Oil pressure and stop light not working

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Oil pressure and stop light not working
It's taken me a while to realise but last week I noticed that my stop light and oil pressure light were not coming on with the ignition switched on before starting the engine. I've pulled the instrument cluster and changed the bulbs but it hasn't made a difference. The battery light and brake fluid light both come on as they should and I know the bulbs aren't the problem because I have tried known working bulbs in the oil pressure and stop lights and they still don't work.

I've looked at the fuses on the fuse panel and they are all in the right place besides if the fuses are wrong then I would have thought the whole cluster of lights would be not working, in addition to this cluster of lights sharing the same plug. It can't be the sensors because they are supposed to come at ignition regardless of what signals they are getting. Lastly I have looked on the back of the instrument panel and the circuits look fine to me.
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Sounds like its time for a new car to me.
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1. Why would I want a new car, I have the highest level of trim available

2. Why would I ditch a car over something so trivial

3. I wouldn't be able to afford any mods if I bought a new car and modding is the main part of having a car.

4. I was looking for a solution in the scope of this SPECIFIC problem.

5. I don't like new cars.
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Looks like your pretty shit out of luck then mate. I'd be looking into euphanasia if I were you, its the kindest way.
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What and deny the world one of the greatest minds in existance? That would be highly selfish. I am fairly confident that in a battle of intellect I would come out on top of you in terms of intellectual power. Afterall, I am not the one with a picture of a semi naked female underneath my username. Those kind of things only appeal to the primitive nethanderal brain. As a person of exceptionally high intellect I rise above such uncoth desires.
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306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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thought you were going for a poo connor!
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Flynn Wrote:What and deny the world one of the greatest minds in existance? That would be highly selfish. I am fairly confident that in a battle of intellect I would come out on top of you in terms of intellectual power. Afterall, I am not the one with a picture of a semi naked female underneath my username. Those kind of things only appeal to the primitive nethanderal brain. As a person of exceptionally high intellect I rise above such uncoth desires.

CSB. If your so damn clever why are you wasting your new years eve mindlessly spamming a 306 forum, again? The mind boggles, it really does.

And for the record, I always win :dance:
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cully Wrote:thought you were going for a poo connor!

Just had it, fuckin stinks! :obscene-tolietpush:
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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Dan! Wrote:
Flynn Wrote:What and deny the world one of the greatest minds in existance? That would be highly selfish. I am fairly confident that in a battle of intellect I would come out on top of you in terms of intellectual power. Afterall, I am not the one with a picture of a semi naked female underneath my username. Those kind of things only appeal to the primitive nethanderal brain. As a person of exceptionally high intellect I rise above such uncoth desires.

CSB. If your so damn clever why are you wasting your new years eve mindlessly spamming a 306 forum, again? The mind boggles, it really does.

And for the record, I always win :dance:

I have asked a legitimate question and you are spamming my thread. Not the other way around, so who are you to talk about spamming?
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Flynn Wrote:I have asked a legitimate question and you are spamming my thread. Not the other way around, so who are you to talk about spamming?

Not that ol' one again lol You never learn do you. I bet your just jealous of my stupid girlfriend and my horrible car with silly wide wheels, eh? :roll: Give it up fella.
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for the stop light
low speed fan relay

for the oil pressure light
oil pressure switch
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In my Haynes there is no listing for those items unfortunately but thanks for the help. Must be because mine is Mk 1 and yours is Mk 3.
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This hasn't gone well. I am fairly certain the problem is with the instrument cluster now because I have pulled it all apart, checked bulb filaments, checked connections to the circuit board, swapped bulbs around etc and it still doesn't show the oil and stop light. Infact, now my battery light has stopped working as well, the only thing I have handled is the instrument cluster so it must be that that's playing up. Somehow managed to blow the fuse for the clock as well if that's any help. Also now my steering column shrouding is not going back together properly :x
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Flynn Wrote:What and deny the world one of the greatest minds in existance? That would be highly selfish. I am fairly confident that in a battle of intellect I would come out on top of you in terms of intellectual power. Afterall, I am not the one with a picture of a semi naked female underneath my username. Those kind of things only appeal to the primitive nethanderal brain. As a person of exceptionally high intellect I rise above such uncoth desires.

UncoUth. Seems like being of "exceptionally high intellect" doesn't extend to your spelling abilities eh?

Anyway, checked all of your fuses?
[Image: 306Green5DrSig.png]
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Yep, all fuses checked. Looks like I need a new instrument panel!
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Dan, I can't se what your issue in this thread is, seems like a genuine problem and isn't trolling.

Play nice.
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Bulbs been removed and electrics disabled since there's actually no oil pressure, just hope and prayers holding the big end shells intact?

Bust out the exceptionally high intellect and check the pressure switch to see what it reads.
(16-05-2016, 10:45 AM)Toms306 Wrote: Oh I don't care about the stripped threads lol, that's easily solved by hammering the bolt in. Wink
Nanstone GTD5 GT17S - XUD9TE
Volvo V50 D5 R-Design SE Sport - Daily cruise wagon.
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