Whining very slow hdi...

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Whining very slow hdi...
Righto guys, a mate from work brought me his girlfriends car because its due a service (or well over due should i say) and the back box fell off. He thought it needed a service because it was slow... I know thats not the culprit but hes paying me so im doing what im told, it definately needed it.

So yeah whining noise that goes up and down with rpm
Very slow and un responsive.

Also has a fuel leak but you can see that in the video.

Engine is in a 307 and im pretty sure its Siemens? managed because it the primer?

Anyway have a listen and let me know what you think.


Have attempted to edit the video, youtube say it takes a few minutes!
Doesnt even own a 306.
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Hmm, that's an odd noise! Or atleast it sounds odd on the vid. Have you tried taking the aux belt off to check its not a tensioner/pulley causing the noise?

Tbh it sounds kinda like the turbine scraping the inside of the turbo though, but you'd know if it was that.... Confused

Edit - Just listened to it again, definitely a bearing of some sort!
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I had a volvo that sounded like that, it stopped when the timing belt snapped
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slowness could be a maf or fuel leak but the winning is a pulley or somthing
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See im not sure its the turbo, it seems to keep with revs even when i stick it in 4th and put me foot down, if it was turbo i'd expect WWWWAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH from the bay lol. Quite a worrying noise though thats for sure.

Will unplug the maf and report back. Shame about the fuel leak to, for those that didnt want to watch the vid its leaking on the union from the high pressure line from the pump onto the fuel rail. I got a spanner on it and nipped it up a touch but i didnt want to go any further because imo it was tight enough to not be leaking, and im a heavy handed bastard so somethings wrong.
Doesnt even own a 306.
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Yeah, as my edit I don't think it is turbo on 2nd listen, almost certainly a bearing, either in an aux belt pulley, or worryingly a cambelt idler!

As for the leak, that's pretty bad to drip like that, must be noticeable in the mpg! Try removing it, check the threads are clear (haven't been crossthreaded) and refitting it. Don't think theres a washer or seal on that joint so cant be much else.
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Its time with this one, she needs the car back sadly. Dont know how much longer the poor things going to last Sad

Shes a woman, it needs fuel, she gives it fuel, and repeat. No thought to it lol.
Doesnt even own a 306.
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(24-02-2014, 06:31 PM)Tom Wrote: Shes a woman, it needs fuel, she gives it fuel, and repeat. No thought to it lol.

Some of them don't even manage that, so credit where it's due I guess. lol
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sounds a lot like the PAS pump, i'd remove the aux belt as already mentioned, then that would eliminate anything but the tensioner, and while it's off check for play in any of the pullys for the alt / pas / AC?
Project: Formula Peugeot
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(24-02-2014, 07:47 PM)John1.4 Wrote: sounds a lot like the PAS pump, i'd remove the aux belt as already mentioned, then that would eliminate anything but the tensioner, and while it's off check for play in any of the pullys for the alt / pas / AC?

Thats the plan when i next get it, hopefully it doesnt shit itself before then.

Got more work from this car which is nice, gotta get a new pipe and fuel rail now and replace those Smile
Doesnt even own a 306.
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Also forgot to add, disconnected the maf and it was definately quicker!
Doesnt even own a 306.
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Dishwash it and see if it improves!
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(25-02-2014, 09:10 AM)mcglynn Wrote: Dishwash it and see if it improves!

Do what....
Doesnt even own a 306.
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Dishwash the maf Smile
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Surely it would just die a terrible death? its electric and metal... neither like water:/
Doesnt even own a 306.
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Electrical stuff doesn't like water as it can short, but the dishwasher dries it before any electric goes through it.

My stage 2 pulled the figure it did with a dishwashed maf.
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(26-02-2014, 11:46 AM)mcglynn Wrote: Electrical stuff doesn't like water as it can short, but the dishwasher dries it before any electric goes through it.

My stage 2 pulled the figure it did with a dishwashed maf.

Really not sure if this is a troll.
#2 Moonstone Blue HDI
[Image: 6b0c7309-5184-463c-9f73-2a7b96601418_zpsfdf041fe.jpg]
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Are you the fella on the fb page who told me to dishwash my maf as well...still unsure if because troll lol
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No really, no trolling. The mg/rover guys used to say it as their bosch mafs deteriorated very quickly. Told me to try it and to my surprise it works.

If you read through prosteves thread on .net about the maf readings, mine is off the scale hr gives at the top end for airflow so its obviously working well.

My hdi done 164.8 bhp, with the same maf I put in the dishwasher a few months prior to the dyno run & havent touched it since. Car runs well to this day with high airflow readings.

I don't accept responsibilty if yours breaks but thats two ive done it on now and it's worked. Just think how clean/dry glasses come out of it.
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On the flipside doesn't everyone else mugs still come out with a big puddle on the top of them when they sit upturned in the top rack?
Some stuff comes out roasting hot and dry, others still with puddles of water on it? Might try it with a scrapyard MAF first!
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Make sure its on an intensive wash/dry Smile and you should be fine. Indeed a good idea for an old useless one, might bring it back to life.
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Changed the fuel rail and hp line, no more leaks!!

Put my head in the bay and tried to listen in on that noise and im fairly sure its cambelt. Sounded like it was back in the bay and under the covers no where near the aux tensioner.
Doesnt even own a 306.
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You guys must be rich.... We just have a bowl and some fairy liquid...and don't think a MAF would be keen on that lol.
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Haha fairy cleans glasses nice and clean too, I out my maf in the oven too after btw.

Wasnt for very long though Smile
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MAF should be ok in the oven tbh, afterall it does its own self cleaning thing where it heats the wire massively to burn off any contaminants. Its the water I'd be worried about, as I have ruined MAF with water before. But fair play for you trying it and succeeding though! Smile
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I havent tried it btw! The people im helping are over the moon with the maf unplugged so its actually got enough power to move and now its actually holding fuel aswell. Just needs a cambelt change and shes away!
Doesnt even own a 306.
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Use a long metal bar, put it on different spots on the engine, stick other end in ear...
You'll soon pinpoint the noise
Wishes for more power...
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(03-03-2014, 11:38 PM)Piggy Wrote: Use a long metal bar, put it on different spots on the engine, stick other end in ear...
You'll soon pinpoint the noise

Pointless in this instance because where i think the noise is, is behind the belt covers :p
Doesnt even own a 306.
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So take the belt covers off lol.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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