so..... oil leak and turbo failure.......

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so..... oil leak and turbo failure.......
when i first got the car the whole back of the engine was covered in old dired up oil with a minor leak but nothing to talk about. and now its quite a bad one iv heard of them generally being a bit oily down the back but this is redicoulous the amount its losing. it isnt the rocker cover and appears to be below the turbo so im thinking its obviously coming from the head but not necessarily head gasket fairly as i remember both my tu engines leaking oil around the area with out head failure. But also thinking it probably about the way the engine lays backwards too?

Any ideas?

Now on to the turbo. Currently on a k-14 running around 20psi. recently change to a bosch and went to fiddle around with the lda and once i lifted it off load of oil poured out as in enough to dribble every where! and the dump valve is chucking oil out to now so am i right to assume the turbo is dieing?

All this seems to have happened after running on veg.....hmmmmm

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not entirely sure on the leak, clean it off for best bet to see where its from
as for the turbo yeah sounds like its dying, enough oil to dribble out the turbo is not good good reason to go t2 though!
[Image: IMG_20130925_181339_zps95df48fa.jpg]
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K14 is as good as the T2 and a great turbo, its the same size as a T2 and massively underrated IMO (ruans took massive amounts of abuse IIRC)

I would have to say that the oil on the block would probably be from the rocker cover as that is fairly normal and if your using huge amounts of oil and its coming out of your DV then the turbo seals have probably gone on the compressor side sending all the missing oil through the engine lol

I would say that you need to, a) replace the turbo before it goes properly and the engine runs away on the oil, b) changer the rocker cover gasket, and, c) remove the DV because they are silly on a diesel Tongue
Team Orange Engine Bay

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I'd get the turbo done ASAP the last thing that you want is a runaway diesel. And as said already rocker cover gasket.
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As Mark said, get that turbo off asap before the engine runs on its own oil as fuel! If this happens it could easily run away and put pistons through the bonnet! If you do feel it starting to run away, stall it immediately!
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The rocker cover had a new gasket put on before this started to happen as i thought the minor leak was caused by. this. iv just had a thought though when i change the bosch the oil breather pipe was cracked and brittle so i remove it and just put a new pipe from the rocker cover to the inlet. this could be just oil vapour being thrown into the inlet on the turbo? im in the middle of fixing it now and all the inlet pipes are covered in freash oil....
Perv 106 1.4 xs First Pug Love - Scrapped
Perv 306 1.6 5 Door Hore - Sold
110bhp 207 Hdi Sport - Used as a Brake
173bhp T25 Ph1 Diablo Dturbo - Scrapped
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51bhp Berlingo Nad DT Van - Sold
Slow as f*ck Dispatch Work Horse
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If the turbo-IC pipe is full of fresh engine oil then the turbo is likely to be fubared I'm afraid. A small amount of black sludgey old oil is normal but fresh is bad news.
Supercharged XUD Project - Dead

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Oil outside the block isn't generally turbo failure, that's just a leak...

Oil on the inside is either a sign of excessive blowby or yes a dying turbo... I'd go down the blowby route first, check that it's not spewing oil up the breather pipes. So take the inlet to the turbo off, and check there, if that's dry, then I'd say turbo...
(16-05-2016, 10:45 AM)Toms306 Wrote: Oh I don't care about the stripped threads lol, that's easily solved by hammering the bolt in. Wink
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i bought a s reg peugeot 306 1.9td i drove it home fine but now when i drive it over 2000 revs it comes out with loads of black smoke can any 1 tel me wat this cud be


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sexystu1987 Wrote:i bought a s reg peugeot 306 1.9td i drove it home fine but now when i drive it over 2000 revs it comes out with loads of black smoke can any 1 tel me wat this cud be



My guess would be a boost leak as black smoke is unburnt fuel due to not having enough air available to burn it Smile check all the connections from the turbo to the head including the manifold bolts and see how you get on?
Team Orange Engine Bay

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ok thanks il let u no
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if it aint that do u think it cu be the pistions
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sexystu1987 Wrote:if it aint that do u think it cu be the pistions
Doubt it, if it starts and runs fine tbh, what makes you think it would be? Boost leak or dead turbo are most likeley, are you getting a hissing noise when driving?
Team Orange Engine Bay

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Another thing to check is if it has been tuned before. A S reg will be on a lucas pump so check the black plastic bung on the front of the pump for signs of tampering. This could be why it is overfueling and belching black smoke.
Supercharged XUD Project - Dead

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na there aint no hissing noise at all i got tol by sum bloke it was the pistings but i dint think it wu of been that also the bloke i got cr off sed it had been tuned up to 2bar i dunno if this wil help

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It would help alot more if you spoke properly so we could understand you
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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ok i got a s reg pug 306 1.9td every time i go over 2000 revs its comin out with loads of black smoke
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and its not just a little bit its loads
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londondan86 Wrote:If the turbo-IC pipe is full of fresh engine oil then the turbo is likely to be fubared I'm afraid. A small amount of black sludgey old oil is normal but fresh is bad news.

Phew! I panicked when I first read that. Then read it again. Yeah, my pipes have wee bits of black sludgy oil in them but that's all. It's fiiiiine!
[Image: MIRKxNP.jpg]
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so what does evey one think?
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sexystu1987 Wrote:so what does evey one think?

I would start your own thread or you will confuse people, it still sounds like a boost leak to me.
On the 306 waiting list.
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Have you checked for boost leaks yet?? If not, go and do that maybe...................................

It won't fix its self while you sit on the internet asking the same question over and over Tongue
Team Orange Engine Bay

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were wud i find the boost
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sexystu1987 Wrote:Were would i find the boost.

Fixed some errors for you there Wink
seriously was my first reply to all this in another language??

mark_airey Wrote:
sexystu1987 Wrote:i bought a s reg peugeot 306 1.9td i drove it home fine but now when i drive it over 2000 revs it comes out with loads of black smoke can any 1 tel me wat this cud be



My guess would be a boost leak as black smoke is unburnt fuel due to not having enough air available to burn it Smile check all the connections from the turbo to the head including the manifold bolts and see how you get on?
Team Orange Engine Bay

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me-tm Wrote:
londondan86 Wrote:If the turbo-IC pipe is full of fresh engine oil then the turbo is likely to be fubared I'm afraid. A small amount of black sludgey old oil is normal but fresh is bad news.

Phew! I panicked when I first read that. Then read it again. Yeah, my pipes have wee bits of black sludgy oil in them but that's all. It's fiiiiine!

I think I've heard Ruan call it "blowby" or something like that. It comes from the crank case breather that feeds into the inlet just behind the battery. This oil then passes through the cold side of the turbo and collects in the boost hoses/IC. Not a problem, just give the system a good clean every now and again.
Supercharged XUD Project - Dead

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Nah, blow-by is different, that when the piston rings are fecked and the dipstick keeps popping out due to the pressure that has escaped from the cylinders into the crank case, but your right about the oil just being what has built up over time from the breather and any small amounts that have escaped from the turbo etc Smile
Team Orange Engine Bay

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sexystu1987 Wrote:were wud i find the boost

Falling out through a pipe that's fallen off probably if its smoking that badly.... :?

If not...listen for it and feel around all the connections for air blowing and oil dribbling out.....

Edit - as for oil in boost pipes, do DT's Have EGRs? If so, its the oil vapour from the breather mixing with the EGR 'shit' (carbon and stuff) that makes the mess in the boost pipes.......s'why I fitted a catch tank and removed the EGR on my car.............but cleaned all BUT ONE of the pipes so the new ones are full of oil again. Doh
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mark_airey Wrote:Nah, blow-by is different, that when the piston rings are fecked and the dipstick keeps popping out due to the pressure that has escaped from the cylinders into the crank case, but your right about the oil just being what has built up over time from the breather and any small amounts that have escaped from the turbo etc Smile

Righto, cheers mate Big Grin
Supercharged XUD Project - Dead

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i cnt even start the car tho it wont even start
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mark_airey Wrote:
sexystu1987 Wrote:Were would i find the boost.

Fixed some errors for you there Wink
seriously was my first reply to all this in another language??
Seriously mark when you correct someone at least get it right :-P


Lol :-P
[Image: IMG_20130925_181339_zps95df48fa.jpg]
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