27-07-2014, 09:15 PM
Because we live in a society where rich people can get everything easier, what makes driving different.
![[Image: sig002_zpscb892e18.jpg]](http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb46/Silent_Rider-TP/car/sig002_zpscb892e18.jpg)
Standards of driving rant
27-07-2014, 09:15 PM
Because we live in a society where rich people can get everything easier, what makes driving different.
27-07-2014, 09:16 PM
(27-07-2014, 09:08 PM)lewisdmz Wrote:(27-07-2014, 04:26 PM)Poodle Wrote: It also means you're a lot less likely to drive like a tool, sod having to pay out for and resit that lot if you get your license taken away. Its not based on wealth. Its based on if you can meet the required abilities to drive. Considering most spend their money weekly or monthly (e.g a set amount a month) on driving lessons, it just means that you will do that over a longer period of time.
Team Eaton
1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
27-07-2014, 09:34 PM
This nearly happened to me today, driving home from a night shift first day on a new job, comimg from london to kent near bexleyheath in the fast lane doing 50 (speed limit was 50) then changes to 70mph, so i decide to get in the second lane and some twats in a mercedes e c class 14 plate decides to pull out and put his foot down same with a taxi driver volkswagen 7 seater, if i didnt look and pulled out then would of crashed even had the dog in the back so couldnt go that fast, when i pulled out a shit focus was pushing his car too hard and nearly lost control then dose over 100mph... What has happened to people?!?!?!?
Another time was when i was going to work yesterday night was doing 20mph again sticking to the speed limit as i dont know where the speed cameres are, a guy in a addison taxi kept trying to overtake so stopped at the traffic lights he was giving dirty looks, he tried to floor it as he was in the wrong lane so i floored it got in front of him so he had to brake... As someone said earlier, taxi drivers are the worst!!! ![]() The Black PH3 Angel
I don't understand, why did you need to be in front of the taxi driver badly enough that you tried to force an accident to keep him behind you and how does that make him the bad driver? Just curious...
![]() (27-07-2014, 09:08 PM)lewisdmz Wrote: 'cept if you're loaded and can just pay the fine and take the re-test. Well you can't, can you, that's what points are all about - you run up enough points to lose your licence and that's it for 1/3/5/whatever years. Think about it, if getting a license becomes much harder, then less companies will make it a job requirement. Besides, a moped would get you there just fine, much cheaper to run too.
28-07-2014, 06:35 AM
Moped, bicycle, bus, train, walk/jog??!
If its an absolute need, then get trained and always look for ways to improve. No one is perfect and thus we can all improv everyday. @Josh1994: sounds like you need to improve in your observation skills to be honest. I think the focus driver has more reason to rant tbh Wishes for more power...
28-07-2014, 07:53 PM
What's with people not letting others filter? Then they beep horns and wave arms about like you've done something wrong?
3 x Peugeot owner.
1996 106. 1996 306 D Turbo S. 1994 Mercedes Benz 320E. 1997 306 GLX. Subscribe! - https://www.youtube.com/user/TheADKJD/videos
28-07-2014, 08:19 PM
The thing that really crawls up my nose at the moment, is when i try to reverse into my driveway, which looks like this:
So I always come from the right of the pic, as its a one way system....I indicate to the near side in plenty of time, pull over and stop, then engage reverse. At which point, the drivers behind me usually get right up my chuff, then get the arse with me like its my fault they can't see me indicating. Invariably (as its such a busy road), this then means i have to go round the block again as they leave themselves nowhere to go. ![]() Same thing applies for when i pull out of the drive....as you can see, there are high, close-boarded fences around the whole garden, meaning i can't see anyone coming along the path until my drivers window is level with the fence....which also means the bonnet ends up poking out into the road. I can sit and wait for a gap to get out into for what feels like an absolute age sometimes! Even have to reverse back into the drive on occasion to allow pedestrians past on the path. Very rarely does anyone slow down to let me out. ![]() ![]()
28-07-2014, 10:36 PM
I don't think a lot of you realise how shocking public transport in the countryside is lol. I couldn't have got a job growing up without being able to drive, it's a catch 22. As it was I had been saving since I was about 10 to pay for a car, insurance etc.
![]() Diablo Meridian HDi - 125bhp - 73.0MPG - Halfords Wheels
29-07-2014, 07:02 AM
29-07-2014, 07:16 AM
I have similar in carparks. You indicate, stop, engage reverse but the person behind ignores all that and sits a foot from your bumper.
I make them faff round me...its not my fault they dont know what lights on the back of a car mean. Which also brings up a pet hate in carparks.... REVERSE into a spaces morrons!!!! Its 1) safer 2) how you were taught 3) easier 4) quicker(in general) 5) less likely to prang a car 6) quicker get away when robbing the store Wishes for more power...
29-07-2014, 07:21 AM
I parallel park on a city street every morning while people are rushing to work, so I often have some wanker in a 3-series/A4/C-class/luxury 4x4/other assorted cuntmobile stop directly behind me and just sit there. I've made a row of 5 cars reverse before
29-07-2014, 12:28 PM
A lot of british drivers have serious ego problems
"why should i let people in front of me, oooo they should get behind me" hence there being NO gap on a filter because dickhead Where i live, people tailgate me doing 30, in a 30 in a built up area, getting all impatient, then you get out onto a national speed limit bit of road then sit behind someone doing 40?!?!?!?!
3 x Peugeot owner.
1996 106. 1996 306 D Turbo S. 1994 Mercedes Benz 320E. 1997 306 GLX. Subscribe! - https://www.youtube.com/user/TheADKJD/videos
29-07-2014, 12:43 PM
I nearly got taken out by some utter lady garden on Friday night.
Apparently it's now cool to do 90+ on the hard shoulder to undertake 3 lanes of traffic on the M1. f*cking twat nearly clipped me as well, as he jerked his car from the outside lane to the hard shoulder - missing me, pottering along on the inside lane by a matter of inches.
29-07-2014, 12:44 PM
Worst bit is, these people usually kick off at you as though your in the wrong...
29-07-2014, 12:50 PM
29-07-2014, 12:52 PM
(29-07-2014, 07:16 AM)Piggy Wrote: Which also brings up a pet hate in carparks.... REVERSE into a spaces morrons!!!! This also... Can't stand lazy people driving into spaces. Can't see further than the tip of their nose to realise they now have to reverse into into oncoming traffic when reversing back out of the space...
29-07-2014, 01:16 PM
(29-07-2014, 12:52 PM)Ruan Wrote:(29-07-2014, 07:16 AM)Piggy Wrote: Which also brings up a pet hate in carparks.... REVERSE into a spaces morrons!!!! I can cope with it in car parks if people are going to be coming back to the car with a ton of shopping as there is no space to walk between cars with bags in a modern car park so cars get scratched. It annoys me 100x more when people drive forwards onto their driveway and then reverse off, usually the sort with a decent height fence or wall right up to their boundary so they cant see anything thats coming and just reverse out blindly and keep edging out irregardless of how many people honk their horns at them.
29-07-2014, 01:26 PM
(28-07-2014, 10:36 PM)Kezzieboy Wrote: I don't think a lot of you realise how shocking public transport in the countryside is lol. I couldn't have got a job growing up without being able to drive, it's a catch 22. As it was I had been saving since I was about 10 to pay for a car, insurance etc. Bullshit, as per 90% of people you just wanted to pick and chose your job and couldn't be bothered and/or it didnt suit your ego to walk/cycle/moped/get a lift. I dont think you appreciate how priveleged you are. ![]() I managed to work in abbottsbury swanery while living about ten miles north of weymouth, 1 bus every couple of hours. If you want/need the job you'll find a way to get there.
Yeah, but on minimum wage at 16, with the cost of the bus, and time constraints due to my studies, I'd have been on the equivalent of about £2 an hour. Seriously, the nearest bus stop was a 20 minute cycle away, and the bus took 40 minutes to get into town.
Also, some f*cking f*ck hit my car while it was parked yesterday. Did they leave a note? Did they f*ck. ![]() Diablo Meridian HDi - 125bhp - 73.0MPG - Halfords Wheels
29-07-2014, 09:00 PM
![]() Quite so, i think it worked out as earning about £30 total for three 4-6 hour shifts a week so you're not far off, but i wanted the money so... I could have got work closer, but i didn't want to work as a hod-carrier or similar, i daresay there was labourer work available locally to you. Jobs while you're at college are a bit different tbh, think we're getting off-topic. The point is if you'd needed the work badly enough and you couldn't make a living wage where you were, you would simply move to where the money is, that's life lol.
29-07-2014, 09:07 PM
Another incident. Was waiting at a set of lights, light turned green, I set off. Not particularly quickly or anything. Looked to my left just in time to see a young lass come flying through the red light in a Corsa. Slammed on and how she didn't take my front bumper I don't know, she then went straight through the next red light without even braking. Oh well, driving like that she'll be dead by next year.
29-07-2014, 09:22 PM
Oh that reminds me, this morning i had to avoid a micra driver (young girl virtually mounting the steering wheel) who had just pulled out of a side road to my right without stopping and decided to use all of the road, including the bit that i was on and also the bit currently reserved for the a-class coming from the other direction. How the a-class stopped i don't know, i couldn't stop in time and didn't want a head-on so took to the verge instead. She was apparently completely oblivious to both of us, even after the three-way all-but-collision, happily singing along to whatever was on the radio. She proceeded to stop at the next junction for just long enough for traffic to come along before pulling out and nearly causing a bus to wipe out a lamp post. The front of her car is already a different colour, so i can only assume this standard procedure as far as she's concerned. Fooking terrifying really...
29-07-2014, 10:01 PM
Oh i had a good one today. Pulling on to the A13 off the M25 and some prick in a 4 series decides i wasn't accelerating fast enough (i was pulling away easily quick enough but not ragging the shit out of the car...much) so as soon as there was enough space to my left as i come off the roundabout onto the A13, he decided to undertake me (i was already in lane 1 so he just made his own room) scattering gravel and shit all up the side of my car, booted it all the way up the slip road only to be confronted with solid traffic. By this time, he was in lane 2 so i pulled up next to him and just laughed at him when he opened his window and came out with "don't be such a f*cking prick in your cheap shit car which can't pull away properly" again i just laughed. Absolute arsehole!
I think the biggest issue with the population of this country now is that everyone has developed sloping shoulders. "oh he will move out of my way or brake harsly because i need to be in that lane but i couldnt be bothered to do that earlier" Everyone seems to think its everyone else's problem they are in the wrong. People need to start taking responsibility for their actions. Something that highlights this to me a lot (and shows me how many arseholes i have on Facebook) is the amount of people who put up a status saying something like "f*ck sake been caught speeding. Haven't these wankers got anything better to do!" Err if you hadn't of been speeding, you wouldn't get caught and even if you do, you were in the wrong so just own up!
Team Eaton
1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
30-07-2014, 09:17 AM
I felt like that tho when I got done. Even tho I knew the road was often policed I was still booting it down there like a twat
30-07-2014, 09:33 AM
He was in the wrong lane.. i was going straight and he was in the lane to go right so that is why anyway how dose that make me the bad driver, i didnt have to let him in front of me if he is in the wrong lane??
![]() ![]() (28-07-2014, 06:14 AM)Poodle Wrote: I don't understand, why did you need to be in front of the taxi driver badly enough that you tried to force an accident to keep him behind you and how does that make him the bad driver? Just curious... ![]() The Black PH3 Angel
30-07-2014, 09:34 AM
I just don't really speed these days, just don't enjoy driving fast on a long straight road with cameras and coppers everywhere, I've never done it in built-up areas, and when I go out over the moors or dales, most of those roads are NSL and to be fair, it's hard to reach the limit in most places.
30-07-2014, 09:36 AM
(30-07-2014, 09:33 AM)Josh1994 Wrote: He was in the wrong lane.. i was going straight and he was in the lane to go right so that is why anyway how dose that make me the bad driver, i didnt have to let him in front of me if he is in the wrong lane?? I think we could all be more tolerant of peoples mistakes. If someone's in the wrong lane, and they are indicating to change lanes and waiting, I'll flash them to change lanes. If they try to force in by flying accross the front of me 20mph above the limit, braking harshly and not indicating, I'm sorry, but f*ck you.
30-07-2014, 09:45 AM
Thank you liam that is exact my point.. he didnt indicate nothing.. it was my first day going through london on my new job so didnt have a clue where the speed camers where, so sticking to the speed limit and that is what he tried to do.. i was in a ex police car which has been remapped.. so even if i knew where the camers where i still would stick to the speed limit (rather be safe than sorry) and need my license clean for when i insure the 306..
(30-07-2014, 09:36 AM)THE_Liam Wrote:(30-07-2014, 09:33 AM)Josh1994 Wrote: He was in the wrong lane.. i was going straight and he was in the lane to go right so that is why anyway how dose that make me the bad driver, i didnt have to let him in front of me if he is in the wrong lane?? ![]() The Black PH3 Angel
30-07-2014, 10:01 AM
Your upside down quotes are really confusing!
![]() I must admit, I'm bad for speeding...but then, why does an empty 3 mile road between 2 villages need to be 40 instead of 60?...and people still struggle to hit 40 anyway. ![]() ![]() The other one is dual carriageways, I just cant seem to stick at 70 unless I'm rigidly watching the speedo or on cruise control. Just keep creeping to about 85 otherwise. I know its bad and every time I change car I promise myself I'll stick to the speed limits....doesn't even last the first drive usually. :facepalm:
30-07-2014, 10:28 AM
Had some twat in a bmw undertake me on a single lane roundabout while i was indicating left for the next exit. Nearly wiped out my front end squeezing in and he seemed completely oblivous to what he had just done. No point even reporting bad driving or anything as nothing can or will be done.
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