tappy hdi

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tappy hdi
hi guys new to this but wondering if you could help, simple question, my cars engine is sounding quite tappy until i get to 3k then sounds normal, it runs perfectly fine. not sure what it could be, thanks tom,
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probably the injectors if it goes quiet after 2.5-3krpm

id suggest turning the radio up!! as if its not broken dont throw money at injectors just to quieten them
its just a waste of good money
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ah ok cheers buddy
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I think most of them do it iirc isn't it the turbo the kind of ticks? Mine does it and mines (touchwood) never let me down.
#2 Moonstone Blue HDI
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Nope, definitely the injectors mate lol. If your turbo's ticking that's a whole other story!

Personally i'd say it depends how bad the ticking is, gained 3-4 mpg when i replaced my injectors with good refurbs. Mine were properly shagged though tbf lol.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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Whats the best injector cleaner to use?
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A certain amount of injector tick is normal, ive had it on mine for years and it goes away after a certain rpm, if it gets worse or louder get it looked at but for now i'd leave it.

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Welshy_Pete Wrote:Whats the best injector cleaner to use?

Diesel. Not being funny, just not found an "injector cleaner" or "fuel system cleaner" yet that makes what i'd call a worthwhile difference. Was some dude on TDOC a while back claiming he'd found a good one, but then it turned out he was a distributor for the stuff, so possibly a bit biased/fos lmao.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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The front of the Bosch manual for the injection system on the 306 HDi says in big red letters, DO NOT USE FUEL CLEANERS/ADDITIVES ON THIS SYSTEM... or words very similar to that effect.

There are baskets on top of the injectors that act as filters, there are filters in the tank pump, and a pre-high pressure filter on the engine too. Cleaning out all those is something the fuel cleaner won't do... if anything it'll just dislodge more crap to block up the injector basket filters!?
I'd save up and get new filters and maybe an ultrasonic clean on the injectors done, it'll make more long term difference than cleaners which Bosch say you shouldn't use!

Tappy injectors seems to be a characteristic, and fuel cleaner won't fix it. Even the very best HDi's I've seen have ticked loudly, while some cars that look like they are on deaths door, had very subtle ticking noises.

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I used to notice the 'ticking' quite a lot when i first got the car and shortly after went stage 1 but then it just seemed to disappear one day
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My brothers car did that too, remap on, went away, remap off, came back haha!

Ah those were the days... I still had my GTi6 and we were just putting random maps on his car to see if they worked (off the DVD you got)

I think we ran a 362 map on his 162. Light was on but it ran really really well. Probably 'too' well hehe... was a dicky map looking back, loads of power, but all the wrong ways of going about it.

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useful info that leaves me to not worry, thanks guys.
Tom Big Grin
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Apparently its to do with pre injection and keeping emissions down, because after 3k it doesn't bother with the pre ignition, i think i read that was what caused it
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
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was thinking of just taking hdi injectors from the scrap yard and trying them but if that dont work ill just put the old 1s back in, least i never payed for them. so no loss
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Heard this yesterday and it really does make a racket!
Doesnt sound healthy.. i should have got a vid
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mines really loud when i can hear a reflection of the sound off a wall.. cant hear it otherwise.. but i have a solution..

...keep it above 3k
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This was enough to hear loudly outside the car too
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Hmmm, that doesn't sound promising, where are you based exactly?
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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waterlooville area mate, and the car sounds fine now when driving, even before 3k as i has now fitted injectors from an xsara hdi thanks to the scrappy lol, so all good
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Ah fair play, glad you got it sorted. Expect to see you turning up at some meets then if you're only down the road. Wink
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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probs be some time tho mate wanna get a bit of money up together first,
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Ill nag him along to meets :-)
Missed a massive one last night haha there was 50+ in tesco havant was very cool and loud lol especially when the jap lot turned up
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yea i heard about that mate wish i went now should of gave me a call
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I would have if i could... haha
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