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Back when Mazz & I were renting our 1bed flat;
Rent; £550 pcm
Council tax £140
Water; £106 per year
Gas; n/a
Electric; £90 a quarter ish (only rented for summer, and it was electric for the heating so I expect it would've been significantly more expensive over winter!!!)
Can't forget broadband and tv; £35 a month
Then we got to think food bills. We budget on about £300 a month, but cause we both work long hours, we tend to buy a few of the more expensive ready-meals to make it easier when we get home!
Since then we've been fortunate enough to buy a house, and outgoings look a little like this:
Mortgage: £350 a month
Council tax: £150 a month
Gas: £40-90 per quarter depending on summer or winter
Elec: £40-60 per quarter
BT/Internet bill: £35 a month
Shopping: £300 per month
Fuel for me: £250 a monht
Miscellaneous (phone bills, pub, hockey fines, aa etc): £200
Water bill for last 6months was £86.00
This is a fairly small mid-terrace 2-bed house in Surrey. It does all add up...
As many have said, you may struggle to outright afford to rent, particularly if you're both working part-time, and I would suggest that unless you are going into it to see how you guys live together, avoid it, save the money and put it towards a deposit to buy. After renting cheaply for 6 months to see how it went, buying a house was by far the best decision we made. The alternative was to rent again, and down this way a house the same size as the one we bought would be approx £7-800 pcm. Without any bills. It's just throwing money away.
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Just finding our feet in our new place since moving in December.
Realistically I think you're looking at £900 to see you through a month, just to pay your bills / rent. At £250/week approx. this leaves you with just £100 to live off, which probably can't be done.
I'm not sure what benefits you would be entitled too.
My current budget is constantly changing with each letter which lands on the doormat, but it's looking like -
Rent- £715pcm
Council Tax - £115pcm
Internet / phone - £24pcm
Energy - £unknown
The last one is a biggy, still waiting for our first electric bill! Not something I'm looking forward to!
Disclaimer: The above is not to be taken to heart and is probably a joke, grow up you big girl.
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My missus and I recently moved to Shepperton, which has particularly high rental prices..
Rent: £825 pcm
Council Tax: £118 pcm (Will go down from April)
Gas/Elec: £213 last quarter (Although was closer to 3.5 months)
Virgin Mediaz: £26 pcm for 6 months, then £36
Water: £25 pcm
TV License: £25 pcm for first 6 months, £12.50 thereafter
One of the big deciding factors for us was to pay a bit more for rent (area/flat is very nice), and be closer to work to cut down on fuel/train costs.
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03-01-2013, 02:06 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-01-2013, 02:08 PM by kentiiboii.)
Right just to clear this up! I'm not a dole scrounger! Not at all. Since leaving college I've been on Jsa once for 3 weeks due to me loosing my job as the agency want paying all my wages and refused to pay what they owed me. I had kept document of what hours I'd worked for them each week. Then went to the place I worked to look at what hours they had me down for working to make sure there hadn't been mistake. They told one a different amount of hours I had written down. Then rang agency they told me a complete different amount. So i had to go cos in was looking into too much and turned out I was not the only person wing ripped off.
Me and the mrs have always worked during and after leaving college. Yes i agree the government make it too easy to not work! There's always jobs out there! I'm hoping to stay at iceland a little bit longer as I'm hoping a job for home delivery Will come up at another store as ill come out with a minimum of £200 a week part time going up to £300 a week. Also I am going to start training for duty manager so I can be left to run the store which is more money. Also training for home delivery supervisor. £150 is the basic of what I earn most weeks it's more.
The mrs is talking to her boss about more hours which will help out majorly. She even said that she'll look for something full time but I don't want her to leave the job I know she loves just for us to have more money.
We don't plan on moving till about summer time anyway so gives us plenty of time to change things.
But to be honest it's not like we're sat at home doing nothing with our life's living on Jsa and popping out babies! We both work! Might not be ideal but that's what the housing benefit is there for! We are working and we may need that little bit of help! But it doesn't matter anyway they're going to be scrapping it anyway!
I agree with what toms saying about teenagers popping kids out its ruined it for a lot of us! People that work should be awarded for working. People that are on Jsa should have it taken of them if they ain't found a job in 6 months.
Chris I understand what your saying accidents do happen. We can tell your trying your best and ejjoying every moment of it. Lives tough you just got to embrace what you have got!
With me doing home deliveries i see a lot of people that don't work always on Jsa yet they can afford for spend £10-15 a week on shopping. They have a nice flat decent car and spend another £30-40 on food shopping. It's shit for people that do work.
Only reason I work part time is Becuase I got sick of agency work not knowing where I am different places all the time work one week none the next.
(03-01-2013, 12:52 PM)Toby Wrote: My missus and I recently moved to Shepperton, which has particularly high rental prices..
Rent: £825 pcm
Council Tax: £118 pcm (Will go down from April)
Gas/Elec: £213 last quarter (Although was closer to 3.5 months)
Virgin Mediaz: £26 pcm for 6 months, then £36
Water: £25 pcm
TV License: £25 pcm for first 6 months, £12.50 thereafter
One of the big deciding factors for us was to pay a bit more for rent (area/flat is very nice), and be closer to work to cut down on fuel/train costs.
That's another good thing with us. We're planning on staying in the town were at simply Becuase we both work in Eastwood so we could walk to work and downgrade to smaller car for cheaper insurance. Or if needed sell the car.
Also rent around us for a 2 bed terrace is between £400-450 PCM. And a 1 bed flat is between £350-400.
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(03-01-2013, 11:29 AM)cwspellowe Wrote: Not making that choice doesn't remove your right to have a child though. In fact the child isn't the problem at all. The problem is parents then CHOOSING not to work for their child.
Ain't that the truth.
Many people who I attended school with had children at a much younger age than I did (I was 23 when Florence was born last year). These people were / are irresponsible and I no longer associate with them. Inexperienced in the world of work, many of which going from doing their GCSE's to being a full-time mum.
I too work my bollocks off to provide for our family, I don't expect Natalie to work for another 2-3 years, by which point we plan to have another child anyway, all things beign well in the world of work.
Fact is that people are very quick to blame others for their own situations, when the reality is that they are often the only thing standing in their own way of making a difference. There are jobs out there, I won't have it said that there aren't. Like you say, some people just don't have the right mentality to do those jobs and would rather pussy-out and sit at home with mum and dad.
Furthermore, renting isn't a waste of money. Renting gets you a roof over your head without suffering the indignity of being housed by the local authority. The problem occurs when you get folks in council houses ending up better off than those who are working hard for a living.
Even with 6% mortgages it's virtually impossible to get approved these days. My friend works for a law firm who have a hand in approving mortgages and he said some bloke, who had £20k saved up and was on a rather-nice £35k per year was actually refused a mortgage recently.
Where am I going to find £20k when rent and bills equate to 2 thirds of my monthly income?!
Disclaimer: The above is not to be taken to heart and is probably a joke, grow up you big girl.
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^^ This over and over again...
Renting "seems" like a waste of money, but when you consider it leaves you the freedom to move wherever you want etc... That's the way it's going to be for a long time to come... Rich people getting richer from rent, poor people getting poorer from paying rent...
That's just the way it'll be...
I cannot see me being able to Mortgage any time in the future unless I get with a burd who's parents are loaded...
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(03-01-2013, 02:42 PM)Ruan Wrote: ^^ This over and over again...
Renting "seems" like a waste of money, but when you consider it leaves you the freedom to move wherever you want etc... That's the way it's going to be for a long time to come... Rich people getting richer from rent, poor people getting poorer from paying rent...
That's just the way it'll be...
I cannot see me being able to Mortgage any time in the future unless I get with a burd who's parents are loaded...
As i said, personally i like the idea of renting now. We are the only country that are obsessive for owning their own homes and there isnt really a need unless you can afford it which lets face it, none of us really can unless your fortunate enough to be given a substantial amount of money. At least with renting, as you said you can move when you want, any issues with the house, not your problem and if you loose your job and cant pay your rent, the council will for you unlike with a mortgage where if it got bad enough, you would have to be rehomed probably into a bedsit.
Oh and when you consider how mortgage costs and house prices are going at the moment, more and more people will never pay their mortgages off in their life so rent is not a waste of money because either way, you have nothing to show for it when you die.
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We rent, even if it is expensive because I don't believe I could afford the upkeep. I have lived in 4 rented properties since 2008 and all of them at some point have needed substantial repairs due to either weather, leak or some unearthed problem. E.g the roof started leaking and needed a re-roof. I call the landlord "waters coming in" he then got a contractor to come fix it and has a new loan to pay off on top of everything else. I couldn't pay if the bathroom pipes burst and the bathroom needed refitted. I am comfortable renting and probably will for a while. Who has a 15 grand deposit sitting around. So even if buying is cheaper say by £150 quid. Well that's £150 ill have to pay on a loan for the deposit plus then pay for any repairs. Na thanks
Oh and if i get bored living here, I hand in my one month notice and can move somewhere else (with a bit of estate agent fees but nothing like selling and buying)
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Since when did they stop housing benefit for under 25's?
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(03-01-2013, 04:34 PM)silverzx Wrote: Since when did they stop housing benefit for under 25's?
It was all over news about a month or so ago. They're stopping it in April.
As said buying a house is great. But these days really isn't worth it you have loans mortgages repairs everything. Only time owning a house pays off is if you've inherited or stinky rich.
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kent. just do what the f*ck you wanna do mate. i know you have asked for advice but at the end of the day its your life, your future and your mrs. (unless your willing to share). its a dog eat dog world and you have to do what you have to do to get by and make the most of the situation.
simple as that.
like you have said, the benefits are their to help people like yourself who work but just need a bit of help.
you and your mrs ( and mine if you let me share ) are working so its not like your a STEREOTYPE doley who is always on the scrounge.
like when i said i would treat ya to a drink last sunday, you had no money and even me saying ill get em you still said no.
you still got morrels mate.
good look with whatever you and your mrs(and mine if you let me) decide to do.
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Kingy i think your missing the point mate. At the moment i assume both of them live at home with parents...Well why should they move out and cost the government more money when they can stay where they are. Housing benefits were not designed for these purposes. They were designed for people who have no choice to live with someone else or people that do live on their own but have for example, lost their jobs.
End of the day, it is his choice but i think its very immoral to do that.
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i get what you say niall but at the end of the day, if someone looses their job and has to claim then where are their morrels.
the person who looses their job will be awarded FULL housing benefit and jsa.
kent on the other hand WONT be awarded full housing benefit and WONT get jsa.
so you tell me mate, whos got the morrels.
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(03-01-2013, 06:15 PM)kingy Wrote: i get what you say niall but at the end of the day, if someone looses their job and has to claim then where are their morrels.
the person who looses their job will be awarded FULL housing benefit and jsa.
kent on the other hand WONT be awarded full housing benefit and WONT get jsa.
so you tell me mate, whos got the morrels.
Thats completely backwards. If you are unfortunate to be made redundant, its not your fault and that is the whole point of housing benefits. To support people who are in genuine need. Kent and his misses are living at home at the moment. Its not like they are having a child and need their own space. TBH if he moves out and claims benefits straight away. Hes living outside of his means and he is the one with no morals.
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first of all i would like to say thanks for the correct spelling of morals lol.
right, yes i agree about living outside his means but your making out that kent shouldnt be entitled to a certain % to help him out.
when mr ive just lost my job is. bollocks to all this moral (thanks for that) bull shite niall, its not a perfect world by anyone standerds and like some people need a help in hand sometimes.
hate to bring this up but what about all our FRIENDS from other countries that claim for a million kids and get a massive house, furniture and a flash car.
would i get that if i went to their country. dont think so.
please dont think that im racist like sam or owt, im looking at the facts.
or at leaste their the facts from where im from.
bury your head in the sand all you want mate but its real and it happens everywhere.
not saying that kent and his mrs (and mine if he lets me) are going to claim any benefits, its just if he does then why not it go to him. he and his mrs work so they would get next to nothing anyway. if anything.
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Tbh too many people in this country believe wrongly that they are owed a house, income etc, We had kids young but have never claimed a fookin penny, tbh you don't get anywhere without hard work period!! Unless you have rich parents! Iam not poor by any means, but until society stops with the attitude that they currently have, we ain't getting nowhere!!
You see pissed off people in dead end jobs every day! Well Iam sorry but the only person able to change your earning potential is you!
This whole living a lifestyle you can't afford is beyond me, worse still people bring kids into the equation, this showing the next generation it's ok!!
My kids all know that they have to work hard to get anywhere in life, on the face of it sat on your arse in a council house on benefits isn't living, your only here once make a feckin go of it
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It is wrong that you get these big families coming over here and claiming every benefit under the sun and it does boil my blood when i see people who have never worked a hard day in their life and them and their 14 children are living in a nice house with a new car out front and all the kids have phones and laptops each. Its not on at all but that just shows you how floored the benefits system is. What im saying is though, just because they do it, why should everyone? As i said earlier, my misses could of given up work and been better off on benefits but she didnt because if you can work but just cant be bothered, its morally wrong. I know kent isn't to that extreme and im in no way suggesting he is but what i am saying is, Just because he wants to move out doesnt mean he should go and claim benefits to help him do so! Me and my misses have wanted our own place for over a year now and yeah, i could be sitting in my own flat typing this now if i had decided to claim benefits but im not because morally, thats wrong. There is not enough benefits for everyone in this country so it should go to the people that genuinely need it who have lost their jobs for genuine reasons or have developed a health issue stopping them from working. Not the people that cant be bothered to go to work or just want more than they can afford.
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(03-01-2013, 01:36 AM)kentiiboii Wrote: Right wanna as you guys a few questions and advice.
Me and the mrs have decided its time for us to settle down and get our own place. We've been together over 3 years and both feel we are ready!
We would ideally like a 2 bedroom house.
Both of us only work part time her earning around £100 a week and me earning £150 a week. We was originally told that we can both claim housing benefits seeing as we only work part time. But that was also informed that housing benefits are being stopped for people under 25 so due to lazy people that leave school and sit on dole or get pregnant have ruined that one for us, as the idea was 2 bedrooms saves moving out when we have a kid.
What I'm asking is if you live in a 1 bedroom flat or 2 bedroom house then how much roughly do you pay a week?
Rent? (I know different prices for areas I'm in Nottingham and live 30 minutes from city centre).
Council tax?
Can't forget broadband and tv?
Then we got to think food bills.
Saving for deposit first months rent and appliances isnt a problem.
I am also looking for full Time work or possibly move to another store to do more hours on the home deliveries as 25 hours is just over £200 .
Thanks in advance 
I work for a housing company in a lettings department and to be fair you definatly wouldnt be able to get HB on a 2 bed house unless you could find the money for the extra room due to bedroom tax. Alot of organisations have stopped underoccupying properties from the word go.
Your only chance would be a 1 bedroom.
They work out the amount of HB you are entitled to...and then 14% of that you would have to pay yourself for the extra room....its not 14% of the total rent .....hope this makes sense.
if you work over 16 hours you wont get ANY benefis at all.
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(03-01-2013, 06:57 PM)Jonny b Wrote: Tbh too many people in this country believe wrongly that they are owed a house, income etc, We had kids young but have never claimed a fookin penny, tbh you don't get anywhere without hard work period!! Unless you have rich parents! Iam not poor by any means, but until society stops with the attitude that they currently have, we ain't getting nowhere!!
You see pissed off people in dead end jobs every day! Well Iam sorry but the only person able to change your earning potential is you!
This whole living a lifestyle you can't afford is beyond me, worse still people bring kids into the equation, this showing the next generation it's ok!!
My kids all know that they have to work hard to get anywhere in life, on the face of it sat on your arse in a council house on benefits isn't living, your only here once make a feckin go of it
100% this really. Benefits are there to help people in genuine need. Not people who just want what they cant really have.
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03-01-2013, 07:06 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-01-2013, 07:07 PM by puglove.)
(03-01-2013, 07:04 PM)kingy Wrote: cheesy chips anyone?
what with this can O worms?
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(03-01-2013, 07:04 PM)kingy Wrote: cheesy chips anyone?
Only if they have extra mature cheddar on them lol
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(03-01-2013, 07:08 PM)kingy Wrote: i like cheesy willy's
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And this is what makes you bunch of pricks on this forum "special"
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03-01-2013, 07:11 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-01-2013, 07:13 PM by kingy.)
haha, +1
(03-01-2013, 07:10 PM)Niall Wrote: And this is what makes you bunch of pricks on this forum "special"
are you coming on the blob mate.
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Me and the mrs got a 1 bed, outgoings are around 900 a month.
370 rent
115 tax
100 phones + net
100 fuel
100 gas and elec
80 shopping
+ other bits
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(03-01-2013, 07:11 PM)kingy Wrote: haha, +1
(03-01-2013, 07:10 PM)Niall Wrote: And this is what makes you bunch of pricks on this forum "special"
are you coming on the blob mate.
Haha it was meant in jest mate although reading it back it did seem a bit harsh lol
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(03-01-2013, 07:14 PM)Niall Wrote: (03-01-2013, 07:11 PM)kingy Wrote: haha, +1
(03-01-2013, 07:10 PM)Niall Wrote: And this is what makes you bunch of pricks on this forum "special"
are you coming on the blob mate.
Haha it was meant in jest mate although reading it back it did seem a bit harsh lol
no worries pal. you can buy my cheesy chips at ace.
im on benefits lol.
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I live with my partners parents simply because we're not in a position to afford a house at the moment.
I'm 21 on a ~16K salary, Amber is about to turn 19, full time student & does late shifts 3 days a week at Waitrose.
I just about get by at the moment paying:
I buy all my own food etc
Car loan
Phone contract
Fuel/other bits
TBH i'm quite happy how it is, yeah it's time to get our own place but currently without 2 full time incomes, I wouldnt dream of it. This country is in such a mess, I wouldn't trust being able to support myself fully with moving out.
Do what you feel you can cope with, I saw so many friends move out when they hit 20 because they had a job paying £6.50 an hour and thought they could afford it all, it's amazing how quick they ended up back at mummy & daddys. These days it's really not unusual to hear of 30+yr olds still living at home.