Hello from PFC Mag & French Car Show

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Hello from PFC Mag & French Car Show
Its been a while since I have personally been on the forum and its great to see its still thriving.

I am keen to chat to members direct about

1/ magazine features & spotted submissions for Performance French Cars Mag
2/ how you can get involved with the magazine as its the only one out there for us
3/ how you can support french car show, the only event on the calander aimed 100% at our community.

I started life on forums and clubs and this is still the backbone of FCS & PFC. Yes I also owned a 306 GTi6.

Some useful links

Links to online image submission / subs / current & back issues / digital availability

I urge people to use the online submission to get your car in the mag. On the text section squeeze in as much info as you can.

If you feel your car truly represents the scene and you want to show case your car, we have the themed paddocks. It is a club / scene show so of course we do encourage parking with the club so you put names (even forum names to faces).

French Car Show 2013, is optionally over two days. saturday 27th July is show / event day and Sunday 28th July is club chill day between 9am-1pm where parade laps are free.

The event is jammed as ever with events, attractions & freebies and whats even better is you can chill, enjoy, pitch up with BBQ's and chairs if you wish. Tickets are only £15 and that gives you access show day and free on Sunday chill day.

Please ask questions

Thanks again

Mark Dow
French Car Show Organiser
Performance French Cars Magazine Publisher (not editor).
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Mark, genuine bit of feedback from me here, so don't take this the wrong way..

From speaking to a few people, it's getting a bit boring in terms of cover cars and/or big features. Almost every issue has the words "Constella built/Ecosse built/K-Tec built" etc, but knowing some of the amazing homegrown projects out there I feel like the only way to get recognition is to spend big bucks at one of the major "tuning" companies.

Look at Darren's black phase 1. It went balls out with a compound charged XUD, followed by the mTDi build, and was MILES more interesting than someone with no imagination spending £10k on a 106 at Ecosse. Projects like that never seem to get a mention though, yet every issue comes across as a huge advert for whichever company is flavour of the month...
[Image: signature_zps1a02ba79.jpg]
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Ill admit I stopped reading it for a while before you took over and then probably read the first 2 issues under your ownership because there was very little in there that i found interesting and I felt like I was being talked down to, fine balance I know when you've gotta be able to communicate with 17 year olds who've just bought their first saxo and have no mechanical knowledge.

I reckon better technical projects and maybe a wild card every month of something french that isn't your usual fare (like fast car used to do) could be really good as i like reading about stuff that id never thought id be interested in.

If you want honest feedback from someone who loves alot of the scene but hasn't read your mag in a couple of years drop me a PM and ill go and acquire a copy.
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(19-06-2013, 10:05 AM)cwspellowe Wrote: Mark, genuine bit of feedback from me here, so don't take this the wrong way..

From speaking to a few people, it's getting a bit boring in terms of cover cars and/or big features. Almost every issue has the words "Constella built/Ecosse built/K-Tec built" etc, but knowing some of the amazing homegrown projects out there I feel like the only way to get recognition is to spend big bucks at one of the major "tuning" companies.

Look at Darren's black phase 1. It went balls out with a compound charged XUD, followed by the mTDi build, and was MILES more interesting than someone with no imagination spending £10k on a 106 at Ecosse. Projects like that never seem to get a mention though, yet every issue comes across as a huge advert for whichever company is flavour of the month...


Again, feedback rather than ranting, but I have given up with PFC recently. As pellowe quite rightly says it gives the impression the only way anyone will get their car recognised is by throwing it at a company along with a snakeskin briefcase full of bank notes.
There are some amazing projects out here. Some even built in a barn rather than a multi £100k workshop. I could name more than I can count on one hand now.

As I said, constructive feedback Smile
[Image: car-1.jpg]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club

2000 Moonstone 1.8 Meridian - Sold
2000 China 3dr XS - Dead
1998 Diablo 3dr XSI
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I agree with Chris! Also, you HAVE to take a look at his current project, it's insane and has had some media coverage in Scotland...

I know this has been mentioned a couple of times in the past but I think it would be fantastic for the club to have a feature of it's own. In 18 months we've had over 2500 members sign up and are the most popular 306 forum currently on the scene. We have a fantastic community which is obvious at all our meets and there's a wealth of information being shared daily.

It would be a great way to show your readers that there still is a community spirit in the French car world and that it's not, as Chris said, all about spending big bucks with the larger companies Smile
[Image: kim.png]
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(19-06-2013, 10:19 AM)Kimmie Wrote: I agree with Chris! Also, you HAVE to take a look at his current project, it's insane and has had some media coverage in Scotland...

PFC know about my car Kim, but i've not submitted it to be in the mag since it was white. It's not really the style of car to go in it so I never bothered.

Yeah it's had a feature with IHeartHaters and local media but nothing magazine based, it's not interesting enough technically and the styling would be more to Fast Car's tastes than Performance French Car..
[Image: signature_zps1a02ba79.jpg]
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(19-06-2013, 10:27 AM)cwspellowe Wrote:
(19-06-2013, 10:19 AM)Kimmie Wrote: I agree with Chris! Also, you HAVE to take a look at his current project, it's insane and has had some media coverage in Scotland...

PFC know about my car Kim, but i've not submitted it to be in the mag since it was white. It's not really the style of car to go in it so I never bothered.

Yeah it's had a feature with IHeartHaters and local media but nothing magazine based, it's not interesting enough technically and the styling would be more to Fast Car's tastes than Performance French Car..

Still EPIC though! Also, so what does it matter about their 'tastes'? Clearly their readership numbers are declining because they're not appealing to their readers anymore. Perhaps something like your car (i.e. fun, interesting, different) is exactly what they need. I know I'd much rather read about that than some 17 year old who's managed to increase the BHP of his Spaxo...
[Image: kim.png]
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(19-06-2013, 10:30 AM)Kimmie Wrote:
(19-06-2013, 10:27 AM)cwspellowe Wrote:
(19-06-2013, 10:19 AM)Kimmie Wrote: I agree with Chris! Also, you HAVE to take a look at his current project, it's insane and has had some media coverage in Scotland...

PFC know about my car Kim, but i've not submitted it to be in the mag since it was white. It's not really the style of car to go in it so I never bothered.

Yeah it's had a feature with IHeartHaters and local media but nothing magazine based, it's not interesting enough technically and the styling would be more to Fast Car's tastes than Performance French Car..

Still EPIC though! Also, so what does it matter about their 'tastes'? Clearly their readership numbers are declining because they're not appealing to their readers anymore. Perhaps something like your car (i.e. fun, interesting, different) is exactly what they need. I know I'd much rather read about that than some 17 year old who's managed to increase the BHP of his Spaxo...

Give it five weeks and we'll see how epic you really think it is.. IF it makes it lmao

I dunno, personally I no longer advertise the car and ask for media attenition. Halpo at Haters phoned me and asked me for the shoot, and the local news went out their way to find out who i was and do a feature on it. Guess i'm just not the type to whore myself about in a "look at me pretty please" fashion?

I've submitted it for the themed paddocks at FCS for shits and giggles, well actually Niall threatened to set me on fire if I didn't. But for the most part i'm not going to FCS to show off, i'm going in the tank because, well.. it's my daily drive...
[Image: signature_zps1a02ba79.jpg]
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I really hope it makes to FCS and if it made it into the themd paddocks then my thought of FCS would be drastically changed. Its so different and its going to get attention if you want it or not.
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Yeah, it's a by-product of driving a comedy vehicle though lol

That reminds me.. i need to sort out my MOT. Urgh.
[Image: signature_zps1a02ba79.jpg]
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You think they will acaully come back and read this thread? lol or at least, itl be a first if they do Tongue

To be fair, you used my car as an example Chris, but personally i wouldnt be interested in having it in a magazine tbh, its not what the cars about, its not like ive applied and not been given the chance, same would apply to alot of people id say, the most crazy of cars are often built by people in there garages on there own, who arnt that confident / out there and wouldnt be the showy kinda person to try and get it in a mag, and also have it along side most of the other tragic builds that do end up in the mag heh!

Im still subscribed to the mag atm, I think its better than it used to be, but every issue gets worse imo, just more and more boosted 106's and friggin clios lol! just nothing that really interests ME tbh, and not enough technical info, all just general banter, and alot of incorrect statements etc, just stuff you know already / would have assumed from looking at the pics...
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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(19-06-2013, 12:31 PM)darrenjlobb Wrote: To be fair, you used my car as an example Chris, but personally i wouldnt be interested in having it in a magazine tbh, its not what the cars about, its not like ive applied and not been given the chance, same would apply to alot of people id say, the most crazy of cars are often built by people in there garages on there own, who arnt that confident / out there and wouldnt be the showy kinda person to try and get it in a mag, and also have it along side most of the other tragic builds that do end up in the mag heh!

I know bbz, but I used you as an example of whats being done without the help of these headline companies. Yours is a million times more interesting to both petrol and diesel heads than "I paid ecosse to fit a turbo to my 106 and OMG LOOK IT'S GREEN!"
[Image: signature_zps1a02ba79.jpg]
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Oh for sure, 99.9% of cars shown in the mag, dont interest me at all, because its nothing new / one off, its just "a typical 106 turbo conversion by x company" or "a typical ITB conversion by x other company" etcetc.

Not, random from x place has strapped a ve to a tdi engine, and dropped it in an AX, which would make the magazine winrar.
| Dyno Power Runs & Steady State Facilities Available, Just Ask Anytime |
| #DervMafia |

[Image: sigi-2.png]
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Again refeclecting what chris has said. Only builds done by big companys and nothing home grown to speak of. Nothing in depth about the build, the challenging parts , the things they had to get over to get right etc. I suppose at the moment thats because hardly any of your fetures are self built so they wouldnt know.

And your staff. Come in post log out. Never check back on the threads to answer any questions asked ?? There is a usful thread around here some where posted by joel. That you should have a read of. I will find a link later.

[Image: DSC_0190-Copy_zpsf093f84d.jpg]
Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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Not this one was it jamie?
[Image: car-1.jpg]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club

2000 Moonstone 1.8 Meridian - Sold
2000 China 3dr XS - Dead
1998 Diablo 3dr XSI
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Ive never bought a copy, its never interested me for the same reasons you have all given. Id rather read fast car as atleast the cars in there you can draw inspiration from, although a quick 5 minute flick through and im done normally.

Maybe someone should email mark the links to the two threads, ive always had a quick reply to emails, maybe then he will read and reply to them.
[Image: sig002_zpscb892e18.jpg]
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What grant? :S

[Image: DSC_0190-Copy_zpsf093f84d.jpg]
Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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I thought you were referring to the last time Joel's put something up and got ignored.. Obviously i grabbed the wrong end of your stick (giggedy)
[Image: car-1.jpg]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club

2000 Moonstone 1.8 Meridian - Sold
2000 China 3dr XS - Dead
1998 Diablo 3dr XSI
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I think he missed the embedded link again actually grant lol
[Image: Ty8kl7b.jpg]
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Shouldn't wank so much then he wouldn't be as blind!
[Image: car-1.jpg]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club

2000 Moonstone 1.8 Meridian - Sold
2000 China 3dr XS - Dead
1998 Diablo 3dr XSI
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Sorry grant I was on my shitty back up phone that doesn't show those links so I wondered WTF you were on about, but yes correct!

This one mark classic case of feed back & questions, but no reply what so ever


[Image: DSC_0190-Copy_zpsf093f84d.jpg]
Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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(19-06-2013, 01:16 PM)PE02KHG Wrote: Id rather read fast car as atleast the cars in there you can draw inspiration from, although a quick 5 minute flick through and im done normally.

Agree with this, I have very little intrest in non french stuff but still id rather read fast car than PFC.

Id rather read Redline mind but thats gone bust now.

Practical Performance Magazine is the Mag of tuning and epic project win these days, real in depth on the cars, home builds, proper knowledge about peoples projects and what makes them work and also what theyd do to make them better
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