For sale GTIDI-5 need it gone. Offers

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For sale GTIDI-5 need it gone. Offers
(14-07-2014, 09:55 AM)strictly_perv Wrote: It's an easy thing to change, being my sisters car I never got round to registering it to my name. If your interested just make an offer Smile

can it be changed on v5 to make it be same insurance as a Dturbo then?
Phase 1 D-Turdo, K14@24 psi, De-cat, meaty backbox, Bosch pump, grinded LDA pin, duel air fed K&N =133.7bhp & 188ft/lbs
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It'll never be the same as a factory released diesel, but it will come down if you change it.
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Well it was the same with me James, £2 more that a 1.5D.....they just insured it under a Dturbo.
Stage 2 XUD Sedan
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pmed you Smile
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Whether it's V5 registered as a '6 or a DT will make NO difference to the insurance price, insurance doesn't go by what the V5 says, it goes by what it is.
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(15-07-2014, 08:35 PM)JJ0063 Wrote: Whether it's V5 registered as a '6 or a DT will make NO difference to the insurance price, insurance doesn't go by what the V5 says, it goes by what it is.

ok, interesting to know . . . . .
Phase 1 D-Turdo, K14@24 psi, De-cat, meaty backbox, Bosch pump, grinded LDA pin, duel air fed K&N =133.7bhp & 188ft/lbs
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Hmmm. Not my experience, but that said it's been nearly 10 years since I tried to insure a car with the wrong engine in tbh!!

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As JJblabla says.

This is sold now Sad
Stage 2 XUD Sedan
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(15-07-2014, 08:35 PM)JJ0063 Wrote: Whether it's V5 registered as a '6 or a DT will make NO difference to the insurance price, insurance doesn't go by what the V5 says, it goes by what it is.

insurance: whats the reg sir?
you: XYZ123
insurance: thats a 306 gti6
you:no its had an engine cange to a DT
insurance: ooow have you an engineers report for the modification?
you: no
insurance:we wont insure modified cars without this report
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Cully, what I mean is it doesn't matter if it's a '6, 1.4 or a 5.0 v8, what it WAS makes NO difference..
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yes it does it needs do be declared and most insurance want a engineers report to say the mod is safe

or am i missing the point ?
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Oh really? I know of 3 instances (2 being my own cars) and have never needed a report. That's with 3 different companies too.
Stage 2 XUD Sedan
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(18-07-2014, 07:18 PM)cully Wrote: yes it does it needs do be declared and most insurance want a engineers report to say the mod is safe

or am i missing the point ?

Cully this is my profession, lol.

It doesn't matter that this used to be a GTI6, it could have been a 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, XSI, HDI... Anything. The insurance price is not calculated on what the car WAS, it's calculated on what it is now. You won't pay GTI 6 insurance prices. Why would an insurer care about what a car once was? It's not what they are insuring.
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Gotta admit i got that impression from most companys until i switched to flux, first company ive used where they actually have some sense about cars in relation to mods.
Doesnt even own a 306.
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From what I remember; the MOT verified the safety of the car and technically overruled the engineers report. When speaking to the DVLA and the MOR garage (lynx engineering) they were happy to carry out an engineers report but said the MOT would suffice for the insurance.

Lynx we're satisfied with the work and the MOT etc, as were the insurance company.
Diablo Hdi Dturbo and 205 1.9 project - it lives!
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MOT does NOT overrule an engineers report to say the engine change is could be held in with plastic bolts ...mot wouldn't even pick up on it...

From my experience it makes no odds what the car was before....HOWEVER they will not just insure it as a d turbo...they seem to add a premium just for the fact its a conversion...the logbook makes no odds to anything however its illegal to drive without changing it. Which literally takes 2 minutes and a postage stamp so I have no idea why you wouldn't...
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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car is for sale £500 takes it
in Fareham Hampshire

any one interested give me a call on 07508859089 after 3pm

hope its ok to nick this topic instead of starting anther one
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(19-07-2014, 07:02 AM)darrenjlobb Wrote: From my experience it makes no odds what the car was before....HOWEVER they will not just insure it as a d turbo...they seem to add a premium just for the fact its a conversion...the logbook makes no odds to anything however its illegal to drive without changing it. Which literally takes 2 minutes and a postage stamp so I have no idea why you wouldn't...

I am STILL trying to change it, written SO many letters and SO many phone calls. I sent the logbook off initially in October last year!

Its like I have installed a hyperdrive the way they are treating it. Freaking annoying as the taxation class is the same etc. Does my nut. Need to chase actually its been over a month since I last heard from them
Wishes for more power...
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(23-07-2014, 07:18 PM)maxlee Wrote: car is for sale £500 takes it
in Fareham Hampshire

any one interested give me a call on 07508859089 after 3pm

hope its ok to nick this topic instead of starting anther one

Why you selling having just bought it i assume?? I was really interested until my insurance wouldnt touch me on it Sad
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bought it drove it back home 10ish miles parked it on the drive...
bloke buying one of my ranger rovers let me down picked up a garage monday&tuesday that i have to sort out etc etc
so really after all i thought don't have time for a project
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