17-05-2012, 12:18 PM
Daniel306 Wrote:Is it worth testing the xperia s or should i got for a iphone 4s for a extra £3 a month and about £20 today, im not a iphone fan tho
personally, id stay away from xperia, BUT, the x10 that i have is an epic pile of shite. they might have fixed it for the later versions. have a look around for current reviews and see what problems (if any) that people are having with them.
mark_airey Wrote:samass Wrote:oh yeah, like mark said, avoid the wildfire, and any variations like the plague. terrible, terrible phone. so slow.
The original Wildfire is an alright phone TBH, the newer "Wildfire S" is a crock of shite however!
my ex had a wildfire, always really slow, never really worked very well at all
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