As above I think the wheel bearing on the offside front is on its way out as I've got a burring noise when turning left at about 40mph and it goes away when going anything other then left.
Where/what wheel bearing kit should I get(Worry about cheap bearings that'll fail in no time) on the back I've done both sides with SKF bearing kits but can't seem to find one for the front from SKF.
Other info,
car is a phase 1
It had original wheel bearings all round rears now changed.
Mileage is one hundred and ten thousand miles roughly.
Thanks in advance.
Where/what wheel bearing kit should I get(Worry about cheap bearings that'll fail in no time) on the back I've done both sides with SKF bearing kits but can't seem to find one for the front from SKF.
Other info,
car is a phase 1
It had original wheel bearings all round rears now changed.
Mileage is one hundred and ten thousand miles roughly.
Thanks in advance.