Programming keys to different BSI

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Programming keys to different BSI
Can't find a answer to this situation. My phase 3 HDI now has a different ECU and bsi with a remap on it. Issue is new setup came with only a blank key with the imboliser thing in it but no remote locking facility.

IVe got two perfectly good keys for the old BSI both with remote locking. Any easy way to program them to the new bsi, have access to full snap on and launch diagnostics.

Or just spend the £50 and get the remapped ECU unlocked abd use original BSI?

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its not a bsi so yeah.

get the map swapped to your original ecu seems simplest method.

unless you have the key code for the replacement ecu and pp2000, then you can programme a new rf fob I believe.
need a part number? and will sort you out.
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Yer I read the debate whether it's a BSI or not and what it's listed as. That black box!

Fairly new to this side of things, how tricky is that?

Would be a ideal solution to keep original ECU and BSI.
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If you have the VIN of the car you got the ECU and the black box (CPH) from you can get the security code from a site called peugeotcodes.

Then you need peugeot planet to program the keys to the CPH. Done it loads of times.
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Does it have to be Peugeot planet?
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Can either re-program immo + RF locking to the new BSI/CPH whatever you want to call it or swap the maps over. Remember that the RF locking and the immo system are totally different.

3rd party diags may be able to do it, but you'll probably need the security code to be able to do it, same as PP2k.

If the ECU part numbers are the same (0 281 0xx xxx), you should be good to simply put the correct BSI/CPH with the correct ECU and download the map off one and apply it to the other. If not, then the adjustments that have been made will need to be applied to the software version that is on your original ECU.
(16-05-2016, 10:45 AM)Toms306 Wrote: Oh I don't care about the stripped threads lol, that's easily solved by hammering the bolt in. Wink
Nanstone GTD5 GT17S - XUD9TE
Volvo V50 D5 R-Design SE Sport - Daily cruise wagon.
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Thanks for that clarification. To confirm it is possible to reprogram the old remote fobs to the new immoboliser system?

I have the vin from the original car so I can obtain the security code.
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Correct, yes it is.

However, if it were me, I'd probably switch to only having the original BSI/CPH, but clone the immobiliser portion of your original ECU to your re-mapped ECU. That way your BSI/CPH is original to the car, VIN correct, keys already programmed to the car, you can then switch between ECUs whilst retaining the immobiliser.

To explain the components of the system in greater detail:

The ECU has a small configuration EEPROM (5P08C3) inside the ECU which contains information about the car it was originally in such as Immobiliser Codes (sync'ed to the BSI/CPH), current stored fault codes, vehicle configuration (AC, Cruise on some models) etc. This portion is _NOT_ downloaded when you download the map (Flash ROM) from the car. The BSI/CPH also contains a small EEPROM, again which contains configuration data (Immobiliser codes which are synced to the ECU, Immobiliser transponder codes, RF Fob codes etc).

The BSI/CPH memory and the ECU's 5P08C3 EEPROM go hand in hand - the ECU won't unlock unless it receives the right code from the BSI - which will only send the right code if the transponder from the key in the barrel sends back the right code to the ECU. Obviously - since you can't just swap the ECU out and expect it to start... However you can clone the 5P08C3 chip with (relative...) ease which will give you two ECUs which will work with the BSI/CPH in the car.

From my limited experience of playing around - any EDC15C2 ECU with the same number number at 0 281 001 362 AND is the same single or three plug connector can run a file from any other ECU with that same number since the hardware is identical. For example:

An ECU with the number 0 281 010 362 can be have the Flash and EEPROM written to an 0 281 010 249 and should work fine - the hardware is (from my inspection...) identical.

An ECU with the number 0 281 010 592 is a 3 plug cannot have it's Flash and EEPROM written to a single plug 0 281 010 249 ECU.

Another caveat is that the EEPROM will need to match the version of the ECU. For example:

A Flash ROM file from an 0 281 001 362 cannot be written to an ECU with the number 0 281 001 249 without the EEPROM being changed. You'll end up with an EEPROM configuration error.

Anyone who knows better - please do shed some light on the technicalities of this - but this is as I understand from my playing on the bench thus far to further understand the EEPROM and Flash ROM contents. When you brick your ECU because you flashed a 512kb jpeg of a penis to your ECU, don't come crying because some bloke on a car forum said it was safe to do so. If you're playing around with flashing stuff to your ECU which is non-standard, you should understand the methods of recovering from a messed up flash. This information is provided with no guarantee that it'll work or is even remotely correct.
(16-05-2016, 10:45 AM)Toms306 Wrote: Oh I don't care about the stripped threads lol, that's easily solved by hammering the bolt in. Wink
Nanstone GTD5 GT17S - XUD9TE
Volvo V50 D5 R-Design SE Sport - Daily cruise wagon.
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Some awesome information there. Thanks for sharing it.

I love stuff like this.
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