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Sorry piggy but baaahhaaa

I want to go back to the days of seeing a suitcase on a train and thinking! Iam havin that lol
[Image: SDC10442-1.jpg]
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i'm not having a go at the Police . .they had to do it i guess, they also ought to pay for repairs too . .Smile
Phase 1 D-Turdo, K14@24 psi, De-cat, meaty backbox, Bosch pump, grinded LDA pin, duel air fed K&N =133.7bhp & 188ft/lbs
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What I can't understand, if they thought it was a viable device, why smash the window instead of getting the bomb squad in. With the G8 thing coming to beside me we're getting bomb scares a lot more atm, but they get the bomb squad in, smashing a window in the vehicle could well result in the bomb going off, surely any suspicious object is bomb squad territory.
Gov modded 11mm Bosch + Standard turbo = 137.2bhp . . . . TD04 now in...time to get playing!
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^^^^^this is what irritates me....

so they are trained to smash a window when a car is rigged to blow?! dumbasses comes to mind

And FYI my supplier for oil is in london...so two birds with one stone was my idea.

Full bomb unit was there...he was proud to say he had 4kg of explosives in his van he could have used.

amazing I said it was veg oil and they just believed me.

they were trying to ring me actually....but ended up calling my bank!? completely missing my PILE of window cleaning business cards in the front.
they were in process of sending local bobbies to me home.

I understand they need to investigate it if it looks dangerous but the way it was handled was stupid and without thought.

If it was rigged...the officer who broke the window would be dead along with others.
It they had blown it...with 200litres of 'explosive' liquid it would have wiped out kentish town.
if they were not sure...they try a locksmith or a rear window or a piece of wire or try the doors/boot first.

And yes was ruddy freezing on way home.
got a raging cold this morning
...and bits of glass in my ass and hands

...just to clarify...it was the 'trained' bomb squader that smashed my window. douchebag
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It is bad luck really. But i completely understand why they did it and dont blame them, if it was a real threat then they could have saved lots of peoples lives. But they shouldn't have smashed the window when they think it was a bomb cos could have lots of peoples deaths on his hands.

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Feel for you piggy and agree bomb squad should be dead now if that was real device - knobheads
Piggy I have spare glass as I mentioned to you the other day lol
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its ok...
I actually have a spare drivers window glass.

So thats fortunate.

its just the stupidity of how they dealt with it then just left me to deal with a load of glass and a 2.5hour drive home down the motorway...

protect AND serve I thought was their moto?!
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(07-04-2013, 12:23 PM)Piggy Wrote: its ok...
I actually have a spare drivers window glass.

So thats fortunate.

its just the stupidity of how they dealt with it then just left me to deal with a load of glass and a 2.5hour drive home down the motorway...

protect AND serve I thought was their moto?!

But they was protecting and serving all the people that could have been killed if it was an actual bomb?! i think they could have gone about it a better way but if it was real they could have saved lots of lives!

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As much as I dislike the police I can see why they did it.
In the grand scheme of things it's a >£1000 French car, and smashing a window to ensure the safety of countless people IMHO is worth it ten times over.
[Image: 306ocsig_edited-1-1.jpg]

306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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I totally agree to protect general public...

but when they go to bomb squad school is lesson 1:

"smash and window and see if it goes off"?!?!?
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I agree with you there but the robot would of smashed the window anyway.
Same conclusion regardless of how they got there
[Image: 306ocsig_edited-1-1.jpg]

306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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...but they didnt use a robot?!

just irritates and concerns me that this is how they deal with bombs in london...

"lets bash it and see what happens"
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Welcome to London!
[Image: 306ocsig_edited-1-1.jpg]

306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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stuff that again for a laff.

"Come to london where the thieves wont smash your windows...but the cops will!"
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Personally I would request some sort of compensation
[Image: 306ocsig_edited-1-1.jpg]

306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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I think its more of a joke that you had to clean it up, and that they told you off for having veg oil in your car!
[Image: 306_zpsadcff53a.png]
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Hate to say it but a valid point's been made.. it's a crappy 306 with a load of containers of something in it, left in a car park at night. Remember the car that was found outside a nightclub relatively recently that WAS actually an IED?

Controlled explosions also work by destroying the various parts of the bomb before it mixes together. Never watched CSI? They'd only perform a controlled explosion if, after examination of the device, they concluded that the controlled explosion would render the device inoperable. If there were two ingredients that mixed together before being detonated, blowing them up would do no damage.

But yeah, as hilarious as it is, must have sucked going home like that. I'd personally press them to pay for the cost of repair as at the end of the day they smashed the window for what turned out to be nothing.

Unless it was actually a bomb, in which case you're a disgusting human being and deserve to be raped by Big Bertha in Cell Block D for 15-25 years.
[Image: signature_zps1a02ba79.jpg]
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I did cough/laugh when the senior officer said that next time I come to London with oil I shouldnt park near public transport or a residential area....

so St James' park then??


I totally get that it may have been suspicious...country bumpkin not thinking I guess...

but its the way they dealt with it thats a joke
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(07-04-2013, 08:46 AM)ginge191 Wrote: You have phone numbers registered to your insurance. 5 minutes of ringing and you'll soon have a name, number, background etc.

Do you? Personally I can't be arsed with insurance phoning me, or anyone that I've done anything online with...the phone number boxes are always easy to fool. I can't imagine Im the only one either.

As for Piggys car....well.... Just lol. Tongue As has already been said, theres no need for all that in there, didn't you worry someone might've broke in to steal it? I worry about leaving a CD case on show ffs lol. Or imagine if you crashed and there was loads of slippery veg causing other accidents....

I can see how/why you'd be pissed off about it, but it's also easy to see why they did what they did...
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My car was broken in to in Amesterdam and because it had broken glass in it it got towed away. previous owner had no idea where it had gone and when he reported it stolen the police said they had it. Hence now im still removing the glass from around the car and the front end is completely twisted from how they pulled it onto the truck.

The police should definitely pay for it. I think if someone was going to have a car bomb... they wouldnt have put it somewhere better than a car park... and if they did put it in a car park they wouldnt pay the ticket!
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yeah...paid ticket...in a near empty carpark not near anything busy with tesco vouchers, window cleaning business cards and with the bomb in plain sight...says terrorist to me
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The way you complain about a £5 pane of glass being broken it sounds as though you would have preferred the alternative?

...the 4kgs of explosives they told you about?

Now that would have been epic.

"Old bill blew my shed up"
Disclaimer: The above is not to be taken to heart and is probably a joke, grow up you big girl.
[Image: Sig500x130.png]
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I'm sorry but just because you paid for a ticket means nothing. The 9/11 bombers paid for their tickets ..
[Image: 306ocsig_edited-1-1.jpg]

306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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ah ok...its all me

I guess you all would be happy for the police to smash your car late at night and leave you to clear the mess up, drive home frozen, repair it all yourself.

I didnt realise you were all so nice!
Wishes for more power...
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No, I would be fuming, I would probably flip the shit out personally.
But in all honesty, what's done it done.
Roll a joint, grab a bear and chill the f*ck out x
[Image: 306ocsig_edited-1-1.jpg]

306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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(07-04-2013, 04:13 PM)declantg Wrote: No, I would be fuming, I would probably flip the shit out personally.
But in all honesty, what's done it done.
Roll a joint, grab a bear and chill the f*ck out x

that doesnt sound relaxing atall Wink
Current stable
'09 Mercedes E320cdi wagon 
'99 306 gti6
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You know what I meant :L
[Image: 306ocsig_edited-1-1.jpg]

306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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well I aint a druggy and dont smoke meself to death...
but I am currently sipping on a nice pint of guisness watching an old war film chilling...

whats done is done...I know...just wanted to rant as Im sure ya'll would too
Wishes for more power...
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Piggy are you one of these people that when you get caught speeding, you also whine saying that the police have nothing better to do with their time.

1. Not all bombs are so volatile that a smashed window would set them off. Most need a electrical charge or spark.
2. The police aint stupid. They dont just go damaging peoples property for fun and they have procedures and training to follow when finding a suspect package.
3. Go on and claim. If your lucky enough to get a response, it will be a politely worded letter telling you to do one.
4. As Dum dum as said, have you forgotten that London is still on a high terrorism alert? When i was tube'ing it into town every day, station closures due to suspect packages were a almost weekly event.

Your car looked suspect so they did what was right and in this instance they were wrong but so what? Im sure you would be the first to complain when a car near you exploded because the police ignored a report of it being suspect and hurt your wife and kids.
Tbh, everyone on here saying the police are arseholes for doing this are clearly very closed minded.

(07-04-2013, 04:10 PM)Piggy Wrote: ah ok...its all me

I guess you all would be happy for the police to smash your car late at night and leave you to clear the mess up, drive home frozen, repair it all yourself.

I didnt realise you were all so nice!

No no one would be happy but these things happen. Tbh if it happened to me, id have the right hump but i wouldnt go slagging the police off because of it. In fact, i think it would restore a bit more faith in the police for me as i can actually see they are doing something about quite a major threat in London.

Oh and it is funny.
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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yeah right would you!

you'd all have sumit to say!

and no, I have no idea London is on high alert.

I was taking me wife to see a cool canadian band in a cool part of london...

I know its a bit naive but hey...das me.

and FYI: police procedure...how were they not to know it was a pressure sensitive detonator or rocker switch?!
Wishes for more power...
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