Exhaurst stud snaped.

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Exhaurst stud snaped.
Hi all 3 weeks ago a mate decated my hdi and we
Done the middle box mod but at the same time we fixed
The stud on the down pipe that had snaped. It was hard to
Get to but we managed to weld a stud back on. All was good for
A week then couple af weeks ago i noticed it didnt have the same
Response as when we first done the mod. Looked at it 2day and
Found the stud snaped again. is there anythink i can do apart
From try a bigger stud and nut?
Hdi decat midlebox mod soon to be stage1Itwasntme
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Drill the stud out and nut and bolt it
[Image: image_zps45f2003b.jpg]

Team Doesn't own a 306
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Ye thorght that but its a bit to get the drill we got in there
Hdi decat midlebox mod soon to be stage1Itwasntme
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What stud did you snap the one off the turbo?
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Ye mate. Are the suspose to have springs on?
Hdi decat midlebox mod soon to be stage1Itwasntme
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Yes for when the engine moves, why don't u take the stud out, it happen to me on mine feel up to we're it meets the turbo and there is a 10mm nut, un do it and use a 13mm bolt to hold your exhuast on that's what I did for both sides of it.

Hope this helps!

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Ye thats the 1 mate but mine snaped the other end. Just the thread left in the hole.
Hdi decat midlebox mod soon to be stage1Itwasntme
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Hmm only thing is to try and drill it out but ill doubt you'll get a drill in there. Can't think of any other way your going to sort it out tbh
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Ye i no mate. I think im gonna try that drill straight thu
And nut and bolt it.
Hdi decat midlebox mod soon to be stage1Itwasntme
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Went to a garage 2day to get a quote to remove the
Broken stud an rhey sed they cnt do it. I thoirght it
Would of been easyer. Im going to give it ago. Im going
To put a soket on the bottom of a drill bit and use extension

When i get it out i mean if i get it out can i just nut and bolt
Both sides?? Or will the movement of the engine just snap then
Hdi decat midlebox mod soon to be stage1Itwasntme
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Will be fine using a but and bolt, just be a bit awkward.
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A whole new fitting kit costs about £7 from the motor factors, including new studs, springs, washers and basket gasket.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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Ye i know mate but when i drill it out there isnt nothink for the new stud to screw into.
Hdi decat midlebox mod soon to be stage1Itwasntme
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Ah yeah good point, missed the bit where you say it snapped at the other end. Blush
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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No probs mate thanks anyway.
Hdi decat midlebox mod soon to be stage1Itwasntme
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