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raging. my old housemate (of two years) was back in kingston for the evening, and was gunna meet up with all my uni lot for a few drinks and that.
since i was working, i said id swing by when i finish, at midnight.
i was over in kingston earlier in the day, and met up with a couple of my mates fro uni, and they knew i was gunna be popping down for a little bit after work.
so, work ends, i drive to kingston, get there bout half twelve or so. after having texted two mates to see where they were, and got no response, i drove to where i figured theyd be, and tried to call them.
i called everyone that was gunna be out that night, three times each, and no one answered their phones.
so either they all f*cked off to bed early, or are in a club, but either way, didnt bother to tell me.
so after working a fairly heavy shift, ive gone out of my way to try and meet them, and they totally dont give a flying f*ck that i did.
i lived with my old housemate for two years, and used to be pretty good mates, went thru some shit together, and now, no body seems to even give a shit if i turn up or not, or even bother with the curtosey of letting me know where they are.
im sick and tired of their bullshit, even when we used to hang out before, id bear the brut of all their jokes.
now im not exactly sensitive, those of you who know me know i can handle banter, but it gets f*cking tiring when thats all that you seem to be around for, for their 'entertainment'.
they'd only ever contact me if they needed something, and then never return the favour.
after knowing them for over four years, i've come to learn that the guys i've met off here, and have known for about 4 months, are better mates.
so yeah. if you cant be arsed to read that epic rant, basically, my uni 'mates' are all lady gardens, and im washing my hands of them.
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I wouldn't answer the phone to you either. Prick.
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
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Best thing you can do bud and if they decide to get in contact and want to meet up play them at their own game - do exactly the same to them - f*ck em, you don't need mates like that. I've just been f*cked over by a mate of 19 years to the tune of £300 that could rise to £550 very soon(long story)
Off to the cop shop in the morning - sad times indeed.
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Moral of the story? Students are f*cking tossers
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lol @ connor.
yeah fuuck em mate. dont need toss pots like that in your life. id rarther not have mates than fuuckin idiots like that.
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That was a warm fuzzy story to get my morning started lol. Dont worry about them dude. You will always have 306OC
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I dont have many people id call friends any more tbh, bit sad, but this is exactly why. Similar thing happened while i was still at uni: all my mates moved into a couple of houses together and just stopped making any effort to see me, except when they wanted something, of course. f*ck em, treasure the people that are good mates and sod the rest.
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(24-07-2012, 05:07 AM)THE_Liam Wrote: Moral of the story? Students are f*cking tossers 
Normally id say that's just really stereotypical but I agree with you there.
Sam I think I told you the story the other day.
Most of my "good mate" that I've known since I was about 7 (some even since I was 3!) all went off to uni and never really heard much from them again. Try to contact them and their too busy to even give you the time of day to reply to a text. Had a right argument with one of them because I didn't go to her BBQ for her birthday (never got the invite so genuine reason) and apparently because of that I'm a useless friend and never make the effort to try and see them.
I'd say the guys on here are better friends than them and will probably continue to be for a long time after all the others have f*cked off and never speak to me again!
(24-07-2012, 07:39 AM)Poodle Wrote: I dont have many people id call friends any more tbh, bit sad, but this is exactly why. Similar thing happened while i was still at uni: all my mates moved into a couple of houses together and just stopped making any effort to see me, except when they wanted something, of course. f*ck em, treasure the people that are good mates and sod the rest.
I thought I was your friend
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I used to be the same, always had to make tthe effort or I wouldn't see my mates out of school....untili finished school and I stopped going out, wouldn't get a bus, couldn't get a lift and no-one at all talked to the time there was msn, MySpace, even bebo lol, but no nothing. When I passed my driving test I tried making the effort again (bearing in mind is known these guys for 5-10 years) but people weren't really interested so I didn't bother anymore. Then the four years I spent at college I never saw anyone outside of college, and haven't seen them since. Even the people you think are mates at college, I asked if they wanted to meet up at one of thier houses (again, me making the effort to use about 80miles of fuel!) But they weren't interested. Maybe its just me though lol........but As you say, they'll soon talk to you if they want something....the wonders of Facebook eh!
Tbh, i wouldn't say I had any proper long term mates, maybe a few car fwends on here lol......but I definitely speak to you guys a lot more than any real people!!
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definitely know how that feels sam, been f*cked over a few times in about 2 months by various different people.. if they cause that much grief they aren't worth the time of day!
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i think we all have had friends that we dont see anymore, thats life. times change and people move on. but no need to be a prick about it when you make the effort.
true mate dont do that so i say f*ck em.
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Sam; MTFU?
but in seriousness, i rarely put time into people after a lot of my friends often do the same thing. There is a handfull of people which i can 'rely' on these days.. shit happens..
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Most of my old mates that I grew up with are either f*cked on drugs, in prison, or dead, still see some around the area! Not really mates except a couple of em. Got out of that game and moved on. They stayed the same. Met some good people on here, just keep moving on with life sam, life is full of dicks, just got to weed em all out
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IMO people who CBA to make the effort are not worth the effort themselves, forget about them and when they come back wanting a favour politely tell the to f*ck themselves
Its not worth worrying about, I see maybe 3-4 of my old "friends" and its getting to the point where I hardly ever see 2 of them as they "don't have the time/CBA" which is a bit shit considering one of the 2 people I hardly see was pretty much my best mate for about 5 years
Just carry on mate, you will make new friends that accept you for who you are and actually want to spend time with you!
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f*ck em, bunch of lady gardens!
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cheers guys, what all you lot have said, is exactly what i've come to realise in the last little while.
one of the reasons im couch surfing now for he summer is because of all thos toss pots, they basically all just f*cked off and got a house with out so much as thinking about me even tho they all knew my other house mates were moving to different parts of the country.
f*ck 'em, im moving on, im still in a pretty good place in my life right now, meeting new mates all the time.
if people dont like me or want to know me? f*ck em.
connor, good thing i dont have your number then eh
andy, exactly what i plan to do mate. ill have 'plans' if they ever want to meet up. which i probably will, either working, or fixing matts car, or ace, thats the next 3 weeks taken care of haha
hahaha funny thing is Liam, they aren't students anymore! they all graduated a year or two ago (i repeated, a couple of times, then changed course, year number 4 for me!)
damn striaght kingy.
thats what im here for Jamie, just to get your day rolling!
hit the nail on the head poodle
true that Niall, atleast you lot are interested (or are good at acting it) when i bang on about my car all the time
thats it Tom, if they want to know, f*ck em. there is always other people to meet who'll actually put the effort in once and a while
indeed danny, it pissed me off at first, but now i know that people aren't reliable and seem to not care, so put your willy in their bum and tell em to do one
spot on jonny, the ones that are worth anything will stick around, the others will fade out
damn straight Mark, i wont be helping any of them out in a hurry! yep, that is a bit shit, im just glad that my proper mates, some of them who i've known for 8 years or so from school, even tho we dont keep in much contact, i know that if we organise a time to meet up, we will, and it'll be exactly like old times
eloquent answer matt! but true
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(24-07-2012, 07:46 AM)Niall Wrote: (24-07-2012, 07:39 AM)Poodle Wrote: I dont have many people id call friends any more tbh, bit sad, but this is exactly why. Similar thing happened while i was still at uni: all my mates moved into a couple of houses together and just stopped making any effort to see me, except when they wanted something, of course. f*ck em, treasure the people that are good mates and sod the rest.
I thought I was your friend 
Youre more than a friend babes.
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People are shit.
You really know who your real friends are over a period of time. There was a little group of us who went to the same school and despite going to separate colleges and subsequently universities or straight into work etc we are still in touch. Apart from one person.
Always there when we have a big meet up but when someone needs to go for a drink to drown their sorrows, no where to be seen. Worst part is that he won't even respond to texts or facebook messages.
Last time I saw him I walked up to him and pretended to be really surprised - I told him I wasn't aware he was even still alive!
Disclaimer: The above is not to be taken to heart and is probably a joke, grow up you big girl.
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I think just from being on OC though really shows how there is some decent people left on this planet though.. FCS camping was a great example.. hadn't even met some of you before and it was like we'd been friends for ages! Not to mention the fact of the donations from you guys to actually get us there! All legends! (Well.. most of you  )
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I think the thing with OC is thats theres atleast one common interest (basically if you didn't like cars why are you here lol) so that brings like minded people together.........most of your other 'friends' will be ones you were forced into a classroom with......and eventually tolerated them lol.
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This is why I really wanna make FCS next year, I'd enjoy getting wasted with you lot
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Yeah.. it was probably the best bit of FCS liam
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true that. we all seem to be a decent bunch on here, easy to get a long with, easy to get pissed with, and everyone is willing to help everyone else out. THATS how it should be!
and f*ck yeah, fcs is the tits
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All you gotta do is get your arse down here and party sam
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fuuuuuuuuuuuuck yeaaahhhhhhhh!!!!
wanna, but end of the month innit, bank is emptyyyy
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After you get paid then!
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yes! i do need a trip out to the west c*ntry! gunna have to organise a weekend!
(you knobbers still coming to ace on the 4th?)
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Yeah should be mate, expect it'll be in the HDi rather than the win-mobile though
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go on the piss sat night? kip in the car then drive home sunday? ? ?
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Hmmm.. we shall see what the bitches say.. and yes i mean andy and emma