Set of old rear beam mounts

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Wanted: Set of old rear beam mounts
After a set of old beam mounts, just any old shagged mounts you may have changed recently.
Having a go at making my own solid mounts so what you got?
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Can't help with the old mounts, but do you just weld them up or do you need to fill them with anything first?
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I'll have some in the near future...
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I'll do a guide when I do mine, I'm not filling them tho, just taking the rubber out and welding some 3mm steel into them.

My mate has a set so I'm gonna copy them.

Like I said I'll do a guide on here when I get some mounts

How much would you want for them Sean?
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how heavy are they?

Cover postage and packaging?

Should be off the car before xmas hopefully
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I have my old ones somewhere dude. As well as my solid ones. I also have a set that will be coming of the dturbo soon. Smile.
#2 Moonstone Blue HDI
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No idea tbh mate, shouldn't be too much. Royal Mail will be £ra*e.99 as usual but that sounds good to me.
Drop me a pm when they are off and we'll sort it out.
Cheers mate

Sounds good Kent!
Let me know what you have and I'll come pick them up!
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Send grant a pm, he might still have his old ones kicking about
[Image: k6f9Fk]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
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Cheers Sam, will do mate
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Iv done this. removing the rubber is the hardest part and it stinks when its burning
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Just gonna chuck them in the fire
You find them easy enough to do?
I know what I'm doing in my head, need to get a set here so I can make a jig for the front hangers
[Image: A1A3B2B1-9269-463A-9F21-2ABF4CE9BEAC-165...A3B3F7.jpg]
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I just uses a wire wheel on the grinder to remove the rubber from where the welds go, cut a few triangular and rectangle plates and welded them in, just stand up wind from it when welding
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Haha naa feck that, chuck them in the fire and fish them out in the morning, job done! Lol
[Image: A1A3B2B1-9269-463A-9F21-2ABF4CE9BEAC-165...A3B3F7.jpg]
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Ill find my others out tomorrow think I only have 3 though because one had to be cut off. I also have one that's already been done but one if the welds where slightly off.
#2 Moonstone Blue HDI
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Whatever you've got dude, it's all good.
Ideally need full sets but if its only one missing I can pinch one from the scrappy
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Well if you wouldn't mind waiting ill have a second set from the dturbo. But the solid set will be on the car
#2 Moonstone Blue HDI
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Yeah cool, I'm not desperate at the minute.
Need to clean the workshop first then its a matter of makin a jig and measuring up.
Keeps me busy over winter! Smile
[Image: A1A3B2B1-9269-463A-9F21-2ABF4CE9BEAC-165...A3B3F7.jpg]
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have mine, weld em up and send em back? Big Grin
[Image: k6f9Fk]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
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Haha yeah sounds a good deal to me that, am i paying postage or are you? Lol
Hopefully be knocking a few sets out all going well.
[Image: A1A3B2B1-9269-463A-9F21-2ABF4CE9BEAC-165...A3B3F7.jpg]
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haha ill cover postage mate, that'd work out well! i'd them myself, but 1, CBA, and 2, my welder is a bit shit, not sure if i'd trust it on something like beam mounts..... lol
[Image: k6f9Fk]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
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It's only 2-3mm steel, pretty much any welder will work!
See how mine go and if you want a set I'll do you a discount for a reach around at FCS!?
[Image: A1A3B2B1-9269-463A-9F21-2ABF4CE9BEAC-165...A3B3F7.jpg]
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yeah, its more the cant be bothered bit... hahaha



i can send you mine and you use them to mock up the jig/whatever and make them, then send me them for a blowie? Wink
[Image: k6f9Fk]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
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Haha I thought as much!

You can send me yours if you want but the discount will depend on quality of said blowie! Lol
[Image: A1A3B2B1-9269-463A-9F21-2ABF4CE9BEAC-165...A3B3F7.jpg]
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oh, im good, VERY good! i went to boarding school Wink

how much we talkin anyway?
[Image: k6f9Fk]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
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Hahaha proper made me chuckle!

Not sure yet mate, depends how much of a ball ache they are really.
Kent said he'd seen them go on eBay for about 130 so I'd probably try to do them at around a ton I think.
That sound about right?
[Image: A1A3B2B1-9269-463A-9F21-2ABF4CE9BEAC-165...A3B3F7.jpg]
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yeah that sounds fair man, work out how long it'll take you to do a set and make sure you dont short change yourself. i still think mine should be free tho Big Grin just cuz its me Wink
[Image: k6f9Fk]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
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I wouldn't be doing it to make money, as long as materials are covered and welding stuff I'm happy.
Like I said its more something to keep me occupied over winter really!
I'll see how mine come out first tho before making any final decisions.

And like I said it depends entirely on your blowie skills! Lol
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furrry muff!

so, you want mine to practise on or what? if they turn out good, ill buy em off you
[Image: k6f9Fk]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
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If you've got some knackered ones yeah mate, no point ruining good ones!
[Image: A1A3B2B1-9269-463A-9F21-2ABF4CE9BEAC-165...A3B3F7.jpg]
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yep the ones off irene were fooked. pm me your address and ill send them your way Smile
[Image: k6f9Fk]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
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