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Need an outlet... if you are reading this... sorry.

I am getting sick and tired of being treated like dirt by companies who want my business!


My Xperia Z2 experienced a common rear glass failure where they crack/shatter when not being held, just from overheating basically.
Sony have had my phone now since the 1st of May. They have a guaranteed 7-10day turn around once received.

Well after 10days I chased them (I do this a lot)

They want £290 to do a full rebuild. I tell them to stuff that!
Basically since then all I have done is constantly chase after being told "someone in management will contact you within 48hours via email or telephone". 

Eventually I went mental. I contacted them again and after some digging it turns out its more damaged than when I sent it. totally smashed rear and cracked screen now. They said it must have been in the post that it got further damaged. Well funnily enough I no longer have the post office receipt to claim as it was 2 months ago and Sony said they had got it
Essentially they are sending the phone back now more damaged after having it for over 2 months. Oh and it should have arrived on the 1st of July...guess what, still no phone. 
No apologies for not getting back to me or for the terrible service. Nope. They just said I was lucky as if I had contacted them within another 7 days the phone would have been destroyed! I WAS WAITING FOR THEM TO CONTACT ME!!!!!

Similar issue with plusnet, I have .1mb upload and .35download.... but thats fine apparently. Keep having to chase. (most of the time I get cut off in online chats, after waiting 30min in the queue, because the connection drops)

Had a ebay seller trying to convince me that 57mm was 2.5inches... I gave up in the end

Having Carpartsforless send me the wrong bits and then want me to scan the invoice (photo not acceptable) and send it them before they do anything... yet I don't have a scanner. 

Then other companies like ASH last week, spending a lot of money and paying for next day delivery to get it 3 days later.

AMAZONs "prime" next day GUARANTEED delivery which arrives 2 or 3 days later. They kindly extend my prime membership a month for it but thats not the point really... if its guaranteed, it should happen, no!?

Is anyone else having these issues with big corps?!
Wishes for more power...
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Make a video on it?
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Welcome to the world in 2015, a complete, and utter nightmare. I deal with this kind of crap day in day out. Very few people in big companies care about anything other than leaving work on time and getting paid on time. Sadly this means that as soon as there is an issue, your screwed really. I just live with it / learn not to deal with the worst of the bunch.

Its irritating but what can you do, very little sadly in this day of age.
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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(08-07-2015, 11:39 AM)darrenjlobb Wrote: Welcome to the world in 2015, a complete, and utter nightmare. I deal with this kind of crap day in day out. Very few people in big companies care about anything other than leaving work on time and getting paid on time. Sadly this means that as soon as there is an issue, your screwed really. I just live with it / learn not to deal with the worst of the bunch.

Its irritating but what can you do, very little sadly in this day of age.


Just seems to be getting worse and worse. 

Getting really sick of it. 
Wishes for more power...
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at the min piggy I am that f*cked off with the place I work, I am debating on just belling an agency and saying I don't have a job, the f*ck on we have had for the past few years has been un real, and this year is just plan silly!
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Renewed my phone contract after calling them and saying I wanted to leave and go on Giff Gaff, they offered to beat what GG were offering to keep me, by giving me a contract at £17 but with a 40% discount and an extra 2GB data, great I thought, however when the confirmation email came through the discount and extra data hadn't been added.

4 phonecalls totalling over 5 hours it took to sort that out, and if not for working in CS myself I don't think I'd have got it Sad
[Image: tapatalk_1427020983519_zpsnwvozlhb.jpeg]
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I had a Garenteed broadband speed with sky of 8mb. When they didn't make that at the new house I complained. Sky engineer came over said it was fixed. Wasn't fixed 20 mins after he left. So I rang up and said I wanted fibre. They said fine we will upgrade you. Said no you wont that will cost me. I want it for free. Said I wanted a supervisor. Then when they wouldn't help me I wanted a manager. Then they said they would ring me back. I took a time and date. They didn't ring. So I rang them again went up to the manager again same results. After the third phone call of not receiving I rang again and said that's it. You've had me on 3 times. (by this point they had noted on my file I was bad to talk to) because I got the manager straight away. Who promptly said yes to a years free fibre. Transferred me to the cancelation department as they are the only ones with power to do it. 6 months later I look at my bank account and they've started charging me. Had another go. (went straight to cancelation) and they credited me 6 months worth of payments in advance.

Lesson. Moan like f*ck a lot. And they will keep you happy.
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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I knocked on someones front door today and accidentally knocked so hard it opened. The quality of peoples front doors these days is just shoddy.

Someone put a notice on our photocopier saying it's now voice activated, it's never worked but sure is funny as hell watching people try.

Oh and the Tube drivers are going to ruin London for the day tomorrow as they are ONLY getting a 2% pay rise AND a £2000.00 bonus. I'd shut my f*cking mouth and do some f*cking work if I got either of those, moany lady gardens.
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(08-07-2015, 04:41 PM)Dum-Dum Wrote: I knocked on someones front door today and accidentally knocked so hard it opened. The quality of peoples front doors these days is just shoddy.

Someone put a notice on our photocopier saying it's now voice activated, it's never worked but sure is funny as hell watching people try.

Oh and the Tube drivers are going to ruin London for the day tomorrow as they are ONLY getting a 2% pay rise AND a £2000.00 bonus. I'd shut my f*cking mouth and do some f*cking work if I got either of those, moany lady gardens.

I'd love a bonus, no such luck!

Must try the photocopier thing!!!
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I moaned like hell with sony...

they said I should be grateful the phone isnt destroyed and they are returning it free.
Wishes for more power...
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Don't even start on the F***in tube drivers, they are paid over 45k to play with a joystick, family free travel card and above inflation pay rises and still have the nerve to strike. They get more than front line police, nurses etc and still moan about their 36 hr week. Sooner driverless trains happen the better. What makes it worse is that TFL don't forgo the Congestion charge even though more vehicles will be on the road. Much as I hate Maggie Thatcher at least when tubes went on strike she did everything possible to keep London moving including opening major parks for parking.
Mechanic in the 90's
Chef in the noughties
Now just pissing about with catering
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Don't get people moaning about strikes. If a strike will bring London to it's knees clearly they are worth the pay?

If their job is so delightful and well paid why don't you moany buggers do it Tongue

Adrian Flux are getting on my tits, the quotation phone number is free, the customer service number isn't. They charged me a £25 admin fee to change my car, despite it only taking 5 minutes (after being on hold for 15). They're just a bit shite, but annoyingly they're cheap!
[Image: sigcopy-1.jpg]
Diablo Meridian HDi - 125bhp - 73.0MPG - Halfords Wheels
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(08-07-2015, 06:46 PM)Kezzieboy Wrote: Don't get people moaning about strikes. If a strike will bring London to it's knees clearly they are worth the pay?

No, don't be daft. If that was the case the people who make electric would be on £2,000,000 a year, Police officers would be on £1,000,000 a year and footballers would be on benefits.

How can you earn twice as much as a bus driver to do a third of the work (and get better benefits). They know they have London over a barrel and they abuse that fact. The strike will cost the UK economy over £1 BILLION!!!!!. Suddenly an extra 1% on their pay is the cheap option.
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Precisely, the city cannot function without them, so they should be paid accordingly. 'The people who make electric', just lol. And I'm from Cornwall, where police officers do f*ck all, maybe it's different in the Met Wink

My issue is as soon as anyone suggests they might deserve better pay everyone tells them they don't, rather than saying, 'oh yeah, maybe I deserve a pay rise too'. We're all being bummed while the bosses are like pigs in shit.
[Image: sigcopy-1.jpg]
Diablo Meridian HDi - 125bhp - 73.0MPG - Halfords Wheels
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Not sure if troll or just stupid...
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(08-07-2015, 07:26 PM)Kezzieboy Wrote: Precisely, the city cannot function without them, so they should be paid accordingly. 'The people who make electric', just lol. And I'm from Cornwall, where police officers do f*ck all, maybe it's different in the Met

Tell you what, lets get rid of the police and see how long you last.
In fact the water fairies do f*ck all too, lets get rid of them and people can cut the roofs off their own cars.
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(08-07-2015, 07:26 PM)Kezzieboy Wrote: Precisely, the city cannot function without them, so they should be paid accordingly. 'The people who make electric', just lol. And I'm from Cornwall, where police officers do f*ck all, maybe it's different in the Met Wink

tbh kezzie I think its all down to budget, as our area has had some right old cut backs,  
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re: tube strikes:


I know as it's the independent you'll all immediately disregard it as tosh, but just read it please.

And you're bang on the money there Procta, some areas always get the shitty end of the stick, I fear it's no coincidence that they are the areas which need the most help.
[Image: sigcopy-1.jpg]
Diablo Meridian HDi - 125bhp - 73.0MPG - Halfords Wheels
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wow should have gone for being a tube driver. Perhaps tfl should turn around after the strikes and say " well mmm we would give you a pay rise but sadly were broke after the strike bad luck eh "
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project: http://306oc.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?tid=14360
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Try changing a business line to a different number then making it into a home line with BT.
It took 29 hours on the phone over 7 months and they held on to over £300 of mine for 6 weeks.

As for Tube Drivers. I wouldn't do it as a job, whatever you paid me. Last thing I ever want to see is someone going one-under
P1 XSi track car
2.4 LWB T4
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(08-07-2015, 08:04 PM)Kezzieboy Wrote: re: tube strikes:


Nonsense! Just utter shite, they want "fairly" remunerated for working nights and want it to be their choice to do them but they also don't want just those working nights to get the money.

They bleat on about safety and lone working but their whole ethos is it can be solved by them being paid more money,

They have been promised they won't have to do additional hours on top of their 30 odd hour week and this work life balance is horse shit as nights actually increase your balance in some ways.

The RMT et al are just Terrorists! They are causing maximal disruption to further their own political aims.
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The fact of the matter is that a tube driver is paid 50k per year to handle a lever. For this they do 37 hours a week and their family get free travel cards, and they get 40 days a year holiday. Now compare that to a Fire Person, copper or nurse who are legally obliged not to strike and have little say in pay or hours.

The sooner driverless trains can happen the better. Work Life balance my arse, no one is being forced to work nights, and extra staff are being employed to cover the shifts that the regulars don't want to cover so why is there still a strike?
Mechanic in the 90's
Chef in the noughties
Now just pissing about with catering
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As a train driver myself, I can honestly say that half of what has been said here is utter bollocks. It's not just "pushing a lever" in the same way that being a doctor isn't just "using scissors". Train driving is a tough and mentally draining job that takes a long time to master. I'm also a qualified bus driver, and to me it's not hard to see the reason for the pay gap.

That being said I refuse to join the RMT and do not support their actions. As said before, defence, emergency, law enforcement and medical services all get shafted and carry on. This strike seems to me like a load of shit. If the company are changing the way they run the business and the hours go up slightly (which they are going to get paid for anyway) then thats the way it is. It fits within the EU working directive and doesn't contravene the rules set by network rail. Man up. On that note, the network rail strike was of questionable integrity too. The sooner the old boys on the railway retire and take their 70's labour, something for nothing attitude with them the better. 
Resident cat lover 
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Again I feel it necessary to suggest we help raise up the standards to which we look after our public servants, rather than bringing down the standards of employment of private employees. Can we not stop the race to the bottom?
[Image: sigcopy-1.jpg]
Diablo Meridian HDi - 125bhp - 73.0MPG - Halfords Wheels
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(08-07-2015, 07:40 PM)Dum-Dum Wrote:
(08-07-2015, 07:26 PM)Kezzieboy Wrote: Precisely, the city cannot function without them, so they should be paid accordingly. 'The people who make electric', just lol. And I'm from Cornwall, where police officers do f*ck all, maybe it's different in the Met

Tell you what, lets get rid of the police and see how long you last.
In fact the water fairies do f*ck all too, lets get rid of them and people can cut the roofs off their own cars.

i have no internet at the moment besides my phone cause some useless lady garden f*cked up the BT fibre cables between here and there..

sky have been fantastic,  BT however are utter wank

shouting at ebay now too... bought a gauge,  gauge failed,  spoke to seller "send it back but we dont pay postage" "er.. sale of goods and services act 2002"  "ok send it back first class as posst box doesnt accept signed for or tracked letters"  ok....
now ebay wont refund the money, he has not confirmed whether he has had the item, and ebay need him to confirm receipt and want a tracking number from me DESPITE the message from him saying NOT to send it recorded.. 

i am one step away from instructing my bank to recall the fees they debitted the other day.. 

Oh... and the NYPD went on strike for 5 days.. crime in the city (actual crime not just recorded crime) went down..
Given the choice between Niall and the sheep. I would choose the sheep!
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(08-07-2015, 09:49 PM)Kezzieboy Wrote: Again I feel it necessary to suggest we help raise up the standards to which we look after our public servants, rather than bringing down the standards of employment of private employees. Can we not stop the race to the bottom?

Nobody is suggesting that public servants shouldn't be looked after more.

The point is that even if tube drivers got 150k a year and worked 11hours a week, they could still call a strike and cause major, major problems. Tube drivers threatening a strike happens with such regularity it barely qualifies as news anymore. Let's say they strike and get more pay and better benefits now. What's to stop them doing the same thing in 12 months and holding the city to ransom again?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
This post is an artistic work of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted above as fact.

62k Diablo Phase 1 Gti-6:
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^ My thoughts exactly.
Resident cat lover 
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(08-07-2015, 07:40 PM)Dum-Dum Wrote:
(08-07-2015, 07:26 PM)Kezzieboy Wrote: Precisely, the city cannot function without them, so they should be paid accordingly. 'The people who make electric', just lol. And I'm from Cornwall, where police officers do f*ck all, maybe it's different in the Met

Tell you what, lets get rid of the police and see how long you last.
In fact the water fairies do f*ck all too, lets get rid of them and people can cut the roofs off their own cars.

This is something i try not to do but for once, I'm 110% with Chris here. The police are on circa 40k a year. Fire brigade on about 30k a year and a train driver is on 45k a year. How the f*ck is that fair?! Its not. The police and fire brigade save lives. We rely on them so heavily without even realising yet the tube drivers can strike and demand more money just because TFL are looking at changing the tube opening hours. Sorry but I've got no respect at all for unions these days. They bully people into getting what they want. Yeah, we all want a pay rise. Would be nice but its not happening at the moment. People need to be knocked back down to earth. Not just coming out with bull shit like "oh, maybe we are all being mugged off"!
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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(08-07-2015, 09:24 PM)Pebbles167 Wrote:  The sooner the old boys on the railway retire and take their 70's labour, something for nothing attitude with them the better. 

Had a site visit of the tata steel plant in Scunthorpe (almost the same size as scunthorpe) and they said they used to buy all their coal from local mines to support British factories and that. The coal mines in the area striked leaving them with no supply costing them a fortune. The solution was to import coal from canada, have it shipped to Hull and brought in via train. 
When the mines reopened and said "okay we'll supply you coal again" they were told to do one as the canada supply was saving the steel plant about 50k a day. The local power plant also took their business else where , loosing two big contracts like that probably led them to being closed
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project: http://306oc.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?tid=14360
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I don't agree with the underground strike, but i'm sure if anyone of you were in the position where you could earn more money by striking, you'd do it. 
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