Cost of Timing Belt and Water Pump Replacement?

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Cost of Timing Belt and Water Pump Replacement?
So then fellas!

The pug is coming back on the road! Hopefully it passes it's MOT tomorrow! Fingers crossed.

Anyway! One thing I had forgot was that before I took it off the road I was thinking of getting the timing belt replaced... It definitely needs doing.

What's a ball park cost of a belt and waterpump replacement on these cars? I don't want to go to a garage that just quotes silly money because they see a computer program that tells them it will take 18 hours or something daft!

Cheers Smile
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its about £80 for a decent kit. You can get them cheaper though sometimes if you snipe ebay. I usually use a gates kit that comes with waater pump. Its about 2.5 hours to do belt 3 including water pump. (i think) if you really need it done cheap i have all the gear here to do it for you but im in bury st edmunds. If you supply the parts i can fit the lot for £80
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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As Bash says, £80ish will get you the parts then it's just time. Usually takes me a fair bit longer than 2.5hrs but most of that it trying to get my fat hands into places that aint designed for flesh or removing shizzle to actually do the job. It's not too bad to do if you wanted to DIY Smile
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I charge £90+ parts for 2.0 8v HDi belt/pump change ?
Wishes for more power...
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Brilliant Big Grin Those are great prices. I will be in touch with one of you guys soon! The car is in the garage for some welding tomorrow and then will be on the road Wednesday Big Grin

One thing I will be definitely doing is getting it up on my little ramp stand things and giving everything a good cleaning and painting underneath Big Grin
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(05-02-2018, 07:23 AM)Piggy Wrote: I charge £90+ parts for 2.0 8v HDi belt/pump change ?

Seeing as your quite a bit closer than BashBarnard when do you next have available when I could come down and get this belt done with you? Is there anything else I should buy other than the belt and water pump do you think?

If other bits need to come off I may as well change them for new at the same time! Big Grin
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Aux belt usually too. And fresh coolant.

Message me on FB piggyppwer about booking if you could
Wishes for more power...
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(12-02-2018, 10:20 AM)Piggy Wrote: Aux belt usually too. And fresh coolant.

Message me on FB piggyppwer about booking if you could

I have messaged you bud Smile
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