8-9mm lower on one side...

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8-9mm lower on one side...
I've got a slight problem with my 306, which me and KrisB have tried to address...

The ride height of my car was around an inch lower on the driver's side than the passenger side; so I've had new springs fitted and KrisB has fitted a new beam + lowered it correctly. The car is now only 8-9mm lower on the driver's side.

Also, I can feel the difference with handling, I can throw the car into a right hand corner and the car will stay composed; if I throw the car into a Left hand corner, it leans and makes me have to push myself against the door lol.

Only thing I haven't had changed is the front shock absorbers...

...Any other things it could be...? Undecided

I've never had this on Any of my previous 5 306's, my other 306 is a 1993 model XRd and that is still level both sides after 20 years...! :|

- H.
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is it lower front and rear?!
Wishes for more power...
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Has the car ever been crashed?
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Looks for any places on chassis legs where paint has cracked / pealed.

Have you tried removing drop link to make sure the ARB isnt bent?

Thats assuming we are talking about a difference at the front? or is it left right on the rear?
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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Sorry guys I should've explained better, it's as Piggy exclaimed, difference is at both the front and rear...like if I park the car on a flat surface i.e. a car park, it's barely noticeable but if I look at the passenger side, and then at the drivers side I can see like 8-9mm less wheel on the driver's side.

I measured it with a measuring tape, and it literally 8-9mm lower on the driver's side...KrisB then asked me to take the wheels off and measure from the bottom of the shock where it joins the hub to the spring pan, and the distance was exactly the same...which makes me think its the shocks maybe...??

I know i'm big but I'm not that fat, honest lol.

Cheers for the replies btw...
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There must be a bigger difference at either the front or back tho? Which ever is the bigger change from left to right will be the axle tahts causing the issue...
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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...Just been outside and took both front wheels off and measured again, I'm still thinking shocks? distance from:

- bottom spring pan/cup to where shocker meets the hub, both the same

- top spring pan to bottom spring pan also the same,

but once I put the car back on the grund and moved it forward so the suspension and wheels settle, the same difference appears between driver and passenger side...

It's more difference at the front Darren...

Difference at rear is 0.4mm, at the front it's 0.8mm...
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Problem is up front then, suspention legs must be same if they measure the same unloaded, sure the cup hasnt come off shock tower? or like i first said something weird is going on with arb / drop links
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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what about top mounts??

one maybe shagged
Wishes for more power...
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Just been outside again Darren, shock cups are all intact...where would I measure to/from to check for ARB/Drop link issues mate? Cheers for the help btw!
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Jack front up both sides, measure from somewhere fixed thats on both sides in wheelarch down to the lower drop link bolt,
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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if you suspect arb...just unbolt the drop links and then check
Wishes for more power...
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Is the difference in "height" the distance between car and floor? or wheel center to car? obviously the latter will effect the first, but what im saying is does the wheel to car measuremsnts chance from side to side?
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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(20-03-2013, 07:46 PM)Piggy Wrote: what about top mounts??

one maybe shagged

Kris checked them when he fitted my lowering springs, both top mounts were in decent nick mate Exclamation

(20-03-2013, 07:48 PM)darrenjlobb Wrote: Jack front up both sides, measure from somewhere fixed thats on both sides in wheelarch down to the lower drop link bolt,

Will do this tomorrow morning mate Idea

(20-03-2013, 07:48 PM)Piggy Wrote: if you suspect arb...just unbolt the drop links and then check

As above lol, i'll try and unbolt the drop links and check...

(20-03-2013, 07:51 PM)darrenjlobb Wrote: Is the difference in "height" the distance between car and floor? or wheel center to car? obviously the latter will effect the first, but what im saying is does the wheel to car measuremsnts chance from side to side?

The difference in height is from;

- front wheel arch to floor
- indicator to floor
- rubbing strip under indicator to floor
- bottom of front wing behind wheel - floor
- rear door rubbing strip to floor
- rear wheel arch to floor

...This whole issue has been bugging me for months...I'm determined to get it sorted now lol.
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(20-03-2013, 07:48 PM)darrenjlobb Wrote: Jack front up both sides, measure from somewhere fixed thats on both sides in wheelarch down to the lower drop link bolt,

(20-03-2013, 07:48 PM)Piggy Wrote: if you suspect arb...just unbolt the drop links and then check

So this morning I jacked up the car and measured from the bottom drop link bolts to where the bottom of the wheel arch is (behind the wheel & shocks, the straight section couple of inches long, same on both sides)...both the same measurement...the difference in height seems to happen once the car is down on the ground and weight is on the suspension...had new springs and new rear beam already...but not changed the shocks... :\

Thanks again for the replies guys...hopefully will get to the bottom of this, then carry on with my mods so I can do my first FCS this year... Wink
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I went back out earlier and jacked up the car again, I had an idea...I'd measured everything else and it was coming up pretty much the same...but I hadn't thought to measure between the bottom of the drop link to the wishbone adjacent to it...as Piggy said, unbolt the Links and measure...but I measure in situ, from the bottom of the drop link to the adjacent wishbone, and from the end of the ARB to the wishbone too...

So, I did exactly that and whaddaya know, there's a discrepency of ~7-8mm...!

...What does this mean? bent ARB...? Something else...?

Even from the distant overall wheel arch pictures, it's noticeable...

Pics below...

Attached Files Image(s)
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either the ARB is misaligned in its bushes/clamps or bent out of shape

if its the arb you maybe able to get rid of it with adjustable drop links?!
Wishes for more power...
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(21-03-2013, 04:54 PM)Piggy Wrote: either the ARB is misaligned in its bushes/clamps or bent out of shape

if its the arb you maybe able to get rid of it with adjustable drop links?!

Would the above 'damage' make the car ride lower on the drivers side by the difference of that 0.8mm I found mate?

How much (roughly) would either of those be? both adjustable link and a new ARB...? I'd ask KrisB but I know he'll be busy... :\

Just a thought, ARB's are Quite hard to bend aren't they? I'm swaying to what you've just said first, Misaligned ARB in it's Bushes/Clamps...
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Could be difference between orignal shocks and aftermarket (motor point) shocks
#2 Moonstone Blue HDI
[Image: 6b0c7309-5184-463c-9f73-2a7b96601418_zpsfdf041fe.jpg]
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Shocks are standard I think mate, the springs are Apex though and pretty much new and fitted by KrisB...

...though could be one shock worn out too...

Damn this problem... Sad
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ARBs do bend and shape over time due to extended time of there being only a driver in it
Wishes for more power...
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Ah right...so I'm thinking, next Friday I'll get the ARB, ARB Bushes and drop links done...might solve the problem maybe? If it doesn't...then it's gotta be the shocks ain't it?
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I have a GTI arb if you're interested. You're already visiting for other bits Wink
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Haha! Got the Bushes etc too? PM me the price Sam...

Looks like the 29th will be an expensive day but if my ride height ends up level i'll be over the moon & it'll be worth the money...
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Errr...If I remember I'll check it tomorrow, think they are there too.
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Just an update with a question; would the ARB Bushes/Bent ARB cause excess roll on that side when going into a corner...? Was thinking, hat if the ARB Bushes have gone, or the ARB is bent, it might also be placing pre-load on that side too... :\
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