Sister's first car.

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Sister's first car.
and mine...
[Image: k6f9Fk]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
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(22-08-2012, 12:46 PM)Ed Doe Wrote: OOOOOooorrr... Yours was the exception to the rule, rather than Nialls..... and mine for that matter...

All the ones I know of cant be the exceptions. Tongue

And yours is a diesel, afaik they dont get the hg issues anyway.....mine certainly liked a rag every morning.
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(22-08-2012, 12:42 PM)Toms306 Wrote: They were all silvertop quikkys lol, just like my 1.4 306s (which also ALL popped headgaskets at some point in thier life), except my ph2 blacktop, that had the HG done under warranty at 5k miles lol.

You always get exceptions, and I dont doubt at all that yours was bulletproof........but most of them don't seem to be!

Wrong again. Not all quicksilvers were silver tops. Some of the later black tops actually had silver tops which throws a spanner in the works with this whole black/silver top identification.
In my whole time of being on the 106 forums, I rarely heard of HG issues.robably as often as you do on here.
Sure this isn't something you've dreamt up because you've automatically decided you don't like it?
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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Meh, if you say so. As I've said, all the ones I had experience of were crap. Hence why I bought a 1.8 instead of another 1.4, and haven't gone back to a TU since. Headgasket/gearbox/drum beams all had problems on mine, and as said mates had similar problems with 106s.
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(22-08-2012, 12:48 PM)Toms306 Wrote:
(22-08-2012, 12:46 PM)Ed Doe Wrote: OOOOOooorrr... Yours was the exception to the rule, rather than Nialls..... and mine for that matter...

All the ones I know of cant be the exceptions. Tongue

And yours is a diesel, afaik they dont get the hg issues anyway.....mine certainly liked a rag every morning.

Still a TU though Tom! and now you know of mine, yours and Nialls, which neatly matches the 'other ones you know of'!
'99 Ph3 Diablo Gti(Victor) Dead
Astor 'X' 4 GTi6-6 - SOLD! Sad
'08 LY Renault Megane RS 230 F1 Team R26 - GONE
'56 BMW Z4 Coupe 3.0si Sport - SCHWIIIING!
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jesus . .my old 1.6 has been ragged all over and put about 40k on her in last 4 years . . . . no HG issues there . .Smile
she's on about 160k now . . .
Phase 1 D-Turdo, K14@24 psi, De-cat, meaty backbox, Bosch pump, grinded LDA pin, duel air fed K&N =133.7bhp & 188ft/lbs
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So what your saying is Tom, that because you've had a bad 106 (wouldn't b the first dog you'd bought), that me, Ed, Niall and Sam are all wrong?

I swear to god man, you know nowt. Yes my 106 was comfortable and roomy for what it was, it beat a Polo for space or a Fiesta for comfort, and the TU engine must be tough to survive the abuse I gave it. And yeah, it was amazing to drive, go kart handling with plenty of lift off oversteer, sounded like a rally car over 4k, spat flames, great gearchange, pedals perfect for heel and toeing, the best brakes I've had on any car including the huge ones on the Octavia. And to be fair, I've driven 1.1s and 1.4s as well, and their nippy, fun little cars.

But that can't be right can it? They must all be shit because you bought a shit one. Ed, Niall, Sam, you're all idiots and all wrong just like me! lol
[Image: tapatalk_1427020983519_zpsnwvozlhb.jpeg]
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Shit I guess I'll just go and sulk and be depressed in the corner for being wrong Sad

Hold the names not Tom Smile
Seriously Tom, I don't see why you have to slate every car that you don't like just because of other peoples issues. I don't go spreading rumours about things that I have no knowledge of!
(well except Scott's sexuality but that's just funny)
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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Liam you're definitely missing the point, Kez's sister won't be able to insure a GTi for a start (they cost more than a '6 to insure for me). Im not sure you want LOOS as a new driver. And pedals good for heel toeing? Why do you need a heel? You can hit all three at once anyway due to the wheel arch pushing all the pedals in towards the middle, again ideal for a new driver.

I've explained the reasons I don't think a 106 is a good car for a new driver, it's up to you guys to think what you like, I really couldn't care if you agree or not. As I've said, if I could afford to fuel a decent specced 106 with a decent engine, I'd have a GTi to rag around in for some fun, but a low spec 1.1/1.4/1.5D, nope, not even now, let alone when i was learning!
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I honestly give up. If your gonna talk crap Tom at least have the balls to argue your point and not just come out with "That's not actually what I was saying, I meant shit in a nice way"...

F*ck it Niall, we're wrong, let's cry together. Cry, and other stuff Wink
[Image: tapatalk_1427020983519_zpsnwvozlhb.jpeg]
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(22-08-2012, 01:45 PM)THE_Liam Wrote: F*ck it Niall, we're wrong, let's cry together. Cry, and other stuff Wink

Penis cry?

Seem to have developed the ability of late to bring the tone of almost every thread crashing to the ground!
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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(22-08-2012, 01:49 PM)Niall Wrote:
(22-08-2012, 01:45 PM)THE_Liam Wrote: F*ck it Niall, we're wrong, let's cry together. Cry, and other stuff Wink

Penis cry?

Seem to have developed the ability of late to bring the tone of almost every thread crashing to the ground!

Who, me or thee?

And yeah, cock cry. Projectile cock cry. lol
[Image: tapatalk_1427020983519_zpsnwvozlhb.jpeg]
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(22-08-2012, 01:39 PM)Toms306 Wrote: Liam you're definitely missing the point, Kez's sister won't be able to insure a GTi for a start (they cost more than a '6 to insure for me). Im not sure you want LOOS as a new driver. And pedals good for heel toeing? Why do you need a heel? You can hit all three at once anyway due to the wheel arch pushing all the pedals in towards the middle, again ideal for a new driver.

I've explained the reasons I don't think a 106 is a good car for a new driver, it's up to you guys to think what you like, I really couldn't care if you agree or not. As I've said, if I could afford to fuel a decent specced 106 with a decent engine, I'd have a GTi to rag around in for some fun, but a low spec 1.1/1.4/1.5D, nope, not even now, let alone when i was learning!

Now you're missing the point! Liam was highlighting the 106 was a good car based on his experiences. It so happens he had a gti. he was talking about the car generally saying the interior space was good and the comfort and reliability of his were also good.

Heel and toe is a brilliant art to master; but not essential. and the spacing between the pedals is largely irrelevant; we're not talking about a bloody rugby prop with size 25 feet, were talking about Kezs sister, who I'm sure will manage to differentiate between the pedals with her (im sure) girl feet.

Again you're bringing it down to what you prefer; and we all know if it doesn't have more driving aids than Stephen Hawking's wheelchair you aren't interested...

In summary, for a young person starting to drive, a little 106/saxo will allow them to learn the art of driving in a cheap fashion whilst providing good fuel economy, resonable interior space, relative comfort, and comparatively cheap spare parts/repairs/MOTs/cartax consequently. My 106 cost peanuts and was the ultimate student car. Hell it's the perfect second car for me now! Cheap as chips to run; my monthly fuel bill is £120, my insurance was £490, my tax was £140, and the MOT was £300; I challenge you to find a car to do 15,000miles a year for £2,400 all in!
'99 Ph3 Diablo Gti(Victor) Dead
Astor 'X' 4 GTi6-6 - SOLD! Sad
'08 LY Renault Megane RS 230 F1 Team R26 - GONE
'56 BMW Z4 Coupe 3.0si Sport - SCHWIIIING!
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Well Im 6ft5 with size 12 feet and I never had any issues with pedal spacing or comfort. Granted the seats could get a little u comfortable on a long drive.

If kez sister is taller than me with bigger feet, I would be wanting to send her to the doctors to confirm her gender.
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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I'm a size 11 and a right fat c*nt and I always had enough room...

Edit: Quite tempted by another 106 GTI now actually... Might get one and keep the beigemobile as a daily...
[Image: tapatalk_1427020983519_zpsnwvozlhb.jpeg]
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Wish my insurance was that cheap £2025 over here Sad

£1600 is good for a 17 year old female driver

Do I dare say a clio? Or punto?
“Someone get the foghorn, Kyles out in the Diseaseal again”

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Back on topic please guys. Start a new thread if you want to talk about the reliability of 106s or TU engines, this thread is to help Kezzie find a car for his sister.
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Cheers Scott, just caught up with this find nothing useful, excrement.

Just getting her to look at clios, are the 1.5 diesels fairly reliable?
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Diablo Meridian HDi - 125bhp - 73.0MPG - Halfords Wheels
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From what I've heard of other Renault owners, they are reliable definitely safe, again only problems are electrical.

Actually I wouldn't suggest older puntos, they are quite weak safety wise, if anyway was to happen (touch wood hopefully not) then they just crumple
“Someone get the foghorn, Kyles out in the Diseaseal again”

[Image: signature.png]
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1.5 DCi?

I had one as a courtesy car once, to be perfectly honest, there was nothing wrong with it. In fact around town it was very brisk up to about 40mph, it just ran out of steam very quickly! It was more comfortable doing 60 on motorways instead of 70.

That said, if she doesn't plan on doing many journeys over 10/15 miles, it's probably idea. I've not heard of any problems with the 1.5 engine myself, it tends to be the car the engine is attached to which causes the owners problems, so buy carefully!

Edit to add, the Clio I had did have this strange steering characteristic, where it always felt like it was trying to hard to go in a straight line. Like the castor angle was too great or something. I believe motoring journalists refer to it as a 'dead area' where the steering wheel will turn a little way without actually affecting your direction of travel! It always pulled hard back to the centre again.
Disclaimer: The above is not to be taken to heart and is probably a joke, grow up you big girl.
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Puntos arnt bad. They basic, very cheap to run and look quite good. The 8v models can have HG issues but they take all of about 5 minutes to replace on these. 16v models are strong but probably expensive to insure ar that age.
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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Micras are boring and not great to drive, but their roomy and bombproof, cheap to insure too with them being a granny car Wink
[Image: tapatalk_1427020983519_zpsnwvozlhb.jpeg]
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My mate had a Punto 8V, always used to have a bottle of water on him before doing any long journeys!!

Micra's are great little cars in my opinion, perfect granny-mobile or first time driver cars. Nothing much can go wrong with them, aside from an issue with the throttle body which can be hard to repair. I'm not so sure on the newer shape ones, I'm talking about the K11 shape.
Disclaimer: The above is not to be taken to heart and is probably a joke, grow up you big girl.
[Image: Sig500x130.png]
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Only real problems iv seen on the clios are electrical issues the mrs had one with a dodgy starter which went on to pop its ecu other than that it was a good car for a 1.2
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Dare I suggest a renault 5. I had a 1.1 campus as my first car. It made all of 45bhp when it was new! Yes they're pretty bad in a crash and pretty basic kit wise. Cheap to run and fix though. Having said that, I wrote mine off in a head on smash with a nissan bluebird and I survived.

I've also had a mk3 fiesta (my brother also had one as his first car) which was ok apart from the rot, which you really have to keep on top of. The tappets also needed frequent adjustment on my brothers one (sounded like a bag of spanners in a washing machine when they were out of adjustment).

106/saxo is a good shout. Even an AX would be ok, but they feel pretty flimsy compared to a 106. I had a 1.5D 106 which was pretty well bombproof reliability wise. It got hammered everywhere and still gave 50mpg+

My sister had an old curvy shape polo and she said that was ok, but thirsty as for some reason. She managed to write that off and she now has a 106 as well.

Others I can think of that might fit the bill: diahatsu charade, old shap clio, micra, suzuki swift (not sure if these will be in budget), smart car (again budget, but might be able to get an early one), cinqichento, scichento (how ever you spell them) etc
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Figured I'd update this, she bought a Micra yesterday, for the princely sum of £650.

Needs a new drivers seatbelt, a tyre & tracking, and that's about it.
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Diablo Meridian HDi - 125bhp - 73.0MPG - Halfords Wheels
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(02-09-2012, 11:45 AM)Kezzieboy Wrote: Figured I'd update this, she bought a Micra yesterday, for the princely sum of £650.

Needs scrapping, and that's about it.

[Image: k6f9Fk]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
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Micra's are epic!

Honestly they want for nothing and my mate has had his since new (in the family anyway) since 2002!!

He even cleans it now and then. Properly good for what you needed. Only problem they can develop is an electrical fault with the throttle body / AFM unit (all one unit). There's a lot of simple guides on how to repair it, but it does necessitate the purchase of some security star torx bits, which is a bit of a lady garden.
Disclaimer: The above is not to be taken to heart and is probably a joke, grow up you big girl.
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Why did we not get pictures of said sister :-o
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Learnt to drive in a K11, Not exciting to drive tocheap and reliable. As CAR said you cant go wrong with 'em really. Look damn cool on collies with decent wheels too.
Team hand-painted-commercial Vehicle
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