Newbie from West Wales

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Newbie from West Wales
Hey folks, I'm new on here Blush

My name's Will and I live in Sunny(not) South West Wales.
I've had a few Peugeots over the years, mainly 205 diesels, a couple of 405's and a 306 Meridian td.
Anyway, I'm thinking of getting a Pug once again, haven't finalised which model as yet, nothing too new though.

Hope I'll fit in on here

Will Itwasntme
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Hey will, nice to see a fellow welshie signing up Big Grin (even if you are from the darker side Wink )
[Image: 17b33c2a-8471-4313-992e-0a4b324cf926_zps2e63812a.jpg]
Team Cyril
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DARKER SIDE!! Cheeky git!! lol

Cheers Matt :-)
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Hehe I got some friends that live in Pembroke Dock, don't see many 306's over there though Sad
[Image: 17b33c2a-8471-4313-992e-0a4b324cf926_zps2e63812a.jpg]
Team Cyril
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Not far from me, bout 9-10 miles.

No, 306's are getting a rarer sight on the roads these days.
There are a few in the local scrappy though, mostly Hdi's.
There's a blue estate there with black leather interior. If I'd bought a van and not a Combi Partner, then I'd be grabbing the seats from it.
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Thank you xgem :-)
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No Problem Smile
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Welcome along mate Smile
[Image: Cn91r40h.jpg] 
Astor 6 Fast road/track project
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Thank you :-)
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I've only seen one GTi6 in about a year and that was whilst I was in London! (Apart from mine)

I seen the odd derv burner, but they are all either old farts or people running them on red to go back and forth to work.
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Ah see South Wales your alright Wink some rough buggers about west wales see Tongue
[Image: 17b33c2a-8471-4313-992e-0a4b324cf926_zps2e63812a.jpg]
Team Cyril
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Im in the best part.. South east Wales haha
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(18-11-2014, 06:04 PM)Seb_Ryan Wrote: Im in the best part.. South east Wales haha

Really? That sounds like Newport, which is not the best part
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(18-11-2014, 06:25 PM)jamiek_uk2000 Wrote:
(18-11-2014, 06:04 PM)Seb_Ryan Wrote: Im in the best part.. South east Wales haha

Really? That sounds like Newport, which is not the best part

Not far from newport, but definitely not there! Haha
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(18-11-2014, 06:29 PM)Seb_Ryan Wrote:
(18-11-2014, 06:25 PM)jamiek_uk2000 Wrote:
(18-11-2014, 06:04 PM)Seb_Ryan Wrote: Im in the best part.. South east Wales haha

Really? That sounds like Newport, which is not the best part

Not far from newport, but definitely not there! Haha

Cheeky buggers :-P
Think you've got your areas mixed up, South West Wales, in particular is by far the best (apart from the sea air making stuff rust!) ;-)
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I love the fuel prices in pembroke Tongue although i hear thats not gonna last much longer?
[Image: 17b33c2a-8471-4313-992e-0a4b324cf926_zps2e63812a.jpg]
Team Cyril
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Yeh, ASDA in Pembroke is about the cheapest around here.

You're right, the job losses and businesses affected by the Murco buy out not going ahead is really gonna affect this area badly.
I'm out of work myself at the moment and there's not very much out there :-(
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Welcome Smile
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(19-11-2014, 08:10 PM)joka-cro Wrote: Welcome Smile

Thank you Wink
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(19-11-2014, 06:04 PM)madwelshman Wrote: Yeh, ASDA in Pembroke is about the cheapest around here.

You're right, the job losses and businesses affected by the Murco buy out not going ahead is really gonna affect this area badly.
I'm out of work myself at the moment and there's not very much out there :-(

Yeah saw on the news Sad need to get down around hereford buddy! loads of work around here Big Grin
[Image: 17b33c2a-8471-4313-992e-0a4b324cf926_zps2e63812a.jpg]
Team Cyril
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Welcome madwelshman, one of the things I love about being involved in car forums is how people get on and help one another and have good crack, just read through the ten or so comments on here thought yea quality banter

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Ref jobs, is that right Matt-Rallye? Hereford isn't too far. I'll do a search in that area tomorrow and see what comes up. Cheers.
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Welcome to the forum,Hello
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(20-11-2014, 07:27 PM)mossy1985 Wrote: Welcome madwelshman, one of the things I love about being involved in car forums is how people get on and help one another and have good crack, just read through the ten or so comments on here thought yea quality banter


Just read back through this myself lol quality banter Big Grin

(20-11-2014, 10:50 PM)madwelshman Wrote: Ref jobs, is that right Matt-Rallye? Hereford isn't too far. I'll do a search in that area tomorrow and see what comes up. Cheers.

It is indeed buddy Smile both myself and another member of this forum walked out of our jobs this year and were back in employment by the end of the week! the jobs are there if your willing to work Smile

You got a trade? What you done before?
[Image: 17b33c2a-8471-4313-992e-0a4b324cf926_zps2e63812a.jpg]
Team Cyril
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I'm a grease monkey by trade, but have been a mobile service engineer working on plant (generators, compressors and pumps) equipment for the last 12 1/2 yrs, so something along those lines would be more suited. I don't really wanna go back in to motor vehicle if I can help it.
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Always looking for fitters at my work haha we run a fleet of 40 various bits of plant machinery and 20something lorries from rigid right through too STGO cat2 Tongue
[Image: 17b33c2a-8471-4313-992e-0a4b324cf926_zps2e63812a.jpg]
Team Cyril
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I'm guessing that's heavy plant then, drots, track machines etc?
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Hi I would definitely say get another pug often see phase 3 pop up cheap recently
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(25-11-2014, 11:43 PM)Moonpie Wrote: Hi I would definitely say get another pug often see phase 3 pop up cheap recently

I've got a Peugeot Partner combi at the moment as the price was right and there's enough room in the back to keep my tools in as well. If the company supply me with a works van that I can keep my tools in all the time, then I'd get rid of the Partner and find something else.
I would love another 306 again though. There are about 4 in my local scrappy, (mainly Hdi's) the body looks as if they were in good condition until they went in there as all the damage I can see appears to be pretty fresh. I would definitely have another 306 though.
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