Need urgent help with Bosch pump ! Pleasee

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Need urgent help with Bosch pump ! Pleasee
White smoke only little puffs though . It's connected to the hose for the intercooler yes. When you say 3/4 advanced is that 3/4 of the way forward from fully retarded ?
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3/4 towards the front of the engine with the top of the pump Wink

if its only little puffs i would see what its like and see if it clears once it warms up, fuel feed and return are the right way round? (pipe from the top of the fuel filter housing to the connection on the pulley side of the pump)

Oh and lol at Tom's edit!
Team Orange Engine Bay

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Yes fuel line from fuel filter housing to the fuel in on pump , just trail and error I think with the position of the pump
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Jackabeen93 Wrote:Yes fuel line from fuel filter housing to the fuel in on pump , just trail and error I think with the position of the pump

yeah just get it somewhere around the 3/4 and see how it goes, the other thing is that it might want the fueling setting up properly and a bit more boost but once you get it running you can play around with things like that as per dan's guide Smile
Team Orange Engine Bay

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Well we got it running spot on for about 30 seconds then went to been shit again been playing with the max fuel screw , seems to be helping just trying to advance the pump mm by mm becuase were still getting white smoke when it revs
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Oh and with my lucus set up I was running 18 psi the turbo is already adjusted to suit that so maybe the pump needs adjustment to suit the air?
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its strange that you are getting a spot on idle but then no power and white smoke when you rev it!

Have you played with the hot and cold idle screws on the back of the pump? because I am struggling to help now Hmm
Team Orange Engine Bay

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Rightooo just been for a 15mile drive and it drives spot on through all gears revving all the way round power feels like it did standard , and there is no smoke at all , although its still idling rough and pulling up to junctions slow whilst in gear it starts to judder as if it's been starved of fuel becuase as soon as I put my foot down it stops and when I say in gear I don't mean as in 5th doing 15 and it's about to stall lol do you think I need more max fuel to match my boost so there a haze of smoke on boost? Then adjust the idle screw so it idles at normal rpm?
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^^ you got it, add more fuel and then bring the idle back down again. if ti drives ok then it can't be getting starved of fuel, you would notice that more when you had your foot down, unless its set too low now Smile

If its running a bit rough at idle then maybe a bit more advance required?! where did you set it in the end?
Team Orange Engine Bay

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That is a hard question lol we were moving it 2mm at a time lol, well I've just started to car up after letting it cool whilst I was sorting something and it idled fine bit clattery still but not lumpy this brings me to thinking it could be the hot idle screw that needs adjusting ? Takes a tiny bit longer to start now too before it was straight away I think your right maybe needs a tad more advance .
More max fuel , hot idle adjusting a few mm more advance and I think I'll be onto a winner lol perfectly drivable at the min so I think I'm going to leave it till my next day off because spending two days working on the car in this sun has depressed me iv had enough lol

Cant thank you enough for all the help really appreciate it Smile although I'm sure I'll be back lol
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I know it's asking Alot but I've got a few vids see if anyone can diagnose what I need to do next to get it set right

Cold idle

Hot idle

No smoke on or off boost so obviously max fuel needs playing with feels real underpowered well standard power really, a little puff of white smoke on start up ? Cheers
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Just turned up the max fuel and it performs well now equal to when I had the lucus on which is what I was aiming for for the time being . Since turning it up it no longer idles like its camed up sits nicely just under 1000rpm which it seemed to like the most still quite clattery but not as bad . I'm positive its still too advanced but the thing is I don't know exactly how clattery it should be the lucus wasn't at all , does struggle to start abit now though when hot and cold but it's just like most dervs on start up (it used to be really good for starting as in instantly lol) could anyone give advice from the information and videos I've gave? Cheers
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Theres no timing issue there if its driving ok, maybe a shy advanced but alot run it like that, sorry not read through your thread, but if after its idling like that your having issues then I would say your drawing air/starving fuel somewhere.
[Image: 22f2b6b2-758b-4c1c-96fb-6fa9c6059b13_zpsf306b56b.jpg]
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^^ cheers Dave, I haven't yet got round to looking at this properly using a computer with sound! Been meaning to reply properly for days! Confusedhock:
Team Orange Engine Bay

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Cheers i think before I try anything else I'm going to change the fuel filter because as I've said before it was dropping off boost and someone said it'd probably be starved of fuel so I'll change that first any tips on doing it?
When it's warm it fires straight up no problem and idles fine a little bit high though , but it's when it's cold it struggles to start and ticks over like it's cammed up it does idle really low though following dans guide it says ideal for cold idle would be 1000/1100rpm and it's probably 300rpm less but the hot idle is 1100 I think my hot and cold idles are backwards :L I'll let you know how I get on thanks a lot for all the help
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The standard fuel filter is crap and often doesn't seal properly. You can try remove the housing completely, clean the bases/mating faces up and then re-seal. The lid too.

Some of us have got In-line filters now instead.
[Image: brokendown-1-1-1.jpg]

Dturbo GT2259s build thread;

Daily driver; 330d Msport (doesn't blow up!)
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Where would I get a inline one from to suit? Of which car? Cheers
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Generic inline filter on ebay, costs pennies, solves life long issues...
[Image: 22f2b6b2-758b-4c1c-96fb-6fa9c6059b13_zpsf306b56b.jpg]
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Cheers Dave just got it today going to fit it tomorrow , I'm still positive the pumps not set up right I need a pro at it lol any takers ha
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Come to FCS, there will be plenty of VE folk around Wink
[Image: 22f2b6b2-758b-4c1c-96fb-6fa9c6059b13_zpsf306b56b.jpg]
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It's tempting me just trying to get someone to come with lol
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