly as I wanted. I could take the experience and then in 3 years time, go to another company down that way but moving jobs and house at the same time is very difficult (and the misses will be having to do that as well!). Opinions? I'm expecting a call in the next few days inviting me to an interview (formality of the company - the new team manager wants me so I've got the job if I want it)and I really don't know wether to go to it or not!
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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A pay rise for a job with less stress? I call bs! Wink

Could try discussing your situation with them, if they like you enough to offer the promotion they may be willing to be flexible in order to keep you in the company.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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Hmm... I've been given that situation as well. Luckily I was able to commute to London and not have to move there.
It's a tough one but like my boss told me last week "You've got to be in the hub to get further". He tells me this after he relocates me to Hampshire

You will get more responsibility as you move your way up through the company, which means more stress, but it will also mean that you'll get more flexibility. As Alex said; speak to them and discuss your situation, they might be able to help you out.

Def go to the interview though, it will be worth a bit more clarity. It sounds like you're wanted in the company so you're in an excellent situation to push it a bit in your way. like 1 year in the big smoke and then relocate you to another location.
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Problem is, in the department I'm in at the moment (maintenance), we have 25 engineers across the country and my current manager has the ability to move patches about to an extent so I could of just given him a date I was moving and move my patch with it. The new role (reactive service), there is probably half the amount of people in that side and under several smaller teams so I wouldn't really be able to move patches unless the guy who covers Hampshire left at the right time which would be bloody lucky!
In my line of work, being in the city doesn't make a difference. It's not like if I worked in banking for example, all the big offices are in London so it pays to be there. I can relocate to anywhere in the country because everyone needs fire alarms! I'd rather not have to deal with a company change as well as moving house when it comes to it.
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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So you're stuck with:

Stay in London: get a promotion, gain more experience, make more money, have a smaller team


Relocate to Hampshire: happier living enviroment/new house

are there any other pros and cons?
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I would take the job. You'll be able to save quicker than if you're earning more (providing outgoings are the same), and if you kept to your plans you'll in theory be in a better position to when you come to move. If they want to keep you within the company they'll find a way for you to move and still work for them when the time comes. If not then as you say, alarms are needed everywhere so you would hopefully be able to find another company nearer where you want to live.
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IMO it depends on what the commute is like. At rush hour my commute takes me the same amount of time now i live in Aylesbury as it did when i lived in Hayes even though I live 25 miles further out of London in a nice house on the outskirts of a quiet town. Its awesome living further out of London.

For me I couldn't not work in London as I love the place, its mad busy and its where the money is but its so awesome to feel like you've got a proper escape when you go home, I can sit in peace and quiet and look out over countryside and I could be 500 miles from London so commuting FTW. You don't realise how noisy even the suburbs of London are till you move out of there.
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Niall go for it! Even just for interview experience. You know that as much as you want to move it's not happening just yet anyway, and as Scott said this will help you save more money & potentially give you more leverage when it comes to moving. Experience is awesome, you might find a better position at another company when you do move that you wouldn't get unless you did this role!
[Image: kim.png]
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Commuting isnt a problem for me. I leave at 8:30 regardless of wether im going 1 mile or 100 miles. Same with home time. At the moment i get probably 75% of my work in town and the rest out of town so its nice to have a little escape but if i take this job, im going to be 100% in town So thats a con for me. More money and better prospects is a pro but then ive not got the option of moving down to the coast and staying with this company (which id like to do because its a great easy going company to work for!) Unless the Hampshire guy goes which i dont think will be happening any time soon.
Meh will see what happens. Will wait for HR to phone me and see what they can offer me.
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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if you move outside london would they offer you less money for the same job
i know the NHS has its own rates for london area

just something to think on

also whats to say your company will be around in 2-3 years
i would take the promotion if its offered for the experiance, lots can happen in a month let alone 3 years
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(11-06-2013, 04:13 PM)cully Wrote: if you move outside london would they offer you less money for the same job
i know the NHS has its own rates for london area

just something to think on

also whats to say your company will be around in 2-3 years
i would take the promotion if its offered for the experiance, lots can happen in a month let alone 3 years

Yeah they would. Our wages are set across the country so really we are quite underpaid in london yet the guys up't norf are on a good wage for the job they do!
Obviously it might not be about but we are growing at a stupidly fast rate at the moment and are the biggest property management business in the UK so i dont see us going under any time soon!
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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they dont need to go under Wink they could sell the company
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(11-06-2013, 04:30 PM)cully Wrote: they dont need to go under Wink they could sell the company

Actually no they couldnt at the moment. Not all of this is strictly true but...
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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take the job...more money for now...better experience ect and then when the time comes and having saved more money you can set up house ect with less stress.The job market may have changed by then and you can hand your notice at any time

Think of the here and now cause you only live once and technically its helping you for the future Smile

Wrong way round dinlo!! supposed to delete my posts and keep Kerry's Tongue

[Image: DSC_0190-Copy_zpsf093f84d.jpg]
Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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Take the job, earn more, save faster. Cash is king, especially when buying a home, do you have a deposit or do you have to keep saving.

More experience is always better and if after a year you still really want to move, put out feelers in the area you want to move to get a job there then move.
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Just starting to save a deposit but we are still not sure if it will go towards buying or renting. Ultimately it depends on how far we can get with it. Unfortunately the market is shit at the moment for buying!
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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Buying will always be best, just don't buy beyond your earnings.

Sounds stupid I know but a lot of people do it.
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(11-06-2013, 05:38 PM)Pompey306mark Wrote: Buying will always be best, just don't buy beyond your earnings.

Sounds stupid I know but a lot of people do it.

i know but at the moment, it really isnt a good market to buy in. Will see what happens when we come to moving in but we want at least 25k for a deposit (not a lot at all really Sad ) so if we do rent, the majority of that will go into a ISA until its time to buy!
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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£25k is a good deposit. And the market is not that bad don't follow the press. There are plenty of good bargains to be had, and good properties.

Just needs looking into.
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How is the market shit for buyers atm? You've got the govt help to buy scheme, and although prices are rising again they are still not at the levels they reached before the crash.

Got to be honest dude, i'd take the job in the short-term. Nothing to say you've got to stick with it if it doesn't fit in with your plans at a later date.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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Niall aren't you like 21??? Take the Job and man up, probably got another 30+ years of work in you yet. Take the raise and the experience and then settle and have an easier life in a bit.
Peugeot 206 GTI HDI
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can you stay in your current job and move down to hampshire??

[Image: DSC_0190-Copy_zpsf093f84d.jpg]
Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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(11-06-2013, 07:24 PM)puglove Wrote: can you stay in your current job and move down to hampshire??

If i stay in the position im in now, yes. If i take the new position, possibly but much slimmer chance.
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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HHMMM its a hard one with the currant economy, ok what about this one, If you were take this new job and gain the experience , in a job application situation would you be move likely to get a job doing your current job, apposed to applying without the new job experience?

If that makes sence?

[Image: DSC_0190-Copy_zpsf093f84d.jpg]
Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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(11-06-2013, 05:27 PM)Niall Wrote: Just starting to save a deposit but we are still not sure if it will go towards buying or renting. Ultimately it depends on how far we can get with it. Unfortunately the market is shit at the moment for buying!

If you rent its dead money and will be harder to save in the long run for a mortgage. We only had a 10% deposit....

What the difference if the jobs with the same place, why not take the higher job and then travel?
[Image: untitled_zps1adc0365.png]
(21:20:51) Just_Sean: i had a pokey bum wank in the bath once and i shit you not, i burped a bubble
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I had a similar dilemma last year, remember me starting a thread about Southampton? My company offered me a promotion as part of a group of managers who were wanted to move down there and sort the place out, and I turned it down because although it was a promotion, I didn't want to move down south, and although it was an extra few grand a year the pay rise would have been wiped out by the cost of living down south.

It kinda turned out a bad decision, because I was doing the same job up here on a secondment, and down there it would have been permanent, and now I've been told that the best I can hope for is for my secondment to be extended next month because there are more managers than teams, and at worst I'm back on the phones. Worst bit is, Southampton has closed now and everyone there was offered the choice of Leeds, Manchester, Cardiff or Edinburgh with relocation costs covered, so I'd be back in Leeds by now!

Just shows what can happen in a company, to turn a smart decision into a shit one. Oh well, onwards and upwards lol
[Image: tapatalk_1427020983519_zpsnwvozlhb.jpeg]
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take the upgrade! What salary would you be on? ill be putting up a thread soon as ive got to decide between a 5 hour commute or living in london :/
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(11-06-2013, 08:13 PM)SRowell Wrote: take the upgrade! What salary would you be on? ill be putting up a thread soon as ive got to decide between a 5 hour commute or living in london :/

26k+ on call which last year was about 9k. Would also mean i can pay off my tax bill as well as at the moment i only have £1100 a year tax free where most people have about £9700 Sad

More i think about it, the more im game. The 2 things that are putting me off the most is my chances of moving and the area i will have to cover (will have to go over to East London which is a complete bastard of a journey for me sometimes!) Spoke to the guy whos leaving this eve for a while and hes going to put in a good word for me so that coupled with the fact the manager wants my body...err i mean me should mean if i do decide to go for it, its mine.
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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Hampshire isn't that far for a commute if you absolutely had to might as well go for it Niall. The experience will help you get a better job when you do eventually move anyway.

I'm looking for a new job at the moment and while I don't particularly want to increase my commute/commute into London I'd be looking at a massive pay rise if I did, so it may be worth it!
[Image: kim.png]
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Kim what you looking to do?
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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