hdi gear ratio seems well out

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hdi gear ratio seems well out
Just bought my first hdi on friday, at a bargain of 200 quid, sorted all the little bits out, and it flew through an m.o.t.

Took it on a fair long drive, and realised the ratio on the box seems wrong, in 5th doing 70mph, its revving at 3.5k.

I spoke to a mate of mine whos got the same car, and at the same speed, its sat at 2.5k.

I was thinking it could have had another box put on it, but I wasnt aware of any other box apart from the 1.9 xud that would fit, and I cant see that the xud box would make that much difference.

Any help appreciated Smile thanks, Adam
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That could well be an xsi box or similar
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sounds like it has a petrol gearbox fitted im guesing theres a serial number on the box that will decode into what it is
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thats well out!?

how weird. thats not even dturbo ratio!
Wishes for more power...
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Im swapping it over today, with one of the xud boxes ive got laying around, I just wasnt sure if it could have been anything else, and I didnt know petrol boxes fitted hdi's
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Which clutch setup does yours use, pull or push?

Possibly a NAD 'box...
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Pull mate
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Well it's not an XUD or XSi box then...unless someone went to the effort of changing the clutch fork, but seems unlikely for what seems to be a quick bodge!

Also - are you sure the clutch isn't slipping lol? And are you sure its actually a HDi....
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Yea it is a hdi, I know that much lol...... the clutch isnt slipping as it still pulls well, im just forever changing gear.... second is pretty much like first
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it must be a 1.6/1.4 box!? Huh
Wishes for more power...
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Don't think you'd fit a TU box on without major work tbh. And you wouldn't be changing gear so much, petrol boxes have longer lower ratios, not shorter ones. Can hit 60 in 2nd in a 1.4 (just).

I'm still gonna say it's a NAD 'box tbh... Thought it may have been fitted to a NAD engine that someone miss sold lol but obviously not.
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yeah can hit 60 in second at 6500rpm...which an HDi wont do
Wishes for more power...
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Ah, I've got this arse about face, my bad...HDi has no power over about 3k so you'd be changing up at 30ish in 2nd... Still don't think you'd fit a TU box on though. Confused
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no, weird. did they do a 1.8 non xsi with pull type clutch?!

all very odd
Wishes for more power...
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There are no 1.8 XSi's anyway. Tongue

XSi's are 2 litre. I had a 1.8 16V but can't remember what clutch type it was. Dodgy

Edit - Just had a look through some of my old car pics.... The 1.8 is pull type...so that's a possibility I guess.
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ah yeah they did a 1.8 XS didnt they
Wishes for more power...
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1.8 16v in LX, GLX, XS or Meridian yeah. Smile
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Its got markings from a scrappy on it, so it has been changed, when I get it off ill have a look for the code, where would it be ?
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I think its on the bell housing somewhere...not 100% on that.

take a piccy and post it up
Wishes for more power...
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The number is just below the earth point on the gearbox iirc. Will probably be covered in crap atm though!
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I cant take a pic as my phones about dead, but it says BE4 if that helps
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BE4 is an hdi box!

you sure you in 5th at 70, not 3rd or 4th lol
Wishes for more power...
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BE4? you sure
that could be a 206 petrol box or a 307 petrol/diesel box

306's have the BE3 box
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Yea im positive, it went through all the gears, ive fitted the xud box and it runs better, im now sat at just above 2.5k at 70, but both the boxes that I took out and put in say BE4 on them Confused
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ignore me found some contradicting info
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2.5k@70 sounds like a HDi
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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how weird. BE4 is a 2.0 hdi box for sure
Wishes for more power...
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BE4 is only the case style not the ratios Wink
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God knows, its had me confused, all is well now anyway, thanks for all the info Smile
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Theres a part number on there where I said above, put that into servicebox it'll tell you exactly where the 'box is from. BE4 is used on loads of PSA models it seems and not specific enough.
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