No Crank No Start and fans

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No Crank No Start and fans
Hey guys, Having starting issues with my W reg 1.4 306
When i try and turn it on the ignition works fine (all the radio, headlights, windows and wipers etc all work)  but when trying to turn the car over there is nothing at all, not even a click, I'm assuming this is a problem with either the starter motor, a relay or even the battery.
Are there any checks i can do to be certain what it is so i can fix it? or if its a common thing with these is there an easy fix?

second problem started after trying to turn the car over, the two fans in front of the radiator stay on even after the key is in the ignition (i guess this would be normal if the car had been running and was warm) it stays on as long as they battery is connected, but after disconnecting the battery it turns off, unless i turn the ignition on again? is this a fuse gone or a further electrics problem.

Any help would be appreciated
Thanks in advance 
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Welcome to 306oc,

I have a 1.6 myself which is a TU engine so I imagine its somewhat similar in layout. You've mentioned that there is power to the electrics so the battery shouldn't be a problem. Obviously do check all your connections beforehand, start with the simple cheap things first however it is good to keep in mind that it could very well be a starter motor or coil pack failure.

I'm sure that both items are readily available and can be changed out with a couple of spanners so if either the starter motor or coil pack is the culprit, you should be able to do these yourself rather easily. Check the returns policy as if either of these items don't do it for you at least its only time that has been spent.
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Thanks for the reply, 
After about half an hour i managed to find the starter motor, its right at the back under the air box and without jacking it up is really hard to get to, but I have  managed to reach it to tap it a few times  with a hammer which seemed successful for now, so I'm assuming its the case of getting a new starter motor and changing that out?
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You may have inadvertently found the cause so a new starter may very well solve your problem. Do of course check everything else while your at it, battery terminals, earth points for corrosion etc all connections between the starter and working your way backwards. Just ask yourself, is it an electrical issue or a mechanical issue?

If you got the engine started and it is running (from your experience) alright then you appear to be leading yourself in the right direction.

Here is an exert from the Haynes manual in regards to the Starter Motor if you decide to give it a go:

*Disconnect the battery negative cable (radio code will need re-entering when you re-attach the battery
*So that access to the motor can be gained both from above and below, firmly apply the handbrake then jack up the front of the vehicle and support it on axel stands. On 1.1, 1.4 and 1.6 models, to improve access to the motor, remove the air cleaner housing.
*Slacken and remove the two retaining nuts and disconnect the wiring from the starter motor solenoid, Recover the washers under the nuts.
*Undo the three mounting bolts, supporting the motor as the bolts are withdrawn. Recover the washers from under the bolt heads and note the locations of any wiring or hose brackets secured by the bolts.
*Manoeurve the starter motor out from underneath the engine and recover the locating dowels from the motor/transmission (as applicable)

This exert was taken from the Haynes manual, and in no way is it my work

Edit: You can also find an informative video on youtube by searching for "how to test your car's starter and solenoid" and choosing the first video you see (4:41 in length). Not sure if I can do links just yet due to my post count. Smile
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I'll look about ordering a new starter motor and hopefully it will all be fine, ill grab a multi meter and check voltages etc and just check the general condition, and just hope that its a mechanical issue. 
Doesn't seem like much of a job to be able to change it so that should be fine.
I've had a brief look on youtube and found a couple of useful links

Thank you for the info and tips

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Let us know how you get on! If you like drop a post in the Newbies Section, perhaps with a pic or two. We all like seeing pictures of members cars, regardless of age or condition!
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