14-05-2012, 08:24 PM
c.a.r. Wrote:The fact that it looks like a car park and those cars have been kept in very good condition (ie. none have a thick layer of dust on or look particularly dirty) suggests that they were probably stored somewhere during a museum refurbishment or prior to a car show of some description.
Either way, that cabriolet was the giveaway. Shiny paint and the top down = not been there for long at all!
Car that stood out most to me was the Dakar-looking 405s. They look so epic. Couldn't see any Maxi 306s
A few of them do have a good layer of dust over the wind screen which would suggest to me that they had been stood for some time. But it is an odd set uo as i spotted a 107 and a 206cc so there were some recent cars there to