Running audio cable?

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Running audio cable?
Hey all. I am going to be setting up my audio install soon.
What is the largest size cable that can be run from the battery to the boot through the car and firewall?

Thanks, Jack
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Depends how bigger hole you cut. Wink
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Haha fair point.

What im thinking though as well is where im gonna be able to put it :/ Like under the plastic trim or under the carpet etc. Im thinking of using 50mm2 welding cable which is basically a cheap 0 awg wiring kit haha.

Cheers Smile
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Think my amp wiring was 0awg, definitely overkill though lol.

I made a hole in the air con grommet in the bulkhead, ran it up under the carpet under the passenger seat then straight into the boot. Since that I've seen other people run it outside under the car though, that's probably the easier option.
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Yeah thats what I was thinking as well under the car but I thought if there was a fairly easy way of doing it on the inside then it would be better protected Smile
I suppose I could buy some protection sorta stuff for it to make sure it doesn't get damaged under the car
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When I first had my car I ran it on the outside under the car but you need to run a longer run if you go under.

I now run through the car and I think it's a lot better that way.

I drilled a hole under the air con grommet.

[Image: df1584c4-cc16-422c-ba4c-b39ce131fc1e_zps74c5f8ac.jpg]
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Thats a fair point. I could order 7m if that would be enough to go outside??

Or I could do that but I don't know where I could hide 50mm2 welding cable through the interior? :/
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What amps will you be running? Most class D amps don't need massive amounts of power these days. I run a 4 gauge cable to run to Alpine PDX amps, ones 1kwrms the other is 4x100wrms.

I used to three amps on that cable.
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yeah thats a flipping huge gauge of cable!

how many watts you running? 10000?!
Wishes for more power...
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Well on eBay the 35mm cable is actually either the same or more than the 50mm cable that I found in price. I thought why bother with the smaller stuff when the bigger it is the better. I am willing to work around the disadvantages of huge cable if it helps just that little bit more Smile specially if its the same price haha Smile
May as well go all out now as well for if I ever go further with the setup Smile
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