Cone Air Filters, yay or nay?

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Cone Air Filters, yay or nay?
I really want one for my Pug but I don't know if they'll actually do anything, any suggestions?
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I have one. Faster? No. More torque? No. Sounds better? Yes.
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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Even on a diesel? I just want to get rid of the original air filter, it looks dull.
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dunno on a derv tbh. Don't know anyone with one on their diesel except Darren but any noise that may have made was drowned out by multiple chargers lol.
Does it matter what it looks like? how often are you showing off the engine bay? lol
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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I found the acceleration improved alot after changing mine. Don't no if it was in my head
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Yes it will feel quicker....but only because of the extra noise. Wink
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On a HDi just dont, you'll kill the mad and the heatsoak will kill your power. On an OEM airbox your inlet temp is about 2*c above ambient, with a cone filter it'll be 20*c above ambient.
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Open filter if ftw if its an XUD

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Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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No. They're crap and do nothing. Check out mighty car mods video on the subject.
Use oem box in line with a K&N/Piper Cross panel filter or just change paper filter more regular.

Edit... do nothing but go ssscccchhhhlllluuurrrrp.
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I think on a derv it just makes it sound a bit throatier (if that's even a word!). Again, doesn't really do a great deal for performance though. Wink
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Ive got one on for the look and the sound. About it really =\
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I wouldn't say that they do nothing apart from the noise.

I have 1 on my d turbo but mostly cuz I wanted to have a filter and there was no chance of the standard air intake system fitting/working. It has got to be less restrictive due to pipe size etc
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I dont think the OEM system is restrictive at all, MCM found their OEM systems did the best on their tests
Would surely come down to the filter you have, less filtration - more flow - possibility of more crap into the engine, more filtration - less flow - less crap
If you dont have the room just make sure the filter wont be too close to the engine or in a place it might pick up water, flow to the filter shouldnt be an issue as the engine bay isnt fully sealed from the elements
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i got a cone on my dturbo with cold feed, the filter sits nicely behind my l/h headlight no running issues and sounds nice!
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If you're trying to achieve anything other than a noise, then you'll be wasting your time and money.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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I changed mine because my standard houseing was rotten.
[Image: cornishmafia.jpg]
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From what the DERV guys say the standard XUD setup is restrictive. Makes sense if you think how far it travels and that it is not all that big.
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On a per they sound excellent IMO. Intake noise is a lot less chavvy than a boomy backbox. It will reduce your economy and potentially have a minor negative effect on performance though.

On a diesel? Does it drown out the sound of the sodding injectors?!
Disclaimer: The above is not to be taken to heart and is probably a joke, grow up you big girl.
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As I went through the cone air filter phase I thought I would share my thoughts.

(13-11-2013, 10:24 PM)Niall Wrote: I have one. Faster? No. More torque? No. Sounds better? Yes.

This about sums it up on my 1.4.

However when I switched it over to stick on the 1.8 the sound was no difference. Ended up sticking the box back in with a K&N filter, did the job. Much happier.
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ive got one on my xud purely cause the standard box is in a stupid place as the filter inside gets wet when it rains so the new one is on top of chassis leg behind headlight better place imo
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The airBOX itself is absulutly fine on the xud, cone or stock, it will make no odds.

The restriction is in the pipe that runs down over the back...on a stock turbo its not an issue, but on anything else, its a severe issue...but hdi / xud airboxs are more than capable of supporting 200hp all day long.
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(21-11-2013, 10:48 AM)darrenjlobb Wrote: The airBOX itself is absulutly fine on the xud, cone or stock, it will make no odds.

The restriction is in the pipe that runs down over the back...on a stock turbo its not an issue, but on anything else, its a severe issue...but hdi / xud airboxs are more than capable of supporting 200hp all day long.

405 XUD9te intake routing ftmfw . . .Big Grin
Phase 1 D-Turdo, K14@24 psi, De-cat, meaty backbox, Bosch pump, grinded LDA pin, duel air fed K&N =133.7bhp & 188ft/lbs
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HDi box with custom piping to turbo on a XUD is probably a good shout? Otherwise just get the biggest cone you can find!
Supercharged GTi6 Build
S14 Zenki Build
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