17-05-2012, 10:19 AM
Daniel306 Wrote:All-you-can-eat-data allowance on your phone this feature allows un-restricted data access without any fair use policy,
this is what they said, but i really have no idea about it all
from their website smallprint here - http://www.three.co.uk/smallprint/terms ... 0469566802
I found this

Quote:Does all you can eat data come with any limits? The limit is how much your device can consume â?? if you were to actively use data or the Internet on your phone every second, of every day, in every month (and we would be worried if you were !!!!) you would, subject to the current traffic management requirements (which vary from time to time), use up to 1000GB per month. So in essence there is a limit of how much data you can actually consume which is up to 1000GB. All this means that you can have absolute piece of mind and enjoy all the internet you need on your smartphone, without worrying.