Last night at the end of my shift i was reversing to turn round slowly pressing brakes to slow down, all of a sudden there was a big bang the car jolted to a stop and the brake pedal went to floor, so i tried brakes and they still worked but if i was stood still if i pressed pedal wouldn't go hard until it was nearly at the floor, but when i was moving the brakes would work so got home left it over night. Come to it this morning and a look for any fluid under car (any brake pipes) nothing what so ever so before i started it i pressed brakes they was firm and pedal near top, started it up with my foot on pedal and the pedal went 2/3rds of the way down so i pumped pedal a few times and stayed the same, i moved the car off the drive, had a quick check for fluid on drive agin and nothing there, so been for a spin brakes work just as before pedal may be a bit further down but if i go to slam brakes on pedal gose far down must be very close to firewall, i managed to get abs to kick in and give my self whiplash (so they do work still and can stop in an emergency) ....... so what was the bang??? how come when im stood still the pedal can nearly go to the floor??
Its not something i want to mess around with when it comes to brake got to make sure there working 100% or the car stays were it is last thing i want is to be going down bypass and not be able to stop at the end Any help welcome!!
Its not something i want to mess around with when it comes to brake got to make sure there working 100% or the car stays were it is last thing i want is to be going down bypass and not be able to stop at the end Any help welcome!!