A friend and their Troll

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A friend and their Troll
I have a friend who has their family being threatened by a genuine Stalker and/or Troll.

I have managed to get hold of his IP address using various Guides and this one Odd looking IP address keeps popping up.

Before tracing him i cleared my internet cache and had no other windows open after clearing all internet history etc.

Basically I have his address. (Thank you Unknown dude who helped me)
FYI im not sharing this here due to the fact i want to troll this guy/f*ck this guy over myself without anybody else getting or finding him.

What would you 'Epic Trolls' suggest i do next

Any help/tips/advice would be appreciated

(Yes this is serious and i need to do something as the victim could lose family, friends and their job)

Cheers guys
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ra*e him. And for added effect, to show you mean business... Don't give him a reach around!
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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Trust you.
I plan on doing something. The stuff ive seen mate is appaling. I take the world of trolling not to seriously due to only using 'The art of trolling' as a form of banter.

But not like this. Its disgusting.
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Like what mate? No worried if you don't wanna say, just trying to gauge the level at which to suggest ideas lol
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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Saying he will plant Child Porn pics (This made me rage) on their computers. Seeing as the victims work with Children this has to be stopped. And that he will find out where they live and "Do stuff"

Plus more but that is just the issue. I have no idea what this guy is capabale of. Because i can see he is no pro... due to finding his location and he doesnt 'Ping' (Is it?) his ip to show as if hes in different places. its a street full of terrace houses. I have been talking to this unknown dude who also tracked his ip and said this is definatley him and his address. Hopefully in the process of getting a House number and or post code.

Dont f*ck with me.

He said bring it.
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You can't get someones home address from their IP address though? Fairly sure you couldn't. Me and Fooby were talking about it
And by that I mean me trolling him and him geeking me lol
[Image: IMG_20130925_181339_zps95df48fa.jpg]
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This guy can get a location and is 'Trying' to get an exact location.

I myself am also not sure this can be done but im no expert. I have where he is roughly. but not exactly... At the moment.
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Fooby was fairly adamant it couldn't be done.... see what I did there ... adamant....Adam ant..lolololol
[Image: IMG_20130925_181339_zps95df48fa.jpg]
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Haha. ohh dear.

Well there are many things that can be done through the magic of the internet. And hopefully this can be done.

even if i just have an 'Actual' IP address what can i do with it.
I need to get through to him in as many painful ways as possible.
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It can be done, if not how would the police find people they think are part of Anonymous?

If he was a pro he'd use proxies or a Tor/Onion network. Proxies let you hide behind a different IP address, an Onion or Tor network bounces your info across many servers across the world to hide who you are, hence why it gets used by people torrenting sometimes.

How has all this started? Is it someone that is known to the 'victim'?

Otherwise you could be going after someone completely unrelated to all this.

My examples of trolling only refer to getting access to the person house and are psychological.
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Exactly... Well this is one IP in one Location.

I know they cant physically get an address from an IP but it can give co-ordinates as to where the IP address is.

All i need is advice to scare the shit out of him really. Because he's not smart and types like he has fat fingers.

Edit: This is the first time this particular person has been targeted and for no reason.

AFAIK the Troll has no known ties to the victim.
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Smarter way would be to get evidence of him saying he'll plant those pics so if anything happens you've got that to back you up, although if he has stuff like that in his possession you could get him done for possessing that sort of content.

Do you have things like a username or email address? Those can be great for finding people, so if you had a rough location and a few fb profiles, can just wait until you see someone matching.
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Yes, i know burt the thing is... Its most likely he has nothing of this nature in his possession.

But i dont want to put this to the test tbh.

I have been given full access to the victims Facebook and other social networks this guy is attacking them through. i have changed all passwords so the victim isnt being hit directly anymore. Only i can see what is going on.

I'm going to be acting like the victim, the troll has no idea i have taken over atall and still thinks they are burning the owner of the profiles.

Edit: I do indeed have an email address which i know to be fake.
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Ok, I see...that changes it a little then if you have that access. (Not sure if you mentioned it already, probably have and I didn't read it properly)

Not too sure tbh, could maybe try and coerce them into doing something illegal with you but obviously they get caught. Or offer to pay them off, then kick 7 shades of shit out of them when they collect.

EDIT: Could always try different mail servers on the end of it, e.g yahoo instead of hotmail or just the username in the email.
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(29-09-2012, 01:04 AM)bigcheez2k3 Wrote: kick 7 shades of shit out of them when they collect.

I'd love to, but i cannot see this guy coming anywhere near me. I cannot work out if they want something or not.

Edit: This guy is using one of those names you know are absolutely 100% Fake. I.e Jack Smith, Paul Jones <-- examples.
(just that generic popular names + surnames)
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It's not that hard to create a virus you know. We were shown at college that something like a batch file (I think) can do it. It's just getting it to them.
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I know batch files. Ext of .bat? I believe.
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Yep, that's the one. We were shown a really simple one, once activated it would keep spawning windows, e.g. internet explorer, until the machine crashed. That is only a very basic one, believe it was only a couple lines of code, but I'm sure there are more complex things that can be done that would give greater results.
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my ip adress is regestering as Crewkerne thats 35 miles away from where i am!
the only way you will get an address is get a court order and present it to the ISP to reviel the ip holders identity
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It's not just about getting an address.

Can I use his ip address to get into his stuff and piss about with it?
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(29-09-2012, 07:24 AM)cully Wrote: my ip adress is regestering as Crewkerne thats 35 miles away from where i am!
the only way you will get an address is get a court order and present it to the ISP to reviel the ip holders identity
This Smile

Sorry Andy but your source would have to be working for the ISP in order to get the exact location of the IP. There is such a thing as a geolocation but often that can be just down to the nearest telephone exchange which can be considerable distance from the actual address. One person who was frequently trying to troll us here ended up having an IP address with a location which was 200 miles from where he turned out to live.

How is the person contacting you? Is it by Facebook, Email, etc.? If those are the actual threats and the family genuinely suspect this person would do it, then they should be going to the police Smile

As said by bigcheeze, if he had much sense he'd be using a proxy or anonymising service such as ToR (The Onion Router) which would make it more difficult to pin him to a particular IP.

I doubt that the person has no ties to this family at all, as it's not often that kind of attack just comes out of nowhere. There must be a reason why this person has done it.

There are a number of things you can do using someone's IP address, if you're certain that is actually them. One troll we've come across failed to close remote access for his router whistle
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If you get the exact address

1. ring every taxi / fast food company and send him alpad of food and taxis if you do it enuff they will bar his address

2. Sighn up for loads af random crap online and get him loads of junk mail posted everyday

3. Send letters to all his neighbours warning them a pedofile lives at (his address)

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(29-09-2012, 08:16 AM)R45_ODV Wrote: If you get the exact address

1. ring every taxi / fast food company and send him alpad of food and taxis if you do it enuff they will bar his address

2. Sighn up for loads af random crap online and get him loads of junk mail posted everyday

3. Send letters to all his neighbours warning them a pedofile lives at (his address)

^^^ Do These!!!!!

Andy, how are they trolling, is it through email?
“Someone get the foghorn, Kyles out in the Diseaseal again”

[Image: signature.png]
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Or evern better to finish him off pm aload of members on the forum with his address and get them all to post him a box of dog shit Smile

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(29-09-2012, 07:36 AM)Andy Wrote: It's not just about getting an address.

Can I use his ip address to get into his stuff and piss about with it?

Try not to do anything illegal yourself, would really suck if you got arrested for the sake of this pathetic person.
[Image: sigjpg.jpg]
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Don't try doing anything with his address as you don't know for certain that it's correct. You could end up doing the same thing to some random person what he is doing to your friends.
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Trolling can be fun but when someone mentions child porn then that crosses the line for me i would go straight to the police and not entertain this asshole for 1 more second
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Surely if he has been threatening this then you have copies of said threats? If you do tell him to go for it!!! Then speak to police, you will inevitably find out who he is then, wait a year or so and go find him with a hammer or other such soft object, patience is a virtue
[Image: SDC10442-1.jpg]
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what cully and scott said.

For fact, any normal person cannot get and address from an IP, its just not possible. Geoip location databases are your best bet, but are mostly usless.

Police do it as they get a court order, demanding the ISP say which account was using xIP at the time the crime.

Do this properly via the police, there is no way to really track him. This guy/troll is actually an idiot. He cannot really plant child porn as he'd have to get loads of info and find ways in. Do-able? yeah, course it is, by your average/above average joe? no, its not.

For example, unless I knew the IP address of my source computer, there was all the correct NAT routing in place to get to a client and it was wide open, then yeah, i could do it. Without that, I couldnt.

If you wanna give me a call or something andy to discuss, feel free
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I wanted to avoid plod because I would rather find him and rearrange his body parts. But if there really isn't any other way then o guess that's what I'll have to do.

Difficulty levels are not an issue for me getting things done, believe me... If I want something done I'll get it done.

He is using Facebook mainly, adding their family and friends and saying all this horrible horrible bull shit. This person hasn't upset anyone AFAIK.

Any decent ways of hacking his facebook?
I don't care if I get into trouble tbh guys and I know that sounds stupid but I have been in trouble enough times.

Cheers for replying aswell lads <3
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