some of you might know me

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some of you might know me
hi all, ive joined you guys as me and my house mates have bought a phase 3 XS 1.8 16v for a budget track car. so far it needs quite alot of work to get it track ready but who complaining when it only cost £350. ive met a few of you guys before through my mate sam who had an XSi and then turboed a 106 1.5 NAD. so hello again to those i know and hi to those i dont. cheers joe
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Welcome mate, I think a lot of people remember Samass lol, good luck with the build, stick some pics up when you get chance Smile
Phase 1 D-Turdo, K14@24 psi, De-cat, meaty backbox, Bosch pump, grinded LDA pin, duel air fed K&N =133.7bhp & 188ft/lbs
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pictures! the 1.8 16V is great but you wont get much more power out of it without putting in stupid money. throttlebodiesand a standalone ecu will get you to 129hp. gti6 exahust manifold a few more. The standard ecu isnt remappable easily. For track i would go with decent tyres, strip it out, bucket and harness it. Fit a gti6 inlet and exhaust manifold and leave it at that. Should be easily achievable for a few hundred.
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Welcome, throw some pictures up!
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thanks guys, ill get some photos up over the weekend
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