306 hdi now starting normally but won't rev past 2500 any ideas ??

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306 hdi now starting normally but won't rev past 2500 any ideas ??
So if he sticks a new pump on and it starts better, what is causing the limp mode? The code referring to air flow meter signal?
[Image: 20gh7o0.jpg]
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Well ypur saying its not producing pressure and isnt fuelling (limp mode?) Its starting so lift pump isnt an issue.

Only thing I can think is the pump, something may have been done wrong during the rebuild its the only variable really. Or else timing?
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If the pump is struggling to match requested pressure, that can/will put it into limp mode.

Unless the car is a very early HDi (T and some V-regs), then the maf can't cause limp mode or even an eml.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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getting a complete engine and gearbox for £50 so going to put the pump of it on
Will let you know when finished
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Best of luck with it.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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Stuck yet another pump on and she is starting like normal but still won't rev past 2500 "/
I cleaned my air flow meter and put a different one in no difference changed the fuel pump regulator and still no difference I'm all out of ideas Sad
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It's good she's starting. But as form the limp mode I'm stumped. Not really sure what next
[Image: 20gh7o0.jpg]
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Your not the only one Sad
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Have you cleared the codes since?
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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Poodle do you think the codes need clearing again to get it out of limp?
[Image: 20gh7o0.jpg]
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Mine needed cleared other day when it was limp mode Smile
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have you tried clearing the codes since the new pump to see if its okay then?

then take it for a drive?

if it comes back on see what codes you get this time?
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Codes were cleared but wasn't with peugeot planet and made no difference
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Changed the rail sensor and the pump switch
Why would the switch have been cut ?
[Image: 4764177F-29EF-4819-ACA8-ADBAA09B38F7_zpsii7ysr2n.jpg]
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Is it runnung now?
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Has it made any difference?
[Image: 20gh7o0.jpg]
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It's starting but not rev out
Naw made no difference
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You still getting that airflow code? Has be something to do with that but I'm not sure what.
[Image: 20gh7o0.jpg]
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Getting an air flow fault and possible re programming of ecu necessary

P0100 flow sensor signal
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So this airflow meter code, anyone have anymore ideas whats causing it? Unplugging the maf makes no difference. Unless it's an electrical fault? Ie wiring to the maf? Anyone know what the pins should read with a multimeter?
[Image: 20gh7o0.jpg]
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Did the earth of the TPS not cause issues like this? Might be way out
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Ok so test the maf plug
1 and 3 read 9.8
1 and 5 read 9.7
2 and 3 read 30.8
2 and 4 read 0.1
2 and 6 read 30.8
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I still don't see how the maf could cause this, if you do the earth mod then you can be sure it's not affecting anything else.

That tpd shouldn't be like that and there's no reason to cut it, is there a chance it's broken off inside the pump?
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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I'm not really suggesting maf, just referring to the airflow code that keeps logging and the fact that it won't come out of limp mode
[Image: 20gh7o0.jpg]
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The airflow meter is also known as the maf, if the code is logged it's directly related to an issue with it. Unplugging it doesn't solve the problem or clear the code, it just forces the ecu to default back to "safe" injection maps.

That configuration error is worrying though, just done some research and it looks like it spells a bricked ecu.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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I know that an airflow meter is a maf lol
[Image: 20gh7o0.jpg]
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Ah i thought you were asking what the maf codes meant lol.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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You can see where someone has deliberately cut the switch
I've a new ecu coming hopefully be here today or tomorrow
If it is ecu I'll need a new map Sad
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Get the cable and download the map off your old ecu, or do as you were originally told and get someone off here to write you a map instead of pissing about with autotune
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Apologies if I've missed it, but what age is this HDi?

Early cars (so 1999 T and early V reg) have a particular Bosch ECU variant that will go into limp mode if there's anything wrong with the MAF, including it being unplugged. Later cars don't do this and will happy run unplugged.

Check the ECU number on your car and see if it's the early version that does cause limp home for MAF issues - if it is, then that MAF error is probably the cause of your problems. Assuming the MAF you tried was known good, check the wiring carefully for damage and bell the wires through with a multimeter to check for breaks.
1990 Peugeot 205 GTi 1.9 // 1991 Peugeot 205 GTi 1.9 16v // 1992 Peugeot 205 GTi 1.9 // 1999 Peugeot 306 HDi Estate
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