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XUD boat business - help (Rowell/Lobb?)
Hello! Right yes awesome Idea and one I have had before. Obviously custom mounts and stuff are needed to put the engine in a boat and it being turbod is epic. What size boat are we looking at here?

Im not sure how the fuel efficiency will work pushing water and i would have thought that standard RPMs are going to be too high and cause cavitation so there will need to be some kind of gearing down however i presume the standard gearbox would do that. From the evinrude engine on my speedboat the throttle is controled by a wire to the control lever in the front so i would have thought attaching the accelerator would be easy. The problem I can see is that normally you push the lever forwards to go and back to reverse so that is the main problem as to how you are going to change gears via a lever. Ideally youd want an automatic gearbox of some kind.

Standard cooling relies on air going pass the radiator so if youre using this out at sea... youre going to get salt in the radiator and a lot of the time you wont be going fast enough for the standard cooling to be used. My engine takes in water from the leg just infront of the propellor and then chucks it out once it has taken the heat away. Some kind of custom cooling would probably be needed to suck in sea water from one side of the boat and chuck it out the other. And then you need to think about how you are going to flush the salt out of the system when the boat isnt in use!

Anyway the engine itself should be awesome but the problem comes with the gears Tongue Also remember weight as if its just plonked in where a lighter engine might be you may end up looking a bit daft! I imagine with the money and engineers behind it that this should all be possible and should be epic!
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RE: XUD boat business - help (Rowell/Lobb?) - by Eeyore - 22-06-2012, 03:39 PM

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